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Kirtans Sung during Kartik Month


Sri Sri Damodarastakam

By Sri Satyavrata Muni

namamisvaram sach-chid-ananda-rupam
lasat-kundalam gokule bhrajamanam
yasoda-bhiyolukhalad dhavamanam
paramrstam atyam tato drutya gopya [1]

namamisvaram – obeisance to the Supreme Lord; sach-chid-ananda-rupam – possessing an eternal, cognisant and blissful form; lasat – shining; kundalam – earrings; gokule – in Gokula; bhrajamanam – resplendent; yasoda – Mother Yasoda; bhiya-ulukhalad – afraid of a mortar; dhavamanam – running; paramrstam – grasped, handled roughly; atyam – extremely; tato – then; drutya – quickly; gopya – gopi.

I am offering my obeisance to the eternal, all-cognisant and blissful Supreme Lord who wears shining earrings and is resplendent in His eternal abode, Gokula, who runs away from a mortar in fear of His Mother Yasoda but is then outsmarted and caught roughly by her.

rudantam muhur netra-yugmam mrjantam
karambhoja-yugmena satanka-netram
muhuh svasa-kampa-trirekhanka-kantha
sthita-graivam damodaram bhakti-baddham [2]

rudantam – weeping; muhur – bitterly; netra-yugmam – two eyes; mrjantam – wiping; kara-ambhoja – lotus hands; yugmena – two; satanka – fearful; netram – eyes; muhuh – again and again; svasa – breathing; kampa – shake; trirekhanka-kantha – neck decorated with three lines, like a conch; sthita – situated on; graivam – necklace; damodaram – Lord Damodar (Krishna), who is tied around His belly by a rope; bhakti-baddham – bound by devotion.

I am offering my obeisance to Lord Damodar (who was tied around His belly with a rope), who is crying bitterly and wiping His fearful eyes with His lotus hands. He is sobbing again and again, which makes the necklace on His chubby neck (adorned with three sweet lines) shake.

itidrk sva-lilabhir ananda-kunde
sva-ghosam nimajjantam akhyapayantam
tadiyesita-jnesu bhaktair jitatvam
punah prematas tam satavrtti vande [3]

iti-drk – this sight; sva-lilabhir – by His pastimes; ananda-kunde – in a pond of bliss; sva-ghosam – His associates; nimajjantam – immerse; akhyapayantam – spread, make known; tadiya-isita – His absolute supremacy; jnesu – knowers; bhaktair – by the devotees; jitatvam – subdued; punah – again; prematas – with love; tam – onto Him; sata-avrtti – hundreds of times; vande – I offer my obeisance.

He immerses His associates into an ocean of bliss by the sight of His pastimes and makes it known among scholars who know His absolute supremacy that He becomes subjugated by His devotee. Hundreds of times I am offering with love my obeisances to this Lord.

varam deva moksam na moksavadhim va
na chanyam vrne 'ham varesad apiha
idan te vapur natha! gopala-balam
sada me manasy avirastam kim anyaih [4]

varam – best; deva – God; moksam – libration; na – or; moksa-avadhim – highest limit of liberation; va – or; na – not; cha-anyam – anything else; vrne – am asking for; 'ham – I; varesad – by giver of benediction; api-iha – although in this world; idan – this; te – Your; vapur – beauty; natha – Lord; gopala-balam – young cowherd; sada – always; me – my; manasy – in [my] mind; avirastam – appearing; kim – what, what for; anyaih – other.

O Greatest Lord, although You can bestow any benediction in this world, I do not wish for ordinary liberation or the highest liberation, or anything else. My Lord, may Your beauty as a young cowherd boy always appear in my mind. What is the use of any other benediction?

idan te mukhambhojam avyakta-nilair
vrtam kuntalaih snigdha-raktais cha gopya
muhus chumbitam bimba-raktadharam me
manasy avirastam alam laksa-labhaih [5]

idan – this; te – Your; mukha-ambhojam – lotus face; avyakta – unmanifest, hard to discern; nilair – bluish; vrtam – surrounded; kuntalaih – by the locks of Your hair; snigdha – affectionate; raktais – reddish; cha – and; gopya – maidservants; muhus – repeatedly; chumbitam – kissed; bimba – [like] bimba fruit, scarlet gourd; raktadharam – with red lips; me – my; manasy – in [my] mind; avirastam – appear; alam – truly; laksa – thousands; labhaih – gains.

Your dark-bluish lotus face is framed by beautiful locks of hair, and it bears reddish marks of affection left after the kisses gopis plant on You with their scarlet lips. May this image always appear in my mind, it is truly worth thousands of benedictions.

namo deva! damodarananta! visno!
prasida prabho! duhkha-jalabdhi-magnam
krpa-drsti-vrstyati-dinam batanu-
grhanesa! mam ajnamedhy-aksi drsyah [6]

namo – I offer my obeisance to; deva – the Lord; damodara-ananta – Damodar, Ananta (Unlimited); visno – Vishnu (Maintainer); prasida – be gracious; prabho – Lord; duhkha – unhappiness; jala-abdhi – ocean of water; magnam – plunged; krpa-drsti – merciful glance; vrstyati – shower; dinam – very poor, wretched; bata-anugrhana-isa – O Lord who shows kindness; mam – to me; ajna-amedhy – ignorant and foolish; aksi – [to my] eyes; drsyah – appear.

Obeisances, O Lord! O Damodar! O Ananta! O Vishnu! Be gracious, O Master! I am drowning in an ocean of misery. O merciful Lord, please shower this wretch with Your merciful glance! Please appear before the eyes of this ignorant fool.

kuveratmajau baddha-murttyaiva yadvat
tvaya mochitau bhakti-bhajau krtau cha
tatha prema-bhaktim svakam me prayachchha
na mokse graho me 'sti damodareha [7]

kuveratmajau – sons of Kuver (Manigriv and Nalakuvar); baddha – bondage; murttyaiva – became liberated; yadvat – just as; tvaya – by Your; mochitau – freed, released; bhakti – devotion; bhajau – as; krtau – make; cha – and; tatha – yet; prema – loving; bhaktim – by devotion; svakam – Your; me – me; prayachchha – please give; na – not; mokse – liberation; graho – receive; me – me; 'sti – may; damodareha – O Lord Damodar.

O Lord Damodar, just as You liberated the two sons of Kuver (Manigriv and Nalakuvar) from their bondage, please liberate me by bestowing devotion to You. But please dive me pure loving devotion to You, not liberation.

namas te 'stu damne sphurad-dipti-dhamne
tvadiyodarayatha visvasya dhamne
namo radhikayai tvadiya-priyayai
namo 'nanta-lilaya devaya tubhyam [8]

namas te astu – I offer my obeisance to Your; damne – rope; sphurad – gleaming; dipti – lustre; dhamne – abode; tvadiya-udarayatha – around Your belly; visvasya – of the universe; dhamne – abode; namo – my obeisances; radhikayai – to Sri Radhika; tvadiya – Your; priyayai – beloved; namo – my obeisances; 'nanta – unlimited, countless; lilaya – pastimes; devaya – Lord; tubhyam – to You.

I offer my obeisances to the rope, an abode of gleaming lustre, tied around Your belly, an abode of the entire universe. Obeisances to Your beloved Sri Radhika. Obeisances to You, O Lord of unlimited pastimes!


