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Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj  Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj  Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj  Bhagavan Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupad
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JUNE 2019



Sat, 1 June 2019:

Learn from Gurudev
"Sometimes, I remember how Gurudev would give all his life to the temple, he would give all his energy to the devotees, to the service of the devotees. This is a great example for us all. We must understand what is Mahaprabhu's conception and nature, what is Gurudev's nature, Guru Maharaj's nature..."
Download / listen to the audio (1.7 Mb, 5 min | 29 May 2019)

Saranagati, Song 21: Visrambhatmika (Confidence in the Lord's Protection)
"Ekhana bhujhinu prabhu! tomara charana: O Lord! I experienced only great distress in my independent life. All my distress has gone away by embracing Your feet. Your feet will surely deliver Bhakti Vinod from the dangers of material existence."

Visiting Sri Panihati
(30 May 2019 | 10 photographs, 1 Mb)
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj comes to Sri Panihati, lying to the north of Kolkata, to visit the house of Sri Raghav Pandit and the place where Srila Raghunath Das Goswami Prabhu finally attained the mercy of Sriman Nityananda Prabhu, as well as to arrange a preaching place for Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math at the annual chira-dahi festival of Srila Raghunath Das Goswami Prabhu on 15 June.


Sun, 2 June 2019:

Service Etiquette
"Gurudev always told us to serve devotees—rather than serve Krishna it is better if you serve devotees. The temple is for the service to devotees. If there are no devotees staying in a temple, then Deities do not stay there, only dolls stay there."
Download / listen to the audio (1.8 Mb, 5 min | 29 May 2019)

Saranagati, Song 22: Visrambhatmika (Confidence in the Lord's Protection)
"Tumi ta' maribe yare, ke tare rakhite pare: Who can protect one whom You will kill? The three worlds are subservient to Your will. You are the eternal master of Your devotees. Who can kill one whom You will protect? You are the author of all destinies."


Mon, 3 June 2019:

Learn to Give Honour
"Without thinking, we write something, we do something, we think something, and we consider that what we think is the highest. This is Vaishnav aparadh. You must learn to give honour to others. Even if the person is junior, even if they do not know anything, we must learn to give honour to others."
Download / listen to the audio (1.2 Mb, 3 min | 29 May 2019)

Saranagati, Song 23: Visrambhatmika (Confidence in the Lord's Protection)
"Atma-samarpane gela abhimana: By fully offering myself unto You, my false egotism has gone away. I will no longer make any arrangements to protect myself. Bhakti Vinod is one of Your cows in Gokul. O Kesava! Surely you will carefully protect him."


Tue, 4 June 2019:

Astonishing Service Mood
"I have seen your service mood, and the most important thing is that you do not do something externally—you do everything internally, with heart. I am quite astonished to see your service mood. You must continue practising in this way every day."
Download / listen to the audio (2 Mb, 6 min | 8 January 2019)

Saranagati, Song 24: Visrambhatmika (Confidence in the Lord's Protection)
"Chhodata purusa-abhimana: Abandoning the false ego of a male enjoyer, today I have become a maidservant, O Kan! In the groves of Vraja, under the guidance of Radha's girlfriends, I will engage in service, O Lord of Radha!"


Wed, 5 June 2019:

Great Fortune and Great Responsibility
"You are fortunate that the Deities are coming to your centre. I am telling to everybody: anyhow, whatever comes, be it in rain or in storm or whatever other problem comes, you must do your service with nista, sincerity. This is my humble request to you all."
Download / listen to the audio (1.4 Mb, 4 min | 2 June 2019)

Construction Progress in Uluberia
(4 June 2019 | 14 photographs, 0.5 Mb)
Photographs from a recent visit to Uluberia made by His Divine Grace to supervise the steady construction of the temple. Devotees show the construction progress and consult on the further works.

