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(2/5) Surrender or Lose

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Preaching in Basirhat, evening programme,
13 December 2020, part 2


You all know that there is a combined form of Radha Krishna. Krishna stole Radharani's heart and halo. We say that in this Kali-yuga, Radharani comes as Gadadhar, but if Gadadhar is Radharani, then how is possible that Krishna steals Radharani's heart and halo? It is possible. Krishna steals Her heart and halo, and whatever is left of Her comes as Gadadhar. Taking Radharani's heart and halo, Krishna comes as Gauranga.

Gauranga went door to door in this world, saying (we sing it every day):

জীব জাগ, জীব জাগ, গোরাচাঁদ বলে ।
কত নিদ্রা যাও মায়া-পিশাচীর কোলে ॥

jiva jago, jiva jago, gorachanda bale
kata nidra yao maya-pisachira kole

'Sri Gorachand says, "Wake up, souls! Wake up! How much longer will you sleep in the lap of the witch Maya?"'

(Sri Gitavali, Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur)

পিশাচী পাইলে যেন মতিচ্ছন্ন হয় ।

মায়াগ্রস্ত জীবের হয় সে ভাব উদয় ॥

pisachi paile yena mati-chchhanna haya
maya-grasta jivera haya se bhava udaya

'Those who are possessed by a ghost become delirious, and the same condition arises in those who are seized by Maya, illusion.'

(Sri Sri Prema-vivarta, 6.3)

We are possessed by a ghost! Because we are captured by Maya, we find ourselves in illusion: we do not understand or know anything except ourselves. We always think about our own interests, we always think about our bodies (we always think how we can bring happiness to our bodies). We do not think about the benefit of our souls. 'How can my soul get benefit?' – this thought never occurs to us.

Do you know how our Param Guru Maharaj (Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj) led spiritual life? It is said in the scriptures:

জিহ্বার লালসে যেই ইতি-উতি ধায় ।
শিশ্নোদরপরায়ণ সে কৃষ্ণ নাহি পায় ॥

jihvara lalase yei iti-uti dhaya
sisnodara-parayana se krsna nahi paya

'One who is subservient to the tongue and who thus goes here and there, devoted to the genitals and the belly, cannot attain Krishna.'

(Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, 3.6.227)

Param Guru Maharaj's mother, Sri Gauri Devi, would cry when she fed Param Guru Maharaj. She would cook so many things for her son, but he would only eat neem-pata rasa (boiled neem leaves [neem leaves are repugnantly bitter] with some salt) with rice. He did not eat anything else. He thought, 'My tongue, you have been eating chewed, sucked, licked and drunk items for such a long time, but I am going to punish you now!' This is how he moulded himself. But we go here and there and all sorts of things to satisfy the greed of our tongues. 'I want to eat nice things', 'I want to wear nice things', 'I want live a good life.' Unless you start thinking, 'I want to serve well' – unless this consciousness comes to you – you will not be able to understand or achieve anything.

It is said in the scriptures:

কৃষ্ণবর্ণং ত্বিষাঽকৃষ্ণং সাঙ্গোপাঙ্গাস্ত্রপার্ষদম্ ।
যজ্ঞৈঃ সঙ্কীর্ত্তনপ্রায়ৈর্যজন্তি হি সুমেধসঃ ॥

krsna-varnam tvisakrsnam sangopangastra-parsadam
yajnaih sankirtana-prayair yajanti hi su-medhasah

'Intelligent people engage in sankirtana-yajna (congregational chanting of the Holy Name) to worship the Lord on whose lips the Holy Name of Krishna dances, whose complexion is black but garbed in golden lustre, and who comes together with His associates and weapons.'

(Srimad Bhagavatam, 11.5.32)

In this Age of Kali, Gauranga Mahaprabhu came to fight against Maya (illusory environment): taking drums and karatals, He preached and distributed the Holy Name in this world. But this Holy Name is now sold to people for money. People think only about their own interests and about their own gain. This is very sad. We must always try to give something to this world – the more you give, the more you will gain. The more you give to the Lord, the more you will gain in return. You have your mind, heart, body; what else do you have? Money, wealth, houses, cars – these are all temporary things. You must surrender your mind, heart and body to the Lord, you must surrender to the holy feet of the Lord, then only will we get genuine benefit. There is no other way to get such benefit.


— : • : —





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Size: 11.8 Mb
Length: 23 min
Language: Bengali




1) Uncling from Maya
2) Surrender or Lose
3) Control Yourself
4) Purged Perpetrator
5) Disciples' Pitfalls




Strike While the Iron Is Hot
'You think, 'I will chant the Holy Name tomorrow—I will wait today, and from tomorrow I will start.' Are you sure you are going to be in this world tomorrow?'

Why do you become tired? Until death—for as long as you have life in this body—you must continue your spiritual life, you must continue your practitioner's life! That is the most important thing for us in our life.