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Sri Sriman Mahaprabhur Sata-Nama
(100 Names of Sriman Mahaprabhu)

By Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur

nadiya-nagare nitai neche' neche' gaya re

Dancing and dancing, Nitai is singing all over Nadia:


jagannatha-suta mahaprabhu visvambhara
mayapura-sasi navadvipa-sudhakara [1]

(1) He is the son of Jagannath Misra, (2) He is Mahaprabhu, the Greatest Lord, (3) He is Vishvambhar (the maintainer of the world), (4) He is the moon of Mayapur, (5) He is the purifier of Nabadwip.

sachi-suta gaura-hari nimai-sundara
radha-bhava-kanti-achchhadita natabara [2]

(6) He is the son of Sachi Mata, (7) He is Gaurahari, the Supreme Lord of golden lustre, (8) He is Nimaisundar (beautiful Nimai, born under a neem tree), (9) He is the great dancer (Krishna) garbed in Sri Radha's heart and halo.

namananda chapala balaka matr-bhakta
brahmanda-vadana tarki kautukanurakta [3]

(10) He is joyful when He hears or chants the Holy Name, (11) He is a restless and vivacious small boy devoted to His Mother, (12) He keeps all universes in His mouth, (13) He is expert in argument, (14) He is fond of pranks and jokes.


vidyarthi-udupa chaura-dvayera mohana
tairthika-sarvasva gramya-balika kridana [1]

(15) He is the moon among scholarly prodigies; (16) He charms two thieves, (17) He is all-in-all of logicians, (18) He plays with village girls.

laksmi-prati bara-data uddhata balaka
sri-sachira pati-putra soka nibaraka [2]

(19) He bestows a boon on Laksmipriya, (20) He is a headstrong, insolent youth, (21) He is the son of Sachi Mata's husband, (22) He is the mitigator of all grief.

laksmi-pati purva-desa-sarva-klesa-hara
digvijayi-darpa-hari visnupriyesvara [3]

(23) He is the husband of Laskmi, (24) He steals all miseries of eastern lands, (25) He steals the pride of Digvijayi Pandit, (26) He is the Lord of Vishnupriya.


arya-dharma-pala pitr-gaya pinda-data
puri-sisya madhvacharya-sampradaya-pata [1]

(27) He upkeeps the highest religion, (28) He makes an offering in Gaya for His father, (29) He is a disciple of [Sri Isvar] Puri, (30) He protects the lineage of Madhva Acharya.

krsna-namonmatta krsna-tattva adhyapaka
nama-sankirtana-yuga-dharma-pravartaka [2]

(31) He is intoxicated with the Name of Krishna, (32) He teaches about Krishna, (33) He establishes congregational chanting of the Holy Name as the religion for the Age of Kali.

advaita bandhava srinivasa-grha-dhana
nityananda-prana gadadharera jivana [3]

(34) He is a friend of Advaita Acharya, (35) He is the treasure of Srivas's home, (36) He is the life and soul of Nityananda, (37) He is the life of Gadadhar.


antardvipa-sasadhara simanta-vijaya
godruma bihari madhyadvipa lilasraya [1]

(38) He is the moon of Antardwip, (39) He is the victory of Simanta, (40) He enjoys His pastimes in Godrum, (41) He is the shelter of Madhyadwip pastimes.

koladvipa pati rtudvipa mahesvara
jahnu modadruma rudradvipera isvara [2]

(42) He is the Master of Koladwip, (43) He is the grand Lord of Ritudwip, (44) He is the Lord of Jahnu, (45) Modadrum and (46) Rudra islands.

nava-khanda-ranga-natha jahnavi jivana
jagai-madhai-adi durvrtta-tarana [3]

(47) He is the Lord who enjoys His nine-fold pastimes, (48) He is the life of Jahnavi (Ganges), (49) He is the rescuer of the wicked-minded (Jagai, Madhai, and others).


nagara-kirtana-simha kaji uddharana
suddha-nama-pracharaka bhaktartti-harana [1]

(50) He is the lion among congregational chanters on the street, (51) He is the rescuer of Chad Kazi, (52) He is the preacher of pure Holy Name, (53) He steals devotees' distress.

narayani-krpa-sindhu jivera niyanta
adhama-paduya-dandi bhakta-dosa-hanta [2]

(54) He is an ocean of mercy bestowed upon Narayani, (55) He is the controller Sri Jiva, (56) He is the chastiser of the fallen student (57) He is the slayer of devotees' faults.

sri-krsna-chaitanya-chandra bharati-tarana
parivraja-siromani utkala-pavana [3]

(58) He is Sri Krishna Chaitanya, (59) He saved Keshav Bharati, (60) He is the crest-jewel among mendicants, (61) He is the saviour of Odisha.


ambu-linga bhuvanesa kapotesa pati
ksira-chora gopala darsana-sukhi yati [1]

(62) He is the Lord of Ambu-linga, (63) Bhuvanesvar and (64) Kapotesvar (65) He is an ascetic who feels happy to have the darshan of Ksir-Chor Gopinath and (66) Gopal.

nirddandi-sannyasi sarvabhauma-krpamaya
svananda-asvadanandi sarva-sukhasraya [2]

(67) He is a staff-less monk, (68) He is merciful to Sarvabhauma, (69) He rejoices to taste His own joy, (70) He is the shelter of all happiness.

purata-sundara vasudeva-trana-karta
ramananda-sakha bhatta-kula klesa-harta [3]

(71) He is beautiful Golden Lord, (72) He gives relief to Vasudev Vipra, (73) He is the friend of Ramananda Ray, (74) He robs the family of Vyenkata Bhatta of all miseries.


daksina-pavana bhakti-grantha-uddharana [1]

(75) He breaks the arguments of Buddhists, (76) Jains and (77) mayavadis, (78) He is the saviour of South India, (79) He rescues devotional scrpitures.

alala-darsananandi rathagra-nartaka
gajapati-trana devananda-uddharaka [2]

(80) He rejoices to see Alalnath (Alarnath), (81) He dances in front of chariots during Ratha-yatra, (82) He delivers Gajapati (King Prataparudra), (83) He rescues Devananda.

kuliya-prakase dusta paduyara trana
rupa-sanatana-bandhu sarva-jiva-prana [3]

(84) He appeared in Kuliya and delivered naughty students, (85) He is the friend of Rupa and (86) Sanatan, (87) He is the life and soul of all living entities.


vrndavana-ananda-murti balabhadra-sangi
yavana-uddhari bhatta-vallabhera rangi [1]

(88) He is the personification of Vrindavan bliss, (89) He is a friend of Balabhadra, (90) He delivers Muslims, (91) He is the joy of Vallabha Bhatta.

kasi-basi-sannyasi-uddhari prema-data
markata-vairagi-dandi achandala-trata [2]

(92) He delivers Kashi sannyasis, (93) He is the bestower of divine love, (94) He is the chastiser of false renunciates, (95) He is the saviour of the lowest people.

bhaktera gaurava-kari bhakta-prana-dhana
haridasa-raghunatha-svarupa-jivana [3]

(96) He is the pride of devotees, (97) He is the treasure of devotees' hearts, (98) He is the life of Haridas, (99) Raghunath and (100) Svarup.

nadiya-nagare nitai neche' neche' gaya re
bhakativinoda tan'ra pade ranga-paya re [4]

Dancing and dancing, Nitai is singing this all over Nadia. Bhaktivinod falls at His reddish feet.