Online Programmes
(2 June 2019 | 7 photographs, 0.5 Mb)
This Sunday, His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj mercifully speaks holy Hari-katha to the assembled devotees in Ukraine and Colombia. Sharing a few glimpses of the holy darshan of His Divine Grace.

Visiting Sri Ekachakra Dham
(31 May 2019 | 5 photographs, 0.5 Mb)
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj visits Sri Ekachakra Dham to supervise the ongoing construction atop the nat mandir as well as the new nearly completed kitchen outbuilding. Sharing a few glimpses from the holy site.

News from Sripat Hapaniya Dham
(31 May 2019 | 14 photographs, 1.3 Mb)
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj visits Sripat Hapaniya Dham to look after the ongoing services, supply service paraphernalia, as well as welcome a new resident of the temple...

Saranagati, Song 25: Varjanatmika (Rejecting the Unfavourable)
"Kesava! tuya jagata vichitra: O Kesava! Your material creation is extremely variegated. I have wandered throughout this forest of birth and death according to the consequences of my actions and seen so many kinds of hoaxes. Bhakti Vinod has offered his respects to them all from afar and accepted the feet of Your devotees as his be-all and end-all."


Thu, 6 June 2019:

Take Care of Deities
"Being a pujari is a very responsible service—the Deities are like their small son and daughter—how will They survive without Their mother? You must be careful with this service. The Deities you have got are very special..."
Download / listen to the audio (1 Mb, 3 min | 2 June 2019)

Saranagati, Song 26: Varjanatmika (Rejecting the Unfavourable)
"Tuya bhakti-pratikula dharma yate raya: I will carefully abandon whatever I know to be unfavourable to devotion. This is my resolute vow. Falling at the feet of the Lord, Bhakti Vinod prays for the ability to abandon everything unfavourable to devotion."


Fri, 7 June 2019:

Arati of Sri Gaura Nitai
"The Deities are Gaura Nitai, so sing some Gaura Nityananda songs in the morning, at noon and in the evening. Which songs to sing is up to you, but sing this arati minimum in the evening."
Download / listen to the audio (0.8 Mb, 2 min | 2 June 2019)

Saranagati, Song 27: Varjanatmika (Rejecting the Unfavourable)
"Visaya-vimudha ara mayavadi jana: Both materialists and illusionists (mayavadis) are devoid of devotion and maintain their lives in vain. There is nothing more unfavourable to devotion than illusionism. Therefore, I never desire the association of illusionists."

শ্রীপুরীধাম মাহাত্ম্য-মুক্তা-মালা: মহাপ্রভুর পুরীতে যাত্রা : সাক্ষীগোপাল
"কটকনগরে এসে মহাপ্রভু সাক্ষী গোপালের দর্শন করার পর নিত্যানন্দ প্রভুর শ্রীমুখে গোপালের কথা শুনেছিলেন । শ্রীনিত্যানন্দ প্রভু তার আগে এখানে শ্রীলমাধবেন্দ্রপুরীর সঙ্গে এসেছিলেন ।"


Sat, 8 June 2019:

Questions and Answers
• How can I establish myself in the real faith in Guru? • How can a devotee develop real devotion and real saranagati to Gurudev and Krishna? • What activities would you like us as a community to do with the children to ensure their spiritual progress? • How should we treat devotees coming from another line?
Download / listen to the audio (2.6 Mb, 8 min | 2 June 2019)

Saranagati, Song 28: Varjanatmika (Rejecting the Unfavourable)
"Ami ta' svananda-sukhada-vasi: I am a resident of Svananda Sukhada Kunja and a maidservant of Sri Sri Radhika-Madhava's feet. I never desire to speak with anyone who is inimical towards Sri Radha. I never cast my glance towards Sakhi Sthali. If I see it, I am reminded of Saibya."


