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Sri Sri Prabhupada-padma Stavakah

Written by Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj;
Translated from the Bengali translation of the original Sanskrit verses


pranamami sada prabhupada-padam [1]

'I am offering obeisance to Prabhupad (Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur), whose holy lotus feet are worshipped by millions of pious souls, who is the establisher of the religion of the age (Krishna-sankirtan), who is the presiding divine successor (at the Visva-Vaisnava-Raja Sobha, the assembly of Vaisnavs of the whole universe), who fulfils the desires of the dispellers of all fears—I offer obeisance at his holy lotus feet. I eternally offer obeisance to the radiance emanating from the toenails of my master.'

pranamami sada prabhupada-padam [2]

'He is the master of the great souls enriched with flourishing devotional life; he is very merciful to fallen souls, being their only path; he is the cheater of cheats, the revealer of the path. I offer obeisance at his inconceivable lotus feet. I eternally offer obeisance to the radiance emanating from the toenails of my master.'

pranamami sada prabhupada-padam [3]

'I offer my obeisance to his very soft, golden tall figure, the figure whose beauty excels even the obsessive beauty of golden lotus stems. The beauty of the holy lotus feet of my Sri Gurupadpadma is enhanced by his moon-like toenails, which are worshipped by millions of Cupids. I eternally offer obeisance to this radiance emanating from the toenails of my master.'

pranamami sada prabhupada-padam [4]

'Like the moon that makes the stars rejoice, he is surrounded by his disciples, ever delighting their hearts. His roar drives away all those who hate and envy devotees, and the simple, innocent devotees attain supreme benefit by taking shelter at his lotus feet. I offer obeisance to him. I eternally offer obeisance to the radiance emanating from the toenails of my master.'

bhuvanesu vikirtita-gaura-dayam
pranamami sada prabhupada-padam [5]

'He revealed the vast beauty and nature of Sri Gaura Dham, broadcast Gauranga's great magnanimity throughout the whole world and installed the holy lotus feet of Sri Gaura within the hearts of his dear recipients of mercy. I offer obeisance to him. I eternally offer obeisance to the radiance emanating from the toenails of my master.'

pranamami sada prabhupada-padam [6]

'He is the eternal shelter of the surrendered to Gaura souls and the guru of the whole world. He is devoted to the service to his own guru, Srila Gaura Kisor Das Babaji Maharaj and feels extremely deep adoration for Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur. I offer obeisance to him. I eternally offer obeisance to the radiance emanating from the toenails of my master.'

pranamami sada prabhupada-padam [7]

'His very existence lies in raising the banner of Sri Rupa, Sanatan and Raghunath. On this earth, many souls always glorify him saying that his figure is non-different from Sri Jiva, who is extolled for his great erudition. He is renowned as an intimate friend of Srila Krishna Das Kaviraj and Thakur Narottam. I offer obeisance to him. I eternally offer obeisance to the radiance emanating from the toenails of my master.'

krpaya hari-kirtana-murti-dharam
pranamami sada prabhupada-padam [8]

'Bestowing his mercy upon the jiva souls, he is manifest as a worshippable deity of Hari-kirtan personified. He removes the burden of offences from Mother Earth. I offer obeisance to this very gentle fountainhead of a greater parental affection towards jiva souls than even that of a father. I eternally offer obeisance to the radiance emanating from the toenails of my master.'

taru-dhik-krta dhira vadanya varam
pranamami sada prabhupada-padam [9]

'Fulfilling the cherished aspirations of surrendered servants, he resembles a wish-fulfilling tree. His tolerance and magnanimity put trees to shame. I offer obeisance to his divine holy lotus feet, which are worshipped even by the best of benefactors. I eternally offer obeisance to the radiance emanating from the toenails of my master.'

parahamsa-varam paramartha-patim
patitodharane krta-vesa-yatim
yati-raja-ganaih parisevya-padam
pranamami sada prabhupada-padam [10]

'He is the ornament of the entire class of paramahamsas, the master of the fifth and greatest goal of life, Sri Krishna-prema. He accepts the garb of a renunciant (a sannyasi beggar) to rescue fallen souls. I offer obeisance to his holy lotus feet, which are worshipped by the highest tridandi sannyasis. I eternally offer obeisance to the radiance emanating from the toenails of my master.'

charanasrita-renu-dharas tam aham
pranamami sada prabhupada-padam [11]

'He is a dear assistant of Sri Vrisabhanu-nandini. I am very proud to have got an opportunity to place the dust from his holy lotus feet on my head. I offer obeisance to his miraculous holy lotus feet, replete with Her rescuing power. I eternally offer obeisance to the radiance emanating from the toenails of my master.'


— : • : —


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Akrodha paramananda
Amara jivana
Aruna vasane
Atmanivedana tuya pade

Balarama Nityananda
Bara sukhera khabara gai
Bhagyadhisa-tvadiyo (Sri Guru Prasasti)
Bhajahu re mana
Bhaja re bhaja re amar
Bhuliya tomare
bimala hema jini

Chaudda-sata sata-sake
Dhana mora Nityananda
Durlabha manava janma

Ei-bara karuna kara
E ghora samsare
Emona durmati

Gaurangera duti pada
Gaya gora madhur svare
Gopinath (Nivedana)
Gurudev! Bada krpa kari
Gurudev! Krpa-bindu diya

Ha ha bhakti-vinoda
Hari-bhakti-rasamrta-dana (Stava Kusumanjali)
Hari haraye Namah Krsna
Hari he dayala mora
He deva bhavantam vande

Jagannatha-suta (Nadiya nagare nitai neche)
Janama saphala ta'ra
Jaya guru maharaja (Sri Guru arati-stuti)
Jaya Guru Maharaja karuna-sagara (Sri Sri Nitai-Chaitanya arati)
Jaya jaya Gorachander
Jaya jaya gurudeva karuna-sagara (Sri Guru Sri Gaura Sri Nityananda Arati)
Jaya jaya gurudeva karuna-sagara (Sri Nitai Gauranga Arati, Nrisingha Palli)
Jaya jaya gurudever (Sri Guru arati)
Jayare jayare jaya Gaura-Saraswati
Jayare jayare jaya paramahamsa
Jaya Sachi-nandana
Jaya Radha-Madhava
Jaya Radhe, Jaya Krsna

Kabe habe bolo
Kabe Sri Chaitanya more
Kali kukura kadana
Ke yabi ke yabi
Ki jani ki bale
Ki-rupe paiba seva
Krpa kara Vaishnav Thakura

Mana tumi tirthe sada rata
Manasa deha geha

Namo namah tulasi maharani
Naumi sri-gurupadabjam (Sri Pranati Dasakam)
Nitai amara dayara avadhi
Nitai gunamani amara

Parama karuna

Radha bhajane yadi
Radhe Radhe Govinda

Samsara-davanala (Sri Gurvastakam)
Sarvasva tomara
Sri-gaura-mandala majhe
Sri Guru-charana-padma
Sri Guru-Parampara
Sri Guru-charana-padma
Sri Hari-vasare
Sri Krsna Chaitanya Prabhu daya kara more
Sri Krsna-Chaitanya Prabhu jive daya kari
Srila Raghunath Das Goswami Sochaka
Srimad Rupa-pada-rajah Prarthana Dasakam
Sri Nrsimha, Jaya Nrsimha
Sri Rupa-manjari-pada
Sri Sad-Goswamy-Astakam
Sri Sri Damodarastakam
Sri Srimad Gaura-Kishor-Namaskar Dasakam
Sri Sri Siksastakam
Sujanarvuda-radhita (Sri Sri Prabhupada-padma Stavakah)
Suno he rasika-jana

Thakura vaisnava-gana

Udila aruna

Vaisnav ke?
Vaisnava Thakura dayara
Varaja-vipine yamuna kule

Yadi Gaura na ha'ta
Yasoda-Nandana Krsna
Yasomati-stanya-payi (Nagare nagare gora gay)
Ye anila prema-dhana (Viraha-giti)

Dasavidha Nama-Aparadha





Sri Hari-Vasare
'Hari-vasar activities are like this. Every day when the sankirtan started, Mahaprabhu started to dance. They would start at Srivas Pandit's angan early in the morning and first sing the 'Gopala Govinda' song..'



Even if they live in another country, but they remember the festival, they will get
some sukriti through that. That is their hope.