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Sri Krsner Vimsottara Sata-Nama
(120 Names of Sri Krishna)

By Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur

nagare nagare gora gay

Gora sings, going village to village:


yasomati stanya-payi sri-nanda-nandana
indra-nila-mani vraja-janera jivana [1]

(1) He drinks Yasoda's milk, (2) He is the son of Nanda Maharaj, (3) He is dark blue, like the indra-nila gem, (4) He is the life of Vraja-basis.

dusta-trnavarta-hanta sakata-bhanjana [2]

(5) He is the night thief of Sri Gokula, (6) He slays Putana, (7) He destroys the wicked demon Trinavarta, (8) He crushes carts.

navanita-chora dadhi-harana-kusala
yamala-arjuna-bhanji govinda gopala [3]

(9) He steals fresh cream, (10) He is expert at snatching yoghurt, (11) He breaks the Yamala Arjuna trees, (12) He is Govinda (gives pleasure to cows and senses), (13) He is Gopal (baby Krishna).


damodara vrndavana-go-vatsa-rakhala
vatsasurantaka hari nija-jana-pala [1]

(14) He is Damodar (tied by the rope), (15) He is the protector of Vrindavan cows and calves, (16) He is killer of the demon Vatsa, (17) He is the Supreme Lord Hari, (18) He takes care of His devotees.

baka-satru agha-hanta brahma-vimohana
dhenuka-nasana krsna kaliya-damana [2]

(19) He is the enemy of Baka, (20) He is the slayer of Agha, (21) He is the enchanter of Brahma, (22) He is the destroyer of Dhenuka, (23) He is Krishna (the all-attractive Sweet Absolute), (24) He is the subduer of Kaliya.

pitambara sikhi-puchchha-dhari venu-dhara
bhandira-kanana-lila davanala-hara [3]

(25) He dresses in yellow clothes, (26) He wears a peacock feather on His head, (27) He holds a flute. (28) He performs pastimes in the Bhandira forest, (29) He removes forest fires.


natabara guhachara sarata-bihari
vallabi-vallabha deva gopi-vastra-hari [1]

(30) He is the best dancer, (31) He roams around caves, (32) He enjoys early autumn, (33) He is the sweetheart of His sweethearts, (34) He is God, (35) He steals gopis' clothes.

yajna-patni-gana prati karunara sindhu
govardhana-dhrk madhava vraja-basi-bandhu [2]

(36) He is an ocean of mercy towards brahmans' wives, (37) He is the holder of Govardhan, (38) He is Madhava (enjoys sweet amorous pastimes), (39) He is the friend of all residents of Vraja.

indra-darpa-hari nanda-raksita mukunda
sri-gopi-vallabha rasa-krida purnananda [3]

(40) He is the stealer of Indra's pride, (41) He is the protector of Nanda Maharaj, (42) He is Mukunda (grants liberation), (43) He is the beloved of gopis, (44) He is the enjoyer of the rasa-dance, (45) He is the perfection of bliss.


sri-radha-vallabha radha-madhava sundara
lalita-visakha-adi sakhi-pranesvara [1]

(46) He is the beloved of Sri Radhika, (47) He enjoys sweet pastimes with Sri Radhika, (48) He is Beautiful, (49) He is the Lord of Lalita, Visakha and other sakhis (Srimati Radharani's girlfriends).

nava-jaladhara-kanti madana-mohana
vana-mali smera-mukha gopi-prana-dhana [2]

(50) His halo is the colour of a fresh rain cloud, (51) He is the enchanter of Cupid, (52) He wears forest-flower garlands, (53) He has a sweet smile, (54) He is the life and soul, the treasure of all gopis.

tri-bhangi murali-dhara yamuna-nagara
radha-kunda-ranganeta rasera sagara [3]

(55) He stands bending in three places, (56) He is the holder of the Murali flute. (57) He is the paramour of the Yamuna, (58) He plays at Radha Kunda, (59) He is an ocean of ecstatic devotional mellows.


chandravali-prananatha kautukabhilasi
radha-mana su-lampata milana-prayasi [1]

(60) He is the master of Chandravali, (61) He always likes to play and frolic, (62) He is the pride of Radharani, (63) He is the supreme debauchee, (64) He always seeks trysts.

manasa-gangara dani prasuna-taskara
gopi-saha hatha-kari vraja-vanesvara [2]

(65) He is the giver of Manasa Ganga, (66) He is the thief of flowers, (67) He behaves rash and indiscreet with gopis, (68) He is the Lord of Vraja forests.

gokula-sampad gopa-duhkha-nivarana
durmada-damana bhakta-santapa-harana [3]

(69) He is the wealth of Gokula, (70) He removes all sadness of cowherds, (71) He subdues the intoxicated ruffians, (72) He steals all distress of His devotees.


sudarsana-mochana sri-sankhachurantaka
ramanuja syama-chanda murali-vadaka [1]

(73) He releases Sudarshan, (74) He is the killer of Sankhachur, (75) He is the younger brother of Rama (Balaram), (76) He is the dark moon, Shyamachand, (77) He is the player of the Murali flute.

gopi-gita-srota madhusudana murari
arista-ghataka radha-kundadi-bihari [2]

(78) He listens to gopis's songs, (79) He is Madhusudana (the killer of all doubts; the killer of the demon Madhu) (80) He is Murari, a flute-player, (81) He is the killer of Arista, (82) He enjoys at Radha Kunda and other places.

vyomantaka padma-netra kesi-nisudana
ranga-krida kamsa-hanta malla-praharana [3]

(83) He is the killer of Vyoma, (84) He is lotus-eyed, (85) He is the slayer of Keshi, (86) He likes playing and enjoying, (87) He is the slayer of Kamsa, (88) He beats wrestlers.


vasudeva-suta vrsni-vamsa-kirti-dhvaja
dina-natha mathuresa devaki-garbha-ja [1]

(89) He is the son of Vasudev, (90) He is the emblem of the Vrisni dynasty's fame, (91) He is the Lord of the poor, (92) He is the Lord of Mathura, (93) He appears from the womb of Devaki.

kubja-krpa-maya visnu sauri narayana
dvarakesa narakaghna sri-yadu-nandana [2]

(94) He is merciful to Kubja, (95) He is Vishnu (the maintainer of the world), (96) He is Sauri (descendent of Sura), (97) He is Narayan (Supreme Lord), (98) He is the Lord of Dvaraka, (99) He is the slayer of Naraka, (100) He is the son of the Yadus.

sri-rukmini-kanta satya-pati sura-pala
pandava-bandhava sisupaladira kala [3]

(101) He is the beloved husband of Rukmini, (102) He is the husband of Satya, (103) He is the protector of the godly, (104) He is the friend of the Pandavas, (105) He is the death of Sisupal and others.


jagadisa janardana kesavarta-trana
sarva-avatara-bija visvera nidana [1]

(106) He is the Master of the World, (107) He is the protector of all living beings, (108) He is Keshava who gives relief to all distress, (109) He is the source of all incarnations, (110) He is the cause of all creation.

mayesvara yogesvara brahma-teja-dhara
sarvatmara atma prabhu prakrtira para [2]

(111) He is the Master of Maya, (112) He is the Master of all mystic powers, (113) He holds the effulgent power of brahmans, (114) He is the soul of all souls, (115) He is the Lord situated on the other side from the material world.

patita-pavana jagannatha sarvesvara
vrndavana-chandra sarva-rasera akara [3]

(116) He is merciful to the fallen, (117) He is the Lord of the World, Jagannath, (118) He is the Master of all that be, (119) He is Vrindavan-chandra, the moon of Vrindavan, (120) He is the embodiment of all possible ecstasy.

nagare nagare gora gaya
bhakativinoda tachhu paya [4]

Gora sings this, going village to village. Bhaktivinod is at His feet.


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Sri Sri Siksastakam

(The eight verses spoken by Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu,
and the Giti [Songs] written by Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur)



'Diving deep into the reality of His own beauty and sweetness, Krishna stole the mood of Radharani and, garbing Himself in Her brilliant luster, appeared as Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. For the last twelve years of His manifest pastimes, He was deeply absorbed in the mood of union and separation and shared His heart's inner feelings with His most confidential devotees. In the agony of separation from Krishna, volcanic eruptions of ecstasy flowed from His heart, and His teachings, known as Siksastakam, appeared from His lips like streams of golden lava. I fall at the feet of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the Golden Volcano of Divine Love.'

He was vomiting the fire of painful separation from Krishna in the form of the Siksastakam. Therefore, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is compared to a golden volcano and the Siksastakam is compared to divine lava.

