রাস-পূর্নিমা ও সাধকের জীবন
ওঁ বিষ্ণুপাদ শ্রী শ্রীল ভক্তি নির্ম্মল আচার্য্য মহারাজের হরি-কথামৃত:
ষড়ঙ্গ শরণাগতি হইবে যাঁহার, তাঁহার প্রার্থনা শুনে শ্রীনন্দকুমার ।
Download / listen to the audio (14 Mb, 40 min)
Srila B.S. Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj's Appearance Day
Next Monday, 8 December, we are celebrating the grand appearance day of
Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj, and we are cordially
inviting all devotees and well-wishers to join the celebration, either at
our central Math, Sri Nabadwip Dham, India, or at the centres
সোমবার ৮ম ডিসেম্বর শ্রীগুরুপাদপদ্ম ওঁ বিষ্ণুপাদ শ্রীশ্রীমদ্ভক্তিসুন্দর
গোবিন্দ দেবগোস্বমী মহারাজের শুভাবির্ভাব তিথি । এই মহোৎসবে আপনাকে সবিনয়ে
সাদর আমন্ত্রণ জানাইতেছি ।
Tue, 2 December 2014 (Sri Ekadashi):
The Power of
"If Krishna protects you, no one can destroy you. Krishna says, 'If you
think for Me, I will think for you.' You think that your children and
other people will look after you, but no, it is not so."
Download / listen to the audio (5 Mb, 7 min)
শ্রীএকাদশী তিথি
ওঁ বিষ্ণুপাদ শ্রী শ্রীল ভক্তি নির্ম্মল আচার্য্য মহারাজের হরি-কথামৃত:
মাধব-তিথি ভক্তি-জননী, যতনে পালন করি ; কৃষ্ণবসতি বসতি বলি’ পরম আদরে বরি
Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj is speaking in Bengali on the significance of
observing Sri Ekadashi Tithi, one of the
64 practices of
Download / listen to the audio (12 Mb, 33 min)
Sat, 6 December 2014:
Krishna Your Friend
"It is necessary to have desire to get it. Krishna Himself said, 'If you
have desire, one day mercy will come.' If you make one step to Krishna,
Krishna will make ten steps to you."
Download / listen to the audio (1.2 Mb, 4 min)
Sun, 7 December 2014:
Vyasa Puja Is Coming
"Gurudev's lila is going on, but only the fortunate souls can see it, that
is why we must engage everybody in service on his appearance day. Whatever
capacity we have—in kaya, mana, vakya, body, mind, and speech—we
must serve his appearance day, his birth day."
Mon, 8 December 2014: Appearance Day Of Srila B.S.
Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj
Vyasa Puja: Adhivas Day
Photographs taken yesterday, on December 7, at Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math,
Sri Nabadwip Dham: noon arati, prasad seva, and the evening
class—presided over by His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Nirmal
Acharya Maharaj.
(31 photos, 3.7 Mb)
Biography of Srila B.S.
Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj
A glorification article that sprang forth from the interpretation of the
Pranam-mantra of His Divine Grace and was originally published as
an Appendix to the Revealed Truth
Published in 1992 to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat
Math, the book presents a series of reflections of Srila B.S. Govinda
Dev-Goswami Maharaj on how the Math was founded and developed over the
course of time, as well as affectionate guidance for the practitioners on
how to proceed in their spiritual life.
বাংলা হরিকথা
Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj's Bengali lecture given on the holy day of Sri
Vyasa Puja of Srila B.S. Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj on 23 December 2010:
• Download
(16.4 Mb, 46 min)
Some of the preparations that are favourite to His Divine Grace Srila B.S.
Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj and are included into the
Festival Menu:
Rice, mung or chana dal, stir-fried karela, sak, poshta bora, cauliflower
pakoras, mixed vegetable subji, paneer rasa, boiled potato, tomato
chutney, achar (pickle), cucumber salad, paramanna (sweet rice),
Tue, 9 December 2014: Parikrama to Sri
শ্রীশ্রীমদ্ভক্তিসুন্দর গোবিন্দ দেবগোস্বমী মহারাজের শুভাবির্ভাব
"গুরুদেবের অনেক বোঝা আছে, কিন্তু আমাদের তার বোঝা তা কিছু নিতে পারি, তাহলে তা
ভালবাসা বলা হয় ।"
"Guru has so much burden, if we can take some of this burden, that is
called love and affection." Festival Bengali class spoken by His Divine
Grace Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj.
• Download
(6.2 Mb, 17 min)
A compilation of short clips filmed during the morning parikrama around
the temples and Nagar-sankirtan to the Ganges on the holy appearance day
of Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj at Sri Chaitanya
Saraswat Math, Sri Nabadwip Dham.