Не идите на компромисс с майей [7 июня 2019 г.]
«Так много проблем было в их времена, но они не пошли на попятную: они говорили правду. Мы же готовы идти на компромисс: мы поступаемся своими принципами, мы поступаемся тем, чему учит нас Махапрабху, и идем на компромисс с прочими вещами. У Шрилы Шридхара Махараджа была большая мечта: он видел, что Шри Чайтанья Сарасват Матх будет по всему свету проповедовать подлинную концепцию Махапрабху, и это происходит сейчас. Мы не должны предаваться майе».


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Sun, 9 June 2019:

Do Not Compromise with Maya
"So many problems came in their time, and they did not back off—they spoke the truth; but we are ready to compromise our principles—we compromise what Mahaprabhu teaches us with other things. Srila Sridhar Maharaj saw a big dream that Mahaprabhu's proper conception would be preached all over the world by Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, and that is happening now. We must not surrender to maya."
Download / listen to the audio (3.8 Mb, 11 min | 7 June 2019)

মায়ার সাথে আপোষ করা যায় না (Do Not Compromise with Maya, Bengali class)
"আমরা সব সময় 'শরণাগত, শরণাগত' করি কিন্তু কইজন আমরা ভগবানের কাছে শরণাগত হয়েছি ? গুরুসেবার করিবার পরিবর্তে গুরুদেবের কাছে দীক্ষা নাওয়ার নাম করে দীক্ষা নাওয়ার অভিনয় করি । গুরুর সেবার পরিবর্তে গুরু-ভোগী, গুরু-ত্যাগী হয়ে পড়ি কন্তু গুরু-সেবী হতে পারি নি । নিজের স্বার্থ, নিজের ভাল-মন্দ জীবনটা কাটিয়ে গেলাম কিন্তু আমরা কখনই জীবে যে কী করে মঙ্গল লাভ হয়, সে চিন্তা করলাম না । সব সময় ভগবানের জন্য নিজের ভোগ-সুখ পরিত্যাগ করতে হয়, মায়ার কাছে সমর্পণ করলে হবে না ।"
Download / listen to the audio (4.2 Mb, 12 min | 7 June 2019)

Saranagati, Song 29: Anukulyatmika (Accepting the Favourable)
"Tuya bhakti-anukula ye ye karya haya: I will certainly perform with great care all activities that are favourable to devotion to You. I will carefully listen to discussions about You. Beholding Your abode, I will fill my eyes. Whatever I do that is favourable to Your devotees I consider to be favourable to devotion to You."


Mon, 10 June 2019:

Mahaprabhu's Attempt to Go to Vrindavan
"When Mahaprabhu decided to go to Vrindavan, King Prataparudra helped Him a lot. He set off from Puri and crossed the Chitrotpala River. Visiting Cuttack, Panihati, Kumarhatta, Kuliya, and Ramkeli, Mahaprabhu went back to Puri thinking, 'I must go to Vrindavan alone.'"
Download / listen to the audio (2.5 Mb, 7 min | 8 June 2019)

Saranagati, Song 30: Anukulyatmika (Accepting the Favourable)
"Godruma-dhame bhajana-anukule: In the abode of Godrum, which is most favourable to devotional service and non-different from Sri Nandisvar in Sri Mathura Mandal, I will reside in a small cottage in Surabhi Kunj on the bank of the Ganges, wearing tilak, a beautiful tulasi mala, and the garb most dear to Sri Gaurasundar's devotees."


Tue, 11 June 2019:

Purpose of Pilgrimage
"Material people think Vrindavan is a place for their enjoyment. They go to Puri, they bathe in the sea and see it as a place for enjoyment, but this is wrong—Mahaprabhu did not teach this, it is completely against Mahaprabhu's teaching."
Download / listen to the audio (1 Mb, 3 min | 8 June 2019)

Online Programme
(9 June 2019 | 6 photographs, 0.5 Mb)
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj mercifully speaks holy Hari-katha to the assembled devotees in Caracas, Venezuela, welcomes new devotees into the family of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math bestowing upon them the greatest gift of the Holy Name of the Lord, and also bestows service onto the fortunate souls who take second initiation.