(Srila B.R. Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj)



cheto-darpana-marjanam bhava-mahadavagni-nirvapanam
sreyah-kairava-chandrika-vitaranam vidya-vadhu-jivanam
anandambudhi-vardhanam prati-padam purnamrtasvadanam
sarvatma-snapanam param vijayate sri-krsna-sankirtanam

cheto-darpana – mirror of consciousness, heart; marjanam – cleanses; bhava-mahadavagni – great wildfire of material existence; nirvapanam – extinguishes; sreyah-kairava – white lotus of auspiciousness, mercy; chandrika-vitaranam – spreads moonlight; vidya-vadhu-jivanam – entrance into the life of a newlywed (learn to serve the Lord as a paramour); ananda-ambudhi – ocean of happiness; vardhanam – increases; prati-padam – at every step, at every moment; purna-amrta-asvadanam – relishing perfect nectar; sarvatma-snapanam – bathing [purfying] one's entire being; param – supremely; vijayate – may [it] be victorious; sri-krsna-sankirtanam – congregational chanting of the Names of Krishna.

[1] 'Sri Krishna-sankirtan cleanses the mirror of consciousness and extinguishes the forest fire of material existence; it is a white-lotus moon that sheds rays of mercy, and it prepares one for the life in paramour love for the Lord; it expands the ocean of ecstasy, allows to taste highest nectar at every moment, and purifies the entire self. May this Sri Krishna-sankirtan be supremely victorious!'



pita-varana kali-pavana gora
gaoya-i aichhana bhava-vibhora [1]

pita-varana – of golden complexion; kali-pavana – saviour in the Age of Kali; gora – Gauranga Mahaprabhu; gaoya-i – sings; aichhana – in this way; bhava-vibhora – overwhelmed with divine love.

Golden Gora, the saviour of the Age of Kali, sings as follows, overwhelmed with divine love.

krsna-kirtana jaya chitta-bihari [2]

chitta-darpana – mirror of the heart; pari-marjana kari – cleaner, scourer; krsna-kirtana – glorification of Krishna, chanting Krishna's Names; jaya – glory; chitta-bihari – plays in the heart.

All glory to Krishna-kirtan that cleanses the mirror of the heart and sports in the heart!

krsna-kirtana jaya klesa-nivrtti [3]

hela – contempt; bhava-dava – fire of material existence; nirvapana-vrtti – puts out, calms; krsna-kirtana – glorification of Krishna; jaya – glory; klesa – [three-fold] miseries; nivrtti – removes.

All glory to Krishna-kirtan, the remover of all miseries – it puts out the fire of material existence and contempt!

krsna-kirtana jaya bhakti-vilasa [4]

sreyah – benediction, mercy; kumuda-vidhu – moon-like white lotus; jyotsna – moonlight; prakasa – manifestation; krsna-kirtana – glorification of Krishna; jaya – glory; bhakti-vilasa – delight of devotion

All glory to Krishna-kirtan, the joy of devotion – it manifests itself as the light of the white-lotus moon of benediction!

visuddha-vidya-vadhu-jivana rupa
krsna-kirtana jaya siddha-svarupa [5]

visuddha-vidya – pure, transcendental knowledge; vadhu – a newlywed girl; jivana-rupa – a life; krsna-kirtana – glorification of Krishna; jaya – glory; siddha-svarupa – embodiment of perfection.

All glory to Krishna-kirtan, the embodiment of ultimate perfection: a wedded life in the shelter of transcendental knowledge (about paramour relationship with the Lord).

krsna-kirtana jaya plavana-murti [6]

ananda – joy, happiness; payonidhi – ocean; vardhana – increasing; kirti – fame, renown; krsna-kirtana – glorification of Krishna; jaya – glory; plavana-murti – embodiment of flood, swelling up.

All glory to Krishna-kirtan, an embodiment of flood, famed for swelling the ocean of happiness.

pade pade piyusa-svada-pradata
krsna-kirtana jaya prema-vidhata [7]

pade pade – step after step; piyusa – nectar; svada – the taste; pradata – bestow, provide; krsna-kirtana – glorification of Krishna; jaya – glory; prema-vidhata – the Controller, the Dispenser, of divine love.

All glory to Krishna-kirtan, the Supreme Giver of divine love, that bestows the taste of nectar at every step!

bhakativinoda svatma-snapana-vidhana
krsna-kirtana jaya prema-nidana [8]

bhakativinoda – Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur; svatma-snapana – purification of one's soul; vidhana – making, providing; krsna-kirtana – glorification of Krishna; jaya – glory; prema-nidana – the root cause of divine love.

All glory to Krishna-kirtan, the ultimate originator of divine love, the sanctifier of Bhaktivinod's soul.




namnam akari bahudha nija-sarva-saktis
tatrarpita niyamitah smarane na kalah
etadrsi tava krpa bhagavan mamapi
durdaivam idrsam ihajani nanuragah

namnam – Names; akari – letters; bahudha – many; nija-sarva-saktis – all Your potency; tatra-arpita – vested there; niyamitah – regulations; smarane – remembrance; na kalah – nor time; etadrsi – such; tava krpa – Your mercy; bhagavan – Lord; mamapi – yet I; durdaivam – wicked; idrsam – this; ihajani – knowing it; na-anuragah – no loving attachment.

[2] 'O Lord, You have manifested Your many Names, vesting all Your power into Them, and made no rules regarding the time for remembering Them. Such is Your great mercy. My misfortune, however, is such that even knowing about it, I still have no attachment to Your Holy Names.'



tunhu daya-sagara tarayite prani
nama aneka tuya sikhaoli ani' [1]

tunhu – You; daya-sagara – ocean of mercy, compassion; tarayite – to rescue; prani – living entities; nama – Names; aneka – many; tuya – Your; sikhaoli – taught; ani' – brought.

You are an ocean of mercy. To deliver all living entities, You have brought Your many Names to this world and taught everyone to chant Them.

sakala sakati dei name tohara
grahane rakhali nahi kala-vichara [2]

sakala – all; sakati – energy; dei – giving; name – in the Name; tohara – Your; grahane – to take, chant it; rakhali – kept; nahi – no; kala-vichara – consideration of time.

You have put all Your power in Your Names, and You have not made any rules regarding the time for chanting Them.

sri-nama-chintamani tohari samana
visve bilaoli karuna-nidana [3]

sri-nama-chintamani – the (wish-fulfilling) touchstone of the Holy Name; tohari – to You; samana – equal; visve – in the world; bilaoli – distributed; karuna-nidana – bestowing mercy.

The holy wish-fulfilling Name is non-different from You, and You distributed it in this world, bestowing Your mercy.

tuya daya aichhana parama udara
atisaya manda, natha! bhaga hamara [4]

tuya – Your; daya – mercy, compassion; aichhana – is such; parama udara – supremely liberal; atisaya – extremely; manda – bad; natha! – O Lord!; bhaga – fortune; hamara – my.

O Lord! Such is Your highly liberal mercy, but my fortune is extremely bad.

nahi janamala name anuraga mora
bhaktivinoda-chitta duhkhe vibhora [5]

nahi janamala – was not born; name – to the Name; anuraga – loving attachment; mora – in me; bhaktivinoda-chitta – Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur's heart; duhkhe – with sadness; vibhora – overwhelmed, lost myself.

No attachment to Your Names came to me! The heart of Bhaktivinod is overwhelmed with sorrow.




trnad api sunichena taror iva sahisnuna
amanina manadena kirtaniyah sada harih

trnad – a blade of grass; api – than; sunichena – humble; taror – a tree; api – than; sahisnuna – tolerant; amanina – not considering yourself worth of any respect, or honour; manadena – respecting, or honouring, others; kirtaniyah – glorifying; sada – always; harih – the Lord.