Wed, 10 December 2014: Disappearance Day Of
Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur
Sri Dayita Dasa Dasakam(Text and Audio)
A poem composed by Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj after
the disappearance of his Divine Master Bhagavan Srila Bhakti Siddhanta
Saraswati Thakur Prabhupad: "O Dina-nayana, wherever that great soul may
be, please quickly take this servitor there."
Ye Anila Prema-Dhana
Karuna Prachura(Sung on disappearance days of Vaishnavs)
"Where has Advaita Acharya, the Lord who mercifully brought the wealth of
divine love to this world, gone? I will break my head on a rock, I will
enter into fire—where shall I go to reach the reservoir of all
qualities, Sri Gauranga?"
Download / listen to the audio (2.6 Mb)
Disappearance Day of Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj is speaking on this day in 2010 at Sri
Chaitanya Saraswat Math, Sri Nabadwip Dham, in Bengali and English: "We
can pray to Srila Saraswati Thakur, 'Do not reject me, please make your
feet dust.' What he gave to the world, no one can compete with him."
Download / listen to the audio (11.9 Mb, 35 min)
Vyasa Puja Celebration
Photographs taken on December 8, at Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math,
Sri Nabadwip Dham during the festival celebrating the appearance day of
Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj.
(76 photos, 9.4 Mb)
Thu, 11 December 2014:
for Guru: Service and Commitment
"We are always busy with our own interest, with our own enjoyment, but we
must understand: who do we love more, our Guru or ourselves? We must
realise it for ourselves in our heart. If we love our Guru more, then we
must serve more—we must give more time for our Guru."
Download / listen to the audio (4 Mb, 11 min)
Fri, 12 December 2014:
গুরুদেবের চরণে প্রীতি
"নিজ চিন্তা করি নি—যদি আমি মরে যাই, আমি মরে যাই, কিন্তু আমার গুরু ভালো
থাকবেন, ভগবান ভালো থাকবেন—সেই চিন্তা আমাদের করতে হবে, সেই তা হয়েছে প্রীতি,
সেই তা হয়েছে ভালবাসা । যে প্রীতিটা আমাদের বিষয়ে আসবে, সেই প্রীতিটা
ভগবানের চরণে আসতে হবে, গুরুদেবের চরণে আসতে হবে, তাহলে আমাদের কিছু ভক্তি
লাভ হবে ।"
Download / listen to the audio (17.3 Mb, 48 min)
Sat, 13 December 2014:
Bamunpara Pilgrimage
Every year, on the day following the Vyasa Puja of Srila B.S. Govinda
Dev-Goswami Maharaj, devotees come to Sri
Bamunpara, the birth place of His Divine Grace, Nadan Ghat,
the place of Srila Gurudev's childhood pastimes, as well as the nearby Sri
Haritaki tree (famous for a Pastime of Lord Nityananda and Srila Vrindavan
Das Thakur) and Srila Vrindavan Das Thakur's house.
(56 photos, 7.8 Mb)
Sun, 14 December 2014:
His Example and Teachings
"Gurudev conquered the whole world with his love and affection. Many
people throughout the world do not know English language or cannot
fully understand it, but they could understand Gurudev through their
Download / listen to the audio (5.2 Mb, 15 min)
Mon, 15 December 2014:
Proof of Love
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj speaking to the devotees from Hungary
two days before the Vyasa Puja of Srila B.S. Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj:
"Every year we make this festival together, and we must promise on this
day: Gurudev is giving us life for one more year, and for one more year
we will engage ourselves in service to our Guru."
Download / listen to the audio (3.2 Mb, 10 min)
Tue, 16 December 2014:
His Example and Teachings (Video)
"Gurudev conquered the whole world with his love and
affection. Many people throughout the world do not know English language
or cannot fully understand it, but they could understand Gurudev through
their heart."
Visit to Kakarvitta and Siliguri
Devotees travel to the Siliguri temple in the north of West Bengali, the
district of Darjeeling, and then make a short trip to a preaching center
in Kakarvitta, Nepal, and back.
(15 photos, 2.1 Mb)
Sri Ekadashi Guidance
Guidelines on how to observe and honour this holy day: Ekadashi takes an
indispensible part in the life of a sincere practitioner. At Sri Chaitanya
Saraswat Math, Ekadashi and paran are observed with affection and without
fail according to the dates given in the Calendar.
Fri, 19 December 2014:
of Life
"We are swimming in an ocean, and somebody throws some log into the ocean
to help us reach the shore, then we must try to get there. We can try to
practise—this is what Guru Maharaj, Gurudev established this
Math for."