Saranagati, Song 31: Anukulyatmika (Accepting the Favourable)
"Suddha-bhakata charana-renu: Pure devotees' foot-dust is favourable to devotion. Service to the devotees is the supreme fulfilment and the root of the creeper of prema. On days when I see devotional service going on within my home, I feel that Goloka has manifested there. Whatever Bhakti Vinod obtains that is favourable to the service of Krishna he accepts every day with the greatest joy."


Wed, 12 June 2019: (Appearance of Sri Ganga Mata Goswamini, disappearance of Srila Baladev Vidyabhushan Prabhu)

Mahaprabhu's Arrival In Vrindavan
"That same year, Mahaprabhu became determined that He would go to Vrindavan after Ratha-yatra alone. Ramananda Ray and Svarup Damodar requested Ballabhadra Bhattacharya to go with Mahaprabhu. Mahapabhu would roam around listening to the talks of parrots. He was very, very happy to come to Vrindavan."
Download / listen to the audio (2.5 Mb, 7 min | 8 June 2019)

Saranagati, Song 32: Anukulyatmika (Accepting the Favourable)
"Radha-kunda-tata-kunja-kutira: I will never abandon these things and go elsewhere. I will lose my life if I abandon these things. Bhakti Vinod says, 'Please listen, O Kan! All these things that remind me of You are my life and soul.'"

শ্রীপুরীধাম মাহাত্ম্য-মুক্তা-মালা: গঙ্গা মাতা গোস্বামিণী
"শচীদেবী রাজকন্যা হয়ে রাজশাহীতে (বর্ত্তমান পূর্ব্বপাকিস্তানে) জন্ম গ্রহণ করেছিলেন । যখন তাঁর বয়স হয়ে গেছে, তাঁর মা-বাবা তাঁকে বিয়ে দিতে চাইলেন কিন্তু তিনি দিব্য সুন্দরী রাজকন্যা হয়েও বললেন, 'আমি শ্রীকৃষ্ণের চরণে মনটা দিয়ে দিয়েছি । আমি কোন মর্ত্ত পুরুষকে বিয়ে করব না যে আমাকে ভোগ করবে, যে আমাকে ব্যবহার করবে! আমি সে সব চাই না ।'..."


In honour of Sri Ganga Mata Goswamini and Srila Baladev Vidyabhusan Prabhu, from the archive:

Ganga Mata Goswamini
"There was once a young girl, a daughter of a good Odisha king, who got much mercy from Jagannath. She always served in the Jagannath temple—made garlands and did whatever other service there was..."
Download / listen to the audio (1.6 Mb, 5 min | 24 September 2009)

From Sri Guru and His Grace:
"Srila Baladev Vidyabhusan's contribution to the sampradaya is no less important than that of the other great stalwarts in the line. Baladev Vidyabhusan was very akin to the Madhva sampradaya, but when he came in connection with Visvanath Chakravarti Thakur, he showed great interest in Gaudiya–Vaisnavism. He has also commented on the Srimad Bhagavatam and Jiva Goswami's Sat-sandarbha, and that enlightened thought is a valuable contribution to our sampradaya. We cannot dismiss him, he is our Guru."


Thu, 13 June 2019: (Sri Nirjal Ekadasi)

Mahaprabhu Returns to Prayag
"One time, when Mahaprabhu was bathing in the Akrur ghat, He submerged Himself into the water and had not re-emerged for a long time. Becoming concerned, Ballabhadra Bhattacharya decided to take the Lord from Vraja Mandal to Prayag..."
Download / listen to the audio (2.4 Mb, 7 min | 8 June 2019)

Saranagati: Bhajana-Lalasa, Hankering for Service (Song 1)
"Prapanche padiya agati ha-iya: I perform no pious actions, I have no knowledge, I do not engage in any devotional practices, and I do not perform any devotional service. You are merciful, and I am most fallen. I pray for Your unconditional mercy."


