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Srila Raghunath Das Goswami Sochaka

By Sri Radha Vallabha Prabhu



yabe rupa-sanatana,vraje gela dui jana,
sunaite raghunatha-dasa
nija-rajya adhikara,indrasama-sukha yaba,
chhadiya chalila prabhu-pasa [1]

When Raghunath Das heard that Rupa and Sanatan had gone to Vrindavan, he gave up all rights to his estate and the comforts of a life like that of Indra, and went to Mahaprabhu.

uthi' ratre nisa-bhage,duyare prahari jage,
patha chhadi' vipathe gamana
ksudha trsna nahi paya,manodvege chali yaya,
sada chinte chaitanya charana [2]

He woke up in the middle of the night and in the dead of night left through the back door not to wake the guards up. He left the road and walked without following any road. He felt no hunger, no thirst—he only kept on walking anxiously, always thinking of the lotus feet of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

eka-dina eka grame,sandhya-kale govathane,
'ha chaitanya' baliya vasila
eka gopa dugdha dila,taha khiye visramila,
sei ratre tathai kahila [3]

One day at noon time he came to a cow shed in some village and sat there, saying again and again, "O Chaitanya!" A cowherd brought him some milk. Raghunath drank it and took some rest. He spent the night there.

ye anga palanka vine,bhumi-sayya nahi jane,
se anga bathane gari ya
yei ghora gola vine,pada srama nahi jane,
kanteke hantaye sei paya [4]

He whose body had never rested on anything except a luxury bed, had never lain on the ground, is now lying splayed out in a cowshed. The feet of he who has never known the touch of the ground and always ridden a horse, are full of thorns now after the long walk.

yinho bela danda chari,tola jale snana kari,
sad-rasa karite bhojana
ebe yadi kichhu pana,sandhya-kale taha khana,
na paile amani sayana [5]

He who was used to bathing in specially kept for him water for four dandas (one danda is twenty-four minutes), who enjoyed preparations of six different tastes (sweet, astringent, sour, salty, pungent, and bitter), now ate something at noon if he got anything, and if not, went to sleep without any food.

bara dinera pata yana,tina sandhya anna khana,
pravesila nilachala-pure
dekhiya se sri-mandira,du-nayane vahe nira,
'ha chaitanya' bale uchchaihsvare [6]

He had walked like this for twelve days, and during this time he ate only three times at noon time, when he finally entered the City of Nilachal (Puri). Seeing the Jagannath temple, tears rolled from his eyes and he cried, "O Chaitanya!"

e radha-vallabha-dasa,mane kari abhilasa,
kotha mora raghunatha-dasa
tanhara prasanga-matra,pulakita haya gatra,
tanra pada-renu kari asa [7]

This Radha Vallabha Das only hankers in his heart to know, "Where is my Radhunath Das?" Just by mentioning him, his body is thrilled with rapture; the dust of the lotus feet of this Raghunath Das is all he prays for.



— : • : —



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Sung at Sri Panihati Festival and on appearance and disappearance days of Srila Raghunath Das Goswami Prabhu.

Sung by Srila B.S. Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj:
Download (2 Mb, year 1988)



Akrodha paramananda
Amara jivana
Aruna vasane
Atmanivedana tuya pade

Balarama Nityananda
Bara sukhera khabara gai
Bhagyadhisa-tvadiyo (Sri Guru Prasasti)
Bhajahu re mana
Bhaja re bhaja re amar
Bhuliya tomare
bimala hema jini

Chaudda-sata sata-sake
Dhana mora Nityananda
Durlabha manava janma

Ei-bara karuna kara
E ghora samsare
Emona durmati

Gaurangera duti pada
Gaya gora madhur svare
Gopinath (Nivedana)
Gurudev! Bada krpa kari
Gurudev! Krpa-bindu diya

Ha ha bhakti-vinoda
Hari-bhakti-rasamrta-dana (Stava Kusumanjali)
Hari haraye Namah Krsna
Hari he dayala mora
He deva bhavantam vande

Jagannatha-suta (Nadiya nagare nitai neche)
Janama saphala ta'ra
Jaya guru maharaja (Sri Guru arati-stuti)
Jaya Guru Maharaja karuna-sagara (Sri Sri Nitai-Chaitanya arati)
Jaya jaya Gorachander
Jaya jaya gurudeva karuna-sagara (Sri Guru Sri Gaura Sri Nityananda Arati)
Jaya jaya gurudeva karuna-sagara (Sri Nitai Gauranga Arati, Nrisingha Palli)
Jaya jaya gurudever (Sri Guru arati)
Jayare jayare jaya Gaura-Saraswati
Jayare jayare jaya paramahamsa
Jaya Sachi-nandana
Jaya Radha-Madhava
Jaya Radhe, Jaya Krsna

Kabe habe bolo
Kabe Sri Chaitanya more
Kali kukura kadana
Ke yabi ke yabi
Ki jani ki bale
Ki-rupe paiba seva
Krpa kara Vaishnav Thakura

Mana tumi tirthe sada rata
Manasa deha geha

Namo namah tulasi maharani
Naumi sri-gurupadabjam (Sri Pranati Dasakam)
Nitai amara dayara avadhi
Nitai gunamani amara

Parama karuna
Param Gurvastakam

Radha bhajane yadi
Radhe Radhe Govinda

Samsara-davanala (Sri Gurvastakam)
Sarvasva tomara
Sri-gaura-mandala majhe
Sri Guru-charana-padma
Sri Guru-Parampara
Sri Guru-charana-padma
Sri Hari-vasare
Sri Krsna Chaitanya Prabhu daya kara more
Sri Krsna-Chaitanya Prabhu jive daya kari
Srila Raghunath Das Goswami Sochaka
Srimad Rupa-pada-rajah Prarthana Dasakam
Sri Nrsimha, Jaya Nrsimha
Sri Rupa-manjari-pada
Sri Sad-Goswamy-Astakam
Sri Sri Damodarastakam
Sri Srimad Gaura-Kishor-Namaskar Dasakam
Sri Sri Siksastakam
Sujanarvuda-radhita (Sri Sri Prabhupada-padma Stavakah)
Suno he rasika-jana

Thakura vaisnava-gana

Udila aruna

Vaisnav ke?
Vaisnava Thakura dayara
Varaja-vipine yamuna kule

Yadi Gaura na ha'ta
Yasoda-Nandana Krsna
Yasomati-stanya-payi (Nagare nagare gora gay)
Ye anila prema-dhana (Viraha-giti)

Dasavidha Nama-Aparadha





The Four Regulative
The morbid consequences of neglecting the proper following of the four regulative principles—the four dwelling places of Kali Maharaj; and the affectionate advice on this matter.



If you take initiation, it does not mean there is a relation—a heart to heart
connection is necessary.