[3] 'Those who are humbler than a blade of grass, more tolerant than a tree, who give honour to others without desiring any honour for themselves can always chant the Holy Name of Krishna.'



sri-krsna-kirtane yadi manasa tohara
parama yatane tanhi labha adhikara [1]

sri-krsna-kirtane – to chant the Holy Name and glories of Krishna; yadi – if; manasa – are intent, determined; tohara – you; parama yatane – very much effort; tanhi – for that; labha – get; adhikara – right, qualification.

If you are determined to chant the Name of Krishna, then strive as hard as you can to attain the qualification for that.

trnadhika hina dina akinchana chhara
apane manabi sada chhadi' ahankara [2]

trna-adhika – more than a blade of grass; hina – lowly; dina – poor; akinchana – bereft, destitute; chhara – contemptible, rubbish; apane – yourself; manabi – you will consider; sada – always; chhadi' – leaving; ahankara – ego, pride.

You must always leave ego and consider yourself to be more lowly than a blade of grass, poor, destitute and wretched.

vrksa-sama ksama-guna karabi sadhana
pratihimsa tyaji' anye karabi palana [3]

vrksa-sama – like a tree; ksama-guna – quality of forgiveness, forbearance; karabi sadhana – you will practise diligently; pratihimsa – envy, vengeance; tyaji' – giving up; anye – others; karabi palana – you will nurture, take care of.

You must practise tolerance like that of a tree and nurture others giving up vengeance.

jivana-nirvahe ane udvega na dibe
para-upakare nija sukha pasaribe [4]

jivana-nirvahe – to maintain your life; ane – others; udvega – anxiety, trouble; na dibe – will not give; para-upakare – help others; nija sukha – your own happiness; pasaribe – forgetting, forsaking.

You must live without causing anxiety to others and do good unto others forsaking your own happiness.

haileo sarva-gune guni mahasaya
pratisthasa chhadi' kara amani hrdaya [5]

haileo – even if you become; sarva-gune – with all qualities; guni – enriched (possessing qualities); mahasaya – great soul; pratistha-asa – desire for prestige (name and fame); chhadi' – leaving; kara – make; amani – humble, devoid of ego, or pride; hrdaya – [your] heart.

Even if you become a great soul, enriched with all qualities, make your heart humble leaving desire for prestige.

krsna-adhisthana sarva-jive jani' sada
karabi samana sabe adare sarvada [6]

krsna-adhisthana – Krishna is present; sarva-jive – in all living entities; jani – know; sada – always; karabi samana – respect; sabe – for everyone; adare – with affection; sarvada – always.

Knowing that Krishna is always present within all living entities, always treat everyone with affection.

dainya, daya, anye mana, pratistha varjana
chari-gune guni hai' karaha kirtana [7]

dainya – humility; daya – mercy, compassion; anye mana – respect for others; pratistha – prestige; varjana – reject; chari-gune – with four qualities; guni – qualified, enriched; hai' – becoming; karaha kirtana – chant the glories and the Holy Name [of Krishna].

Humility, compassion, honouring others and giving up your own prestige – become enriched with these four qualities and chant the Lord's Holy Name and glories.

bhakativinoda kandi' bale prabhu paya
hena adhikara kabe dibe he amaya [8]

bhakativinoda – Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur; kandi' – crying; bale – says; prabhu – [of the] Lord; paya – at the feet; hena – this; adhikara – qualification, or right; kabe – when; dibe he – will give; amaya – to me.

Crying at the feet of the Lord, Bhaktivinod says, 'When will You give me this qualification?'




na dhanam na janam na sundarim kavitam va jagadisa kamaye
mama janmani janmanisvare bhavatad bhaktir ahaituki tvayi

na dhanam – not wealth; na janam – not companions (family, friends, followers); na sundarim kavitam – no beautiful poetry; va – or; jagadisa – Jagadish, Master of the World; kamaye – desirous; mama – me; janmani janmanisvare – life after life; bhavatad bhaktir – devotion to the Lord; ahaituki – causeless, natural; tvayi – for You.

[4] 'O Lord Jagadish! I do not wish for any wealth, companions or beautiful poetry. I only wish to have causeless devotion to You life after life.'



prabhu! tava pada-yuge mora nivedana
nahi magi deha-sukha, vidya, dhana, jana [1]

prabhu – O Lord; tava – You; pada-yuge – two feet; mora – my; nivedana – petition, appeal; nahi magi – I do not pray; deha-sukha – for bodily happiness; vidya – knowledge; dhana – wealth; jana – companions (family, friends, followers).

O Lord! This is my appeal at Your feet: I do not pray for any bodily pleasure, learning, wealth or companions.

nahi magi svarga, ara moksa nahi magi
na kari prarthana kona vibhutira lagi' [2]

nahi magi – I do not pray; svarga – for heaven; ara – and; moksa – for liberation; nahi magi – do not pray; na kari prarthana – I do not pray; kona – any; vibhutira lagi' – for godly opulence, powers

I do not pray for heaven or liberation, neither do I not pray for any godly opulence or powers.

nija-karma-guna-dose ye ye janma pai
janme janme yena tava nama guna gai [3]

nija-karma – my own actions; guna – good or bad qualities dose – by the fault; ye ye janma – whatever birth; pai – I get; janme janme – birth after birth; yena – so that; tava – Your; nama guna – Holy Name and qualities; gai – sing, glorify.

Whatever birth I get as the result of my own actions and good and bad qualities, may I life after life sing Your Name and glories.

ei-matra asa mama tomara charane
ahaituki-bhakti hrde jage anuksane [4]

ei-matra – just this; asa – hope, aspiration; mama – my; tomara charane – at Your feet; ahaituki-bhakti – causeless, natural devotion; hrde – in [my] heart; jage – awakens, arises; anuksane – at every moment.

This is my only aspiration at Your holy feet: may causeless devotion to You stir in my heart at every moment.

visaye ye priti ebe achhaye amara
sei mata priti hauk charane tomara [5]

visaye – to material world and everything related to it; ye priti – the kind of love; ebe – now; achhaye – there is; amara – in me; sei mata – this kind; priti – love; hauk – may there be; charane tomara – to Your holy feet.

May I have the same kind of love for Your holy feet as I now have for material world.

vipade sampade taha thakuk samabhave
dine dine vrddhi hauk namera prabhave [6]

vipade – in danger; sampade – in wealth; taha – that [love]; thakuk – may it be; samabhave – the same, unchanged; dine dine – day after day; vrddhi hauk – may increase; namera – of the Name; prabhave – by the influence.

May it remain unchanged in bad times and good times and increase day by day by the influence of Your Name.

pasu-paksi haye thaki svarge va niraye
tava bhakti rahu bhaktivinoda-hrdaye [7]

pasu – beast; paksi – bird; haye thaki – becoming; svarge – in heaven; va – or; niraye – in hell; tava – Your; bhakti – devotion; rahu – keep; bhaktivinoda-hrdaye – in the heart of Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur.

Even if I am born as a beast or a bird, in heaven or hell, may devotion to You remain in the Bhaktivinod's heart.




ayi nanda-tanuja kinkaram patitam mam visame bhavambudhau
krpaya tava pada-pankaja-sthita-dhuli-sadrsam vichintaya

ayi – O!; nanda-tanuja – Son of Nanda Maharaj; kinkaram – servant; patitam – fallen; mam – me; visame – deadly, unbearable; bhava-ambudhau – ocean of material existence; krpaya – by the mercy; tava – Your; pada-pankaja – lotus feet; sthita – situated on; dhuli – dust; sadrsam – as; vichintaya – consider.