Sri Ekadasi Guidance
Guidelines on how to observe and honour this holy day: Ekadasi takes an indispensible part in the life of a sincere practitioner. At Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, Ekadasi and paran are observed with affection and without fail according to the dates given in the Calendar.


"Sri Ekadasi" (Sri Sri Prema Vivarta)
"One day, Gaurahari left the Gundicha Temple and sat in the Jagannath Vallabha garden. It was pure Ekadasi, and the Lord spent the whole day and night chanting the Name of Krishna..."

SONG: Suddha-bhakata | শুদ্ধ ভকত-চরণ-রেণু
"I carefully observe the holy days related to Madhava, they are the mother of devotion."

SONG: Sri hari-vasare | শ্রীহরি-বাসরে হরি
"On the holy day of Sri Hari, Sriman Mahaprabhu, the life and soul of the universe, began dancing..."



"Observing Ekadasi" (by Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj)
"Ekadasi Vrata: Make Your Guru Happy" (by Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj)
"No Other Shelter" (by Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj)
"Mahadvadasi" (by Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj)
" Ekadasi and liberation" (by Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj)
"Ekadasi Tithi: One of the Practices" (by Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj)
Yogini Ekadasi


Fri, 14 June 2019: (Adhivas day of the annual Festival in Sri Panihati)
Sri Panihati: Place of Prime Pastimes
"It is written in our calendar that tomorrow is the chida-dahi danda mahotsav. Only a fortunate soul who wants to get the mercy of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu can come here. Without a great fortune no one can come here, no one can serve Sriman Nityananda Prabhu."
Download / listen to the audio (5.7 Mb, 16 min | 25 June 2018)

Saranagati: Bhajana-Lalasa, Hankering for Service (Song 2)
"Arthera sanchaye, visaya-prayase: I have remained immersed in the defects, thus devotion to You has remained far away from me. Only malice towards others, pride, desire for worldly prestige, and insincerity flourish within my heart."

In Honour of Sripad Bhakti Chandan Parvat Maharaj
(45 photographs, 3 Mb)
Sripad Parvat Maharaj was never in the foreground—he never showed to be a great devotee, a great writer, a great speaker, a great singer, or a great anything, but what he did show to this world, besides being adorned with many beautiful devotional qualities, is that whenever and whatever service or order came from his Guru and holy Vaishnavs, he placed it on his head and followed it with heart and soul, with full dedication (along with as a smile, and often a witty joke). For our own purification, bowing down at his holy feet, we are humbly presenting a selection of photographs in the auspicious memory of His Holiness.


All glory to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga

Dear Devotees, Friends, and Well-Wishers,

Please accept my humble obeisance.

With a very saddened heart, I am writing to give the news that our dear and worshippable Sripad Bhakti Chandan Parvat Maharaj left his body today (14 June 2019) early in the morning.

Sripad Bhakti Chandan Parvat Maharaj's service to the Mission and humble, kind-hearted mood is well known to the devotees worldwide. Every year, up until his health deteriorated and did not allow him to come, he would also come here to Kolkata and, tirelessly, single-handedly and very happily roaming the streets and lanes of Kolkata, collect for Sri Gaura Purnima festival, and afterwards assist the festival itself in various ways. We can never forget his affection and service. Srila Gurupadpadma, Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj, said, "Dhrstam dhrstam punar api punas chandanam charu-gandham: the more you rub chandan, the more auspicious fragrance it emanates." Similarly, we must admit that the more we remember the glories of Sripad Bhakti Chandan Parvat Maharaj, the more auspiciousness will come to our lives.

I pray that, remembering Sripad B.Ch. Parvat Maharaj's mood and service, devotees will fill the void created by his disappearance from our vision and try to serve the Mission of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math with ever stronger dedication.

Your faithful servant,

Swami B. N. