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"Take Care of My Property"

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
14 October 2014


Actually what you have decided to do, you cannot decide yourself because when you surrendered to me, you already gave everything to me for the service to the Lord.

We are not enjoyers, we are not renunciants. When you surrender to your guru, you give this body to your Guru to serve the Lord, that is why you have no right to leave this body without food or do anything like that. This body is necessary for service, and you must take proper food for service to the Lord.

We live in this world for the service to the Lord, not for enjoyment or renunciation. You must understand what I am telling you.

When Sanatan Goswami also wanted to commit suicide, Mahaprabhu told him, "Why are you going to destroy My property? You have no right to destroy My property. I will engage this body in the service of the Lord."

I also want to engage you in the service of the Lord, so you have no right to destroy my property. Your body is my property, and you cannot destroy my property and leave it without food. You must take some food and take care of your health. Take care of my property.


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Anything for Guru's Service
You can do anything for the service to your Guru, but for your own self you cannot do any sinful work; but we do just the opposite: for our own happiness we are not afraid to do any sinful work, and we are always afraid to do something for Gurudev.


Ke yabi ke yabi
'At my Lord Gauranga's ghat the upstream ferry runs without requesting any fare. Everyone crosses freely.'
কে যাবি কে যাবি

Gurudev gave his life for the service to his Guru.