[5] 'O Son of Nanda, although I am Your servant, I have fallen into this deadly ocean of material existence. Please consider me a particle of dust at Your lotus feet.'



anadi karama-phale, padi' bhavarnava-jale,
taribare na dekhi upaya
e-visaya halahale, diva-nisi hiya jvale,
mana kabhu sukha nahi paya [1]

anadi – since time immemorial; karama-phale – as the result of [my own] actions; padi' – falling; bhava-arnava – ocean of material existence; jale – into the water; taribare – to rescue [myself]; na dekhi – I do not see; upaya – means, solution; e-visaya – this material world; halahale – deadly poison (the dense poison that arose from churning the ocean); diva-nisi – day and night; hiya – heart; jvale – in the agony; mana – mind; kabhu – ever; sukha – happiness; nahi paya – does not get.

I fell into the ocean of material existence and have lived in it since time immemorial. I do not see any way to get out of it. The deadly poison of this material world is blazing in my heart day and night, and my mind does not feel any happiness.

asa-pasa sata sata, klesa deya avirata,
pravrtti-urmira tahe khela
kama-krodha-adi chhaya, batapade deya bhaya,
avasana haila asi' bela [2]

asa-pasa – on all four sides; sata sata – hundreds and hundreds; klesa – miseries; deya – give; avirata – ceaselessly; pravrtti-urmira – of waves, surges of impulsive desires; tahe – there; khela – play; kama-krodha-adi – lust, anger, greed, madness, illusion, envy; chhaya – six; batapade – highway robbers; deya – give; bhaya – fear; avasana haila – came to an end; asi' bela – time has come.

I am constantly surrounded with pain and misery on all sides, with waves of impulsive desires playing in it; I am harassed by six robbers (lust, anger, etc.). And now my time has come to an end.

jnana-karma thaga dui, more pratariya lai',
avasese phele sindhu jale
e heno samaye bandhu, tumi krsna krpa-sindhu,
krpa kari' tola more bale [3]

jnana-karma – knowledge and material activities; thaga – thugs; dui – two; more – me; pratariya lai' – cheating; avasese – in the end; phele – throw; sindhu-jale – into an ocean; e heno samaye – at this time; bandhu – friend; tumi – You; krsna – Krishna; krpa-sindhu – an ocean of mercy; krpa kari' – kindly; tola – pull out, lift; more – me; bale – soon, swiftly.

Material life and knowledge, these two thugs have taken advantage me and in the end threw me out into the ocean. At this time, my friend, You (Krishna, an ocean of mercy) took pity and quickly pulled me out.

patita kinkare dhari', pada-padma-dhuli kari',
deha bhaktivinode asraya
ami tava nitya-dasa, bhuliya mayara pasa,
baddha ha'ye achhi, dayamaya [4]

patita – fallen; kinkare – servant; dhari' – grasping; pada-padma – lotus feet; dhuli – dust; kari' – making; deha – give; bhaktivinode – to Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur; asraya – shelter; ami – I [am]; tava – Your; nitya-dasa – eternal servant; bhuliya – forgetting; mayara – Maya's (illusory); pasa – noose, tie; baddha – bound; ha'ye achhi – have become; daya-maya – Merciful Lord.

Grasping this fallen servant and making him a particle of dust at Your feet, please give shelter to Bhaktivinod. My Gracious Lord, forgetting that I am Your eternal servant, I have become caught in Maya's noose!




nayanam galad-asru-dharaya
vadanam gadgada-ruddhaya gira
pulakair nichitam vapuh kada
tava nama-grahane bhavisyati

nayanam – from [my] eyes; galad – flowing; asru – tears; dharaya – currents; vadanam – my face; gadgada – stutter; ruddhaya – chocked; gira – voice; pulakair – horripilation (hairs standing on end); nichitam – covered; vapuh – body; kada – when; tava – Your; nama – Name; grahane – chanting; bhavisyati – will.

[6] 'When will currents of tears stream from my eyes, my voice stutter and choke, and the hair on my body stand on end as I take Your Name?'



aparadha-phale mama, chitta bhela vajra-sama,
tuya name na labhe vikara
hatasa haiya, hari, tava nama uchcha kari,
bada duhkhe daki bara bara [1]

aparadha-phale – as the result of [my] offences; mama – my; chitta – heart; bhela – became; vajra-sama – like a thunderbolt; tuya – [by] Your; name – Name; na labhe – do not get; vikara – transformation, ecstasy; hatasa – frustrated; haiya – becoming; hari – O Lord; tava – Your; nama – Name; uchcha kari – pronounce; bada – great; duhkhe – in sadness; daki – calling; bara bara – again and again.

As the result of my offences, my heart has become as hard as a thunderbolt, and I do not feel any spiritual transformation chanting Your Name. Frustrated, I am very sadly calling out to You taking Your Name again and again.

dina-dayamaya karuna-nidana
bhava-bindu dei' rakhaha parana [2]

dina-dayamaya – merciful to the poor; karuna-nidana – ocean of mercy; bhava-bindu – a drop of divine love; dei' – giving; rakhaha – save; parana – [my] life.

O ocean of mercy, compassionate to the poor, please save my life by giving me a drop of divine love!

kabe tuya nama uchcharane mora
nayane jharaba dara-dara lora [3]

kabe – when; tuya – Your; nama – Name; uchcharane – by chanting; mora – my; nayane – eyes; jharaba – I will shed; dara dara – continuously, flowing and flowing; lora – tears.

When will I shed streams of tears from my eyes, chanting Your Name?

gadagada-svara kanthe upajaba
mukhe bola adha adha bahiraba [4]

gadagada – stutter; svara – voice; kanthe – in my throat; upajaba – will be born; mukhe – in my mouth; bola – words; adha adha – half, partial; bahiraba – will escape, come out.

When will my throat be able to produce only some stuttering? When will only parts of words be able to come out of my mouth?

pulake bharaba sarira hamara
sveda-kampa-stambha habe bara bara [5]

pulake – horripilation; bharaba – I will be filled with; sarira – body; hamara – my; sveda – sweat; kampa – trembling; stambha – stupor; habe – will be; bara bara – again and again.

When will the hair on my body stand on end? When will I again and again perspire, tremble, and fall into a stupor?

vivarna sarire haraobun jnana
nama-samasraye dharabun parana [6]

vivarna – discoloured, pale; sarire – in my body; haraobun jnana – swoon, lose consciousness; nama – Name; samasraye – in the shelter; dharabun – will keep; parana – my life.

When will I swoon, my body turning pale? When will I be able to keep my life only in the shelter of Your Name?

milaba hamara kiye aichhe dina
ro-oye bhakativinoda matihina [7]

milaba – I will meet; hamara – for me; kiye – how; aichhe – like this; dina – day; ro-oye – stays; bhakativinoda – Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur; matihina – foolish, devoid of good intelligence.

How will I get to see this day? Bhaktivinod is as foolish as before...




yugayitam nimesena chaksusa pravrsayitam
sunyayitam jagat sarvam govinda-virahena me

yugayitam – as an age; nimesena – like a moment; chaksusa – for the eye; pravrsayitam – like clouds shedding rain in the rainy season; sunyayitam – like void; jagat – the world; sarvam – all; govinda-virahena – in separation from Govinda; me – for me.

[7] 'In separation from Govinda, a mere moment feels like millions of years, my eyes are like monsoon clouds shedding incessant rain, and the whole world feels void.'


GITI (1)

gaite gaite nama ki dasa haila
'krsna niya-dasa muni' hrdaye sphurila [1]

gaite gaite – chanting and chanting; nama – the Name; ki dasa – what state; haila – has become; 'krsna niya-dasa muni' – 'I am an eternal servant of Krishna'; hrdaye – in the heart; sphurila – sprang.

Chanting and chanting the Holy Name, what has happened to me? This feeling suddenly arose in my heart that 'I am an eternal servant of Krishna.'

janilama, maya-pase e jada-jagate
govinda-virahe duhkha pai nana-mate [2]

janilama – I knew; maya-pase – in Maya's noose; e – this; jada – material; jagate – world; govinda-virahe – in separation from Govinda; duhkha – sadness, unhappiness; pai – I get; nana-mate – different kinds.