Download / listen to the audio (7 Mb, 20 min | English and Bengali)
Sat, 20 December 2014: (Disappearance of Srila
Mahesh Pandit and Srila Uddharan Das Thakur)
"You can die at any time—are you going to do something after death?
Next life? Do something now."
Download / listen to the audio (1.3 Mb, 4 min | English and Bengali)
Sun, 21 December 2014:
Guard and the Guardian
The guard: "I will keep those who are against you far away from your zone;
I will not allow them to enter."
The guardian: "It is not necessary to be a very big scholar, or to be Rupa
Goswami or Sanatan Goswami. It is sufficient to be a gentleman..."
Download / listen to the audio (1 Mb, 3 min)
Mon, 22 December 2014:
Kirtans chanted on 3 December 2014 at Sri Nabadwip Dham by His Divine
Grace Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj: Sri Guru charana-padma •
Sri Krishna Chaitanya Prabhu daya kara more •
Ohe Vaishnava Thakura dayara sagara •
Parama karuna pahu dui jana Nitai Gaurachandra •
Gaurangera duti pada yara dhana sampada •
Gaya Gora madhur svare •
Jaya Radha-Madhava
Download / listen to the audio (9.4 Mb, 28 min)
Wed, 24 December 2014: Disappearance of Srila Jiva
Goswami Prabhu, Srila Jagadish Pandit
Srila Jiva
Goswami Prabhu
"I have no power to say what kind of devotion to his Guru Jiva Goswami
had. Jiva Goswami's service cannot be compared to
anyone's service. Whatever order he would get, he would place it on his
head and do it all the time—his mind never went to any other
Download / listen to the audio (8 Mb, 23 min)
Srila Jiva
Goswami Prabhura Sochaka
A song composed by Srila Narahari Thakur in glorification of Srila Jiva
Goswami Prabhu's life, character, and service. Bengali verses and English
without Attachment
"Sometimes it may come to your mind that what you are doing is bhajan,
service, but it may be all karma. If you follow your Gurudev, serve the
Vaishnavs, then you can easily call it service."
Download / listen to the audio (2.3 Mb, 7 min)
Fri, 26 December 2014:
"We must clean ourselves through sravan, kirtan, Hari-katha, otherwise no
matter how much we labour, the result will not come."
Download / listen to the audio (2.3 Mb, 7 min)
Sat, 27 December 2014:
সাধুসংঘ, ভুলগুলি ও গুরুদেবের তুষ্টি
ওঁ বিষ্ণুপাদ শ্রী শ্রীল ভক্তি নির্ম্মল আচার্য্য মহারাজের হরি-কথামৃত ।
Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj speaks in Bengali about good association,
ability to admit one's mistakes, chastity, and service for Gurudev's
Download / listen to the audio (4.4 Mb, 13 min)
Sun, 28 December 2014:
"Why do we recite the vandana of Vaishnavs, Nityananda Prabhu, Gauranga
Mahaprabhu, Radha-Krishna, Tulasi Devi? Vandana means ahovat korte, calling
them, praying them for mercy, 'Prabhu, we are going to chant your
glorification. Please give us some mercy.'"
Back to Home, Back to Godhead
"'এ ঘোর-সংসারে পড়িয়া মানব না পায় দুঃখের শেষ, সাধুসঙ্গ করি' হরি ভজে যদি তবে
অন্ত হয় ক্লেশ'—ওহে দীনজন শুন ভাল কথা উল্লসিত হবে হিয়া !"
A recent comprehensive Bengali lecture of His Divine Grace Srila B.N.
Acharya Maharaj about karma, rare human birth, jiva soul's nature, the
meaning of life, as well practising life, service mood and affection to
one's Guru.
Download / listen to the audio (14.3 Mb, 42 min)
Chanted on 27 December 2014 by His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Nirmal
Acharya Maharaj: Sri Guru charana-padma •
Sri Krishna Chaitanya Prabhu daya kara more •
Ohe Vaishnava Thakura dayara sagara •
Nitai-pada-kamala •
Gaurangera duti pada •
Gaya Gora madhur svare.
Download / listen to the audio (11 Mb, 32 min)
Wed, 31 December 2014: (Tomorrow is Ekadashi)
One More Year
As one more years draws to its end, His Divine Grace Srila B.N. Acharya
Maharaj muses on the value and meaning of life, quoting several Vaishnav
songs: "Life is shaky—it is here now, and then it is gone. Serve the
Lord's feet!"
Download / listen to the audio (2.2 Mb, 7 min)
His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj is reading from Sri
Chaitanya-charitamrita, chapter 22: 'If those who want enjoyment,
liberation or some mystic powers, get good intelligence and practise Krishna
consciousness intensely, they get the service to Krishna.'