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(2) Half-Hen Ill Logic His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Sridhar Maharaj was not a fool. He consciously took the decision to make our Gurudev his successor; otherwise, if he was foolish, there were other brahmacharis at the temple, and he could give any of them sannyas and make them the guru. Why did he then choose the person who left the temple and got married? Why did he bring him back and make him the guru? We say that we are devotees of Srila Sridhar Maharaj, but we do not respect and do not have faith in the person whom he made the guru. Very nice! What is this? In the same way, we say that we respect Srila Govinda Maharaj, but we do not respect the person whom he seated as the guru – we do not follow his words. We have faith in Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj, we respect him, we are devoted to him, but we do not respect and do not listen to the person whom he left to nurture and take care of you all. What is this? How does this work? How can one be like this? You respect one and do not respect the other! This is half-hen logic! Have you not read about half-hen logic in Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita? Do you remember who said it? Do you remember the name? It was Ramdas Minaketan, a disciple, or a devotee, of Sriman Nityananda Prabhu. There were two brothers in Jhamatpur Baharan, Krishna Das and Govinda Das. One day, there was an twenty-four-hour (asta-prahar) kirtan at the house of Govinda Das. They kept Mahaprabhu's Deity at the house and worshipped Him alone, without Nityananda Prabhu. When Ramdas Minaketan came there. The brahman who was doing the worship (his name was Gunarnava Misra) did not particularly like Nityananda Prabhu because Nityananda Prabhu would go to different houses, eat at random houses, etc. Who was able to recognise Nityananda Prabhu? Who had this kind of ability? Mahaprabhu gave Him recognition. One day, Mahaprabhu spoke to Srivas Pandit. 'Have you given a place at your house to this man?' Mahaprabhu asked, looking at Nityananda Prabhu. 'He does not have any house, He does not have any means. How could you give this stranger shelter at your house?' 'Prabhu,' Srivas answered, 'You are testing me, are you not? I see!' So, who do you think is able to recognise Nityananda Prabhu? He eats at random houses, He wears saffron clothes today, white clothes tomorrow, and then yellow or blue clothes another day. He wears bangles on His wrists, earrings in His ears, and a big, long garland on his neck. Seeing His appearance, everybody says, 'Who is this man? What kind of man is He?' Gunarnava Misra also thought like that. There was also another brahman who spoke bad about Nityananda Prabhu, but Mahaprabhu told him, 'You do not know who Nityananda Prabhu is! Go and explain to everyone who He is!' This is described beautifully in the book Nityananda Mahimamrita, if you read it, you will find it there. So, Gunarnava Mista liked Mahaprabhu but did not like Nityananda Prabhu, so when Ramdas Minaketan came to Krishna Das's house, Gunarnava Mista did not even give him a place to sit because He did not like Nityananda Prabhu, so when Nityananda Prabhu's disciple came, he did not like him too. Ramdas Minaketan came to Krishna Das and told him what had happened. Krishna Das's hair stood on end. He thought, 'My God, what has my brother done?!' He went to his brother and told to his face, 'What kind of worship are you doing? What is the use of your asta-prahar kirtan? What is the use of your vaishnav-seva? It is all useless! You are worshipping Gauranga, but when Nityananda Prabhu's disciple, Ramdas Minaketan, comes, your pujari not only did not offer him your obeisances, he did not even give him a place to sit!' At night, Krishna Das received Nityananda Prabhu's mercy. Nityananda Prabhu came to him in a dream and said, 'O Krishna Das! Do not stay in this Jhamatpur, come to Vrindavan! Your brother is a great sinner, do not associate with him. Leave this house.' In the morning, Krishna Das woke up and immediately set off for Vrindavan. Such was his mood. One time, somebody asked Guru Maharaj (Srila B.S. Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj), 'What does ardha-kukkuti-nyaya (অর্ধকুক্কুটী-ন্যায়) mean?' There is no explanation of this word in Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, so Guru Maharaj explained it. 'Kukkuti' means a hen. Everybody knows that eggs fall out of the hen's backside. So, half-hen logic means that I will keep only the bottom part of the hen, where eggs come from, and I will throw the other half away as it is redundant. What will I get then? I think that I will get only eggs, but I will actually get nothing. So, what this means is that if you love Gauranga but not Nityananda, you have faith in Gauranga but not in Nityananda, you will get nothing. You cannot worship Them separately. They are actually One body but manifest Themselves in two forms (eki ange—dui rupa Gaura-Nitai; eki ange—dui rupa Krsna-Balaram). There is no difference between Krishna and Balaram or Gaura and Nitiai – They perform one pastime, but They take two forms, asraya-vigraha (embodiment of shelter) and visaya-vigraha (embodiment of the object of worship), to perform Their one common pastime. You can see so many gopis are also created to enact the Lord's parakiya (paramour) pastimes. There is only one male, Krishna, and all others are female. We are all female. To nourish Krishna's pastimes, so many universes and souls in different bodies are created by Brahma...
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