I realised that I was bound by Maya's ropes in this material world and was getting all kinds of miseries because of my separation from Govinda.

ara ye samsara mora nahi lage bhala
kanha yai' krsna heri,—e chinta visala [3]

ara – anymore; ye – this; samsara – material world of births and deaths; mora – to me; nahi lage bhala – does not appeal; kanha – where; yai' – going; krsna – Krishna; heri – behold; e chinta – this thought, worry; visala – huge.

I do like this material world anymore! 'Where am I to go to see Krishna' – this is what I am very concerned about.

kandite kandite mora ankhi barisaya
barsa-dhara hena chakse haila udaya [4]

kandite kandite – crying and crying; mora – my; ankhi – eyes; barisaya – shower, rain; barsa-dhara – streams of rain; hena – like; chakse – in my eyes; haila udaya – have arisen.

As I cry and cry, my eyes pour showers of tears. It is as if streams of monsoon rain have flooded my eyes.

nimesa haila mora sata-yuga-sama
govinda-viraha ara sahite aksama [5]

nimesa – a moment, a blink of an eye; haila – became; mora – for me; sata – hundred; yuga – millions of years (4,320,000 years); sama – like; govinda-viraha – separation from Govinda; ara – anymore; sahite – tolerate; aksama – unable.

A moment has become for me like hundreds of millions of years. I cannot bear this separation from Govinda any longer.

sunya dhara-tala, chaudike dekhiye,
parana udasa haya
ki kari, ki kari, sthira nahi haya,
jivana nahika raya [6]

sunya – void, empty; dhara-tala – planet, Earth; chaudike – in all fourteen directions; dekhiye – seeing; parana – my life; udasa – indifferent; haya – becomes; ki kari – what am I to do; ki kari – what am I to do; sthira – calm; nahi – not; haya – become; jivana – life; nahika – not; raya – keep.

When I glance all around me, I feel the world is empty – my heart has become indifferent to everything. What am I to do? What am I to do? I cannot calm down. Life is leaving me...

vraja-basi-gana, mora prana rakha,
dekhao sri-radha-nathe
bhakativinoda, minati maniya,
lao he tahare sathe [7]

vraja-basi-gana – residents of Vraja; mora – my; prana – life; rakha – save; dekhao – show!; sri-radha-nathe – the Master of Sri Radhika; bhakativinoda – Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur; minati – plea; maniya – honouring; laohe – take; tahare – to Him; sathe – together [with you].

O residents of Vraja! Please save my life: show me the Lord of Sri Radha! Satisfying this humble plea of Bhaktivinod, please take him along with you.


GITI (2)

sri-krsna-viraha ara sahite na pari
parana chhadite ara dina dui chari [1]

sri-krsna-viraha – separation from Sri Krishna; ara – anymore; sahite – tolerate; na pari – I cannot; parana – life; chhadite – to leave; ara – more; dina – days; dui chari – two–four.

I cannot tolerate this separation from Sri Krishna anymore. Two–four days more and I will give up my life.

gaite 'govinda'-nama, upajila bhava-grama,
dekhilama yamunara kule
vrsabhanu-suta-sange, syama nata-bara range,
vamsari bajaya nipa-mule [2]

gaite – chanting; 'govinda' nama – the Name of Govinda; upajila – sprang; bhava-grama – a world of divine love; dekhilama – I saw; yamunara – of the Yamuna; kule – bank; vrsabhanu-suta – the daughter of King Vrisabhanu; sange – together with; syama – Lord Shyama, Krishna; nata-bara – best of dancers; range – frolicking, enjoying; vamsari – flute; bajaya – playing; nipa-mule – beneath a kadamba tree.

As I chanted Govinda's Name, I saw a whole world of divine love spring in front of me on the bank of the Yamuna River. Playing His flute beneath a kadamba tree, Shyama, the best of dancers, is enjoying in the company of Vrisabhanu's daughter.

dekhiya yugala-dhana, asthira haila mana,
jnana-hara hailun takhana
kata-ksane nahi jani, jnana-labha haila mani,
ara nahi bhela darasana [3]

dekhiya – seeing; yugala-dhana – treasure of the Divine Couple; asthira – perturbed; haila – became; mana – [my] mind; jnana-hara hailun – lost consciousness; takhana – then; kata-ksane – how long; nahi jani – I do not know; jnana-labha haila – I came around; mani – I suppose; ara – and; nahi – no; bhela – was; darasana – vision.

Seeing the treasure of the Divine Couple, my mind became perturbed, and I fainted. I do not know how much time had passed, but then I came round and saw that this vision was no longer there.

sakhi go, kemate dhariba parana
nimesa haila yugera samana [4]

sakhi go – O friend!; kemate – how; dhariba – I will hold; parana – my life; nimesa – moment, a blink; haila – became; yugera – millions of years (4,320,000) years; samana – like.

My friend! How will I continue my life? A moment seems like millions of years!

sravanera dhara, ankhi barisaya,
sunya bhela dhara-tala
govinda-virahe, prana nahi rahe,
kemane vanchiba bala [5]

sravanera – the Sravan month (July/August), a month of incessant rains; dhara – current; ankhi – eyes; barisaya – shower, rain; sunya – void; bhela – became; dhara-tala – earth; govinda-virahe – in separation from Govinda; prana – life; nahi rahe – no longer keeping; kemane – how; vanchiba – I will survive; bala – tell me.

The tears flowing from my eyes are like monsoon torrents. The whole world has become void. In separation from Govinda, I can no longer stay alive. Tell me, how will I survive this?

bhakativinoda, asthira haiya,
punah namasraya kari'
dake, radha-natha, diya darasana,
prana rakha, nahe mari [6]

bhakativinoda – Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur; asthira – perturbed; haiya – becoming; punah – again; namasraya – the shelter of the Holy Name; kari' – taking; dake – calls out; radha-natha – the Master of Sri Radhika; diya – give me; darasana – vision; prana – life; rakha – keep; nahe mari – do not let me die.

Feeling perturbed again, Bhaktivinod takes shelter of the Holy Name again and calls out, 'O Lord of Sri Radha (Radhanath!), please let me see You again! Save me, do not let me die.'




aslisya va padaratam pinastu mam
adarsanan marmma-hatam karotu va
yatha tatha va vidadhatu lampato
mat-prana-nathas tu sa eva naparah

aslisya – embracing tightly; va – or; padaratam – the maidservant of His holy feet; pinastu – He can crush, destroy; mam – Me (Radha); adarsanan – disappear; marmma-hatam – mortify Me to the core; karotu – He can do; va – or; yatha tatha – all other, random; va – or; vidadhatu – roam, play with [different girls] as He pleases; lampato – debauchee, seeking pleasure of His own senses; mat-prana – My very being, My heart; nathas – master, lord; tu – still, nevertheless; sa – He (Krishna); eva – and; naparah – eternally (never passing).

[8] 'After first embracing this maidservant of His holy feet tightly, Krishna can then crush Me. He can devastate Me by vanishing from My sight. He is a debauchee, but however He deals with Me, He will always be the Lord of My heart.'


GITI (1)

bandhu-gana! sunaha vachana mora
bhavete vibhora, thakiye yakhana,
dekha deya chitta-chora [1]

bandhu-gana! – My friends!; sunaha – please listen to; vachana – words; mora – my; bhavete – in devotional love; vibhora – overwhelmed, lost myself; thakiye – remaining; yakhana – when; dekha deya – let me see; chita-chora – the Lord, the Stealer of the Heart.

