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SARANAGATI (SURRENDER) | Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhasya

Bhajana-Lalasa: Hankering for Service


(Song 8)

hari he!
tomare bhuliya, avidya-pidaya,
pidita rasana mora
krsna-nama-sudha, bhala nahi lage,
visaya-sukhete bhora [1]

hari–Lord; he!–oh!; tomare–about You; bhuliya–forgetting; avidya–of ignorance, averse to You; pidaya–with the disease jaundice, a condition which makes sweet taste bitter; pidita–afflicted; rasana–tongue; mora–my; krsna–of Krishna; nama–the Name; sudha–nectar; bhala–good; nahi–not; lage–strikes; visaya–mundane; sukhete–in happiness; bhora–engrossed. [1]

(1) O Lord! I have forgotten You, and my tongue has become afflic­ted with the jaundice of ignorance. Engrossed in mundane pleasures, my tongue does not like the nectar of Krishna's Name.

prati-dina yadi, adara kariya
se nama kirtana kari
sitapala yena, nasi' roga-mula
krame svadu haya, hari! [2]

prati–every; dina–day; yadi–if; adara–faith; kariya–doing; se–that; nama–Name; kirtana–chanting, glorification; kari–I do; sitapala (michhari)–sugar candy; yena–like; nasi'–destroying; roga–of the disease (jaundice); mula–the root; krame–gradually; svadu–taste; haya–happens; hari!–O Hari! [2]

(2) Yet if I faithfully chant the Name every day, then, as sugar candy eradicates jaundice, so my taste for the Name will gradually develop, O Lord!

durdaiva amara, se name adara,
na ha-ila, dayamaya!
dasa aparadha, amara durdaiva,
kemane ha-ibe ksaya [3]

durdaiva (duskrti, aparadha)–misfortune (misbehaviour, offences); amara–my; se–that; name–to the Name; adara–love; na–not; ha-ila–happened; dayamaya–merciful; dasa–ten; aparadha–offences; amara–my; durdaiva–misfortune; kemane–how?; ha-ibe–will be; ksaya–destruction. [3]

(3) My misfortune is that I have never had faith in the Name. O merciful Lord! How will the ten offences, my misfortune, be destroyed?

(3) dasa aparadha: "The ten offences." Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur has defined the ten offences to Krishna's Name as follows: (1) to criticise sadhus devoted to the Name; (2) to consider the Names, Forms, Qualities, and Pastimes of the Supreme Lord to be distinct from Him, and to consider that Siva and other demigods are Lords independent of the Supreme Lord; (3) to disrespect Sri Guru, who enlightens others about the Name; (4) to disrespect the scriptures which narrate the Name's glories; (5) to consider the Name's glories to be nothing more than praise (to have no factual existence); (6) to consider the Name Himself to be imaginary; (7) to commit sin on the strength of the Name; (8) to consider serving the Name to be equal to pious activity; (9) to instruct faithless persons about the Name; (10) to engage in the service of the Name with mundane egotism and possessiveness. These ten offences must be completely abandoned.

anudina yena, tava nama gai,
kramete krpaya tava
aparadha ya'be, name ruchi ha'be,
asvadiba namasaba [4]

anudina (nirantara)–every day (incessantly); yena–as; tava–Your; nama–Name; gai–I sing; kramete–gradually; krpaya–by mercy; tava–Your; aparadha–offences; ya'be–will go; nama–for Your Name; ruchi–taste; ha'be–will be; asvadiba–I will taste; namasaba (nama-madhu)–the nectar (honey) of Your Name. [4]

(4) As I constantly chant Your Name, my offences will gradually go away by Your mercy. I will attain taste for Your Name, and I will relish Your Name's nectar.

(1-4) his song is based on the seventh verse of Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhu's Sri Upadesamrta:

syat krsna-nama-charitadi-sitapy avidya-
pittopatapta-rasanasya na rochika nu
kintv adarad anudinam khalu saiva justa
svadvi kramad bhavati tad-gada-mula-hantri

"Alas! Although Krishna's Name, Pastimes, and so forth are sweet like sugar candy, They are not relishable to a tongue severely afflicted by the jaundice of ignorance. Certainly, however, if They are inces­santly served with faith, They gradually become relishable and the jaundice of ignorance is eradicated."




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· Translator's Note
· In Praise of Saranagati (1)
· In Praise of Saranagati (2)
· Editor's Note
· Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhasya: Mangalacharana
· Sri Laghu-chandrika-bhasya: Preface


Bhajana-Lalasa (Hankering for Service):

Siddha-Lalasa (Hankering for Fulfilment):

Vijnapti (Prayer of Heartfelt Hankering):

Sri Nama-Mahatmya (The Glories of the Name):