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Austerity in Service

His Divine Grace
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj,
31 December 2010, morning


Vrindavan Das Thakur wrote the song Sri Hari-vasare Hari-kirtana-vidhana, composed Chaitanya-bhagavat... How does he know everything? A thirteen-year-old boy, he did not go to school, did not study, but how much he wrote! How much mercy he got! He lived in Denur, in the house of the local landlord Ramahari Chakravarti, and he did bhajan, composed Chaitanya-bhagavat, and served there the vigraha of Nitai Gaur. He also preached in that area. Nityananda Prabhu had ordered him, "It is not necessary for you to go with Me, stay here," and he followed His instruction.

সংসার সংসার ক'রে মিছে গেল কাল ।
লাভ না হইল কিছু ঘটিল জঞ্জাল ॥
কিসের সংসার এই, ছায়াবাজী প্রায় ।
ইহাতে মমতা করি' বৃথা দিন যায় ॥

'samsara' 'samsara' ka're michhe gela kala
labha na ha-ila kichhu ghatila janjala
kisera samsara ei, chhayabaji praya
ihate mamata kari' vrtha dina yaya

Time has passed in the affairs of material household life, and I have got nothing—only became burdened... As if spellbound, I was attracted to this pointless material life, and being so much engrossed into it I pass my days in vain.

Kalyan-kalpataru, 3.2.4

We must be humble, tolerant and give honour to others. Big things are waiting for you, but you will not get it if you are not tolerant. We must be tolerant.

আর কবে নিতাইচাঁদ করুণা করিবে ।
সংসার-বাসনা মোর কবে তুচ্ছ হ'বে ॥

ara kabe nitaichand karuna karibe
samsara-vasana mora kabe tuchha ha'be

When will Nitaichand give mercy to me? When will all my material desires become insignificant?

'Prarthana' by Srila Narottam Das Thakur

Nityananda means Gurudev...

What is service? Service means you will get some austerity. You think in your service everything will go smoothly, but it is impossible—everything cannot go smoothly. Krishna will test you, will examine you: how much tolerance do you have? How much love and affection do you have for the Lord and for your Guru? If some austerity comes, will you think, "Oh, I will leave my Guru," will you think, "I cannot stay here, I will go into hiding"? What is the service mood? Service means you must get some austerity—you cannot hope that everything will go smooth in your service.



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The Key to Success:
Mood vs. Background
There exists a belief that when one is born in a certain background, the background will dominate their life and practices. Is it really so, and what is necessary to escape it?


Namo namah tulasi maharani
'By seeing or touching you, O Tulasi, all sins are destroyed. Your glories are sung in the Vedas and Puranas.'
নমো নমঃ তুলসী মহারাণি

If we live following what Gurudev said and tell others about it, we can easily continue our spiritual life, and that will be our true success.