My friends! Listen to what I have to say. When I constantly feel overwhelmed by devotional love, I get to see Krishna, the thief of my heart.

vichaksana kari', dekhite chahile,
haya ankhi-agochara
punah nahi dekhi', kandaye parana,
duhkhera na thake ora [2]

vichaksana kari' – applying judiciousness; dekhite – to see; chahile – when I wanted; haya – became; ankhi – [my] eyes; agochara – beyond the reach of; punah – again; nahi dekhi' – not seeing; kandaye – crying; parana – [my] heart and soul; duhkhera – of sadness; na thake – there is; ora – limit, end.

When I wanted to see Him more carefully, He suddenly disappeared from my sight. Not being able to see Him again, I am crying my heart out. There is no end to my sadness.

jagatera bandhu sei kabhu more laya satha
yatha tatha rakhu more amara se prananatha [3]

jagatera – of the world; bandhu – friend; sei – this; kabhu – sometimes; more – me; laya satha – take with You; yatha tatha – anywhere and everywhere, randomly; rakhu – You keep; more – me; amara – my; se – He; prananatha – dearmost Lord, the Master of my being.

He is the friend of the whole world, but sometimes He takes me with Him. Wherever He keeps me, He is my dearest Lord.

darsana-ananda-dane, sukha deya mora prane,
bale more pranaya-vachana
punah adarsana diya, dagdha kare mora hiya,
prane more mare prana-dhana [4]

darsana-ananda – the great joy to see Him; dane – by the gift; sukha – happiness; deya – gives; mora prane – to my soul; bale – speaks; more – to me; pranaya – loving; vachana – words; punah – again; adarsana diya – disappearing; dagdha – scorched, afflicted; kare – making; mora – my; hiya – heart; prane more – in my soul; mare – kills; pranadhana – my Lord, the treasure of my life.

He grants me a precious opportunity to see Him, giving my heart much joy. He speaks romantic words to me. But then He disappears again, searing my heart. The crest-jewel of my heart is killing me from within my heart.

yahe ta'ra sukha haya, sei sukha mama
nija sukhe duhkhe mora sarvada-i sama [5]

yahe – by which; ta'ra – for Him; sukha – happiness; haya, – is; sei – this; sukha – happiness; mama – for me; nija – my own; sukhe – in happiness; duhkhe – in sadness; mora – for me; sarvada-i – always; sama – the same.

Whatever makes Him happy is my happiness. Whether I live in happiness or distress, it is always the same to me.

bhakativinoda, samyoge viyoge,
tahe jane pranesvara
ta'ra sukhe sukhi, sei prana-natha,
se kabhu na haya para [6]

bhakativinoda – Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur; samyoge – in union; viyoge – in separation; tahe – Him; jane – knows; pranesvara – the Lord of my being; ta'ra – His; sukhe – in happiness; sukhi – I am happy; sei – He; prananatha – beloved Lord, the master of my being; se – He; kabhu na haya – never becomes; para – gone [never passes].

Bhaktivinod knows Him as his all-in-all, in union and in separation. I am happy when He is happy, He is my beloved Lord. He never leaves me.


The last song, below, is not chanted.
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj commented: 'When we sing the last song of Siksastakam 'Bandhu-gana! Sunaha vachana mora,' we only sing the half of it – we do not sing the last part, we stop there. Why? Because we have not got the permission from our guru to do it. Srila Guru Maharaj said, 'You have no right to sing that part.' This is anadhikar-charcha (অনাধিকার চর্চা, lit. "unauthorised, incompetent interference; transgression"). That is why our temple does not sing that part.'


GITI (2)

yogapithopari-sthita, asta-sakhi-suvestita,
vrndaranye kadamba-kanane
radha-saha vamsi-dhari, visva-jana-chitta-hari,
prana mora tanhara charane [1]

yoga-pitha-upari – atop a yoga-pith (mystic throne in the centre of Goloka); sthita – situated; asta – eight; sakhi – (closest) girlfriends; suvestita – surrounded all around; vrndaranye – Vrinda forests; kadamba – kadamba trees; kanane – forest; radha-saha – together with Radha; vamsi-dhari – the Holder of the Flute (Sri Krishna); visva-jana – [of] residents of the whole world; chitta-hari – stealer of the hearts; prana – life force; mora – my; tanhara – Hi; charane – holy feet.

Atop the yogapith throne in Goloka, surrounded by the chief eight girlfriends, in the forests of Vrinda and Kadamba trees, there is Krishna, holding His flute, together with Sri Radha. He steals the hearts of all souls in the world. His lotus feet are my life and soul.

sakhi-ajnamata kari donhara sevana
palya-dasi sada bhavi donhara charana [2]

sakhi – of the girlfriends; ajnamata – on the order; kari – do; donhara – for both; sevana – service; palya-dasi – maidservant executing all orders; sada – always; bhavi – I think; donhara – of both; charana – holy feet.

I serve the Divine Couple on the order of Their girlfriends, and I always consider myself to be a faithful servant of Their holy feet.

kabhu krpa kari', mama hasta dhari',
madhura vachana bale
tambula laiya, khaya dui-jane,
mala laya kutuhale [3]

kabhu – sometimes; krpa kari' – mercifully; mama – me; hasta – by hand; dhari' – catch; madhura – sweet; vachana – words; bale – tell; tambula – betel; laiya – taking; khaya – eat; dui-jane – the two; mala – garland; laya – take; kutuhale – .

Sometimes They mercifully catch me by the hand and speak sweets words. Taking betel, They eat it together, or They happily take a garland.

adarsana haya kakhana ki chhale
na dekhiya donhe hiya mora jvale [4]

adarsana – disappeared; haya – becoming; kakhana – sometimes; ki – by some; chhale – trick, pretext; na dekhiya – not seeing; donhe – Them both; hiya – heart; mora – my; jvale – in agony.

Sometimes They disappear from my vision using some clever trick. When I am not able to see Them, my heart plunges into agony.

yekhane sekhane, thakuka du'jane,
ami ta' charana-dasi
milane anande, virahe yatana,
sakala samana basi [5]

yekhane sekhane – wherever, here or there; thakuka – may be; du'jane – They; ami – I; ta' – certainly; charana-dasi – maidservant of Their holy feet; milane – in union; anande – in happiness; virahe – in separation; yatana – deep suffering, afflicted; sakala – all; samana – equal; basi – I am waiting [ready to serve].

Wherever They may be, I am a maidservant of Their holy feet. Whether I rejoice in Their company or suffer in Their separation, I am at Their disposal all the same.

radha-krsna prana mora jivane marane
more rakhi' mari' sukhe thakuka dujane [6]

radha-krsna – Sri Radha and Sri Krishna; prana – life and soul, all-in-all; mora – my; jivane – in life; marane – in death; more – me; rakhi' – save; mari' – kill; sukhe – in happiness; thakuka – may You be; dujane – both.

Sri Sri Radha-Krishna are my life and soul, whether I am alive or dead. Whether You keep me alive or kill me, may You two be happy.

bhakativinoda, ana nahi jane,
padi' nija-sakhi-paya
radhikara gane, thakiya satata,
yugala charana chaya [7]

bhakativinoda – Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur; ana – another; nahi – not; jane – knows; padi' – falling; nija – own; sakhi – Sri Radha's girlfriend; paya – at the feet; radhikara – of Sri Radhika; gane – associates; thakiya – remaining; satata – forever; yugala – Two (Radha and Krishna); charana – holy feet; chaya – asks.

Bhaktivinod does not know anything else. He falls at the feet of Sri Radha's girlfriend under whom he serves. Staying always with Sri Radhika's associates, he prays for the holy feet of the Divine Couple.


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Sri Damodarastakam

Sri Sriman Mahaprabhur Sata-Nama

Sri Krsner Vimsottara Sata-Nama


All Siksastakam

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SONG 1: Download/listen

SONG 2 Download/listen

SONG 3 Download/listen

SONG 4 Download/listen

SONG 5 Download/listen

SONG 6 Download/listen

SONG 7 Download/listen

SONG 8 Download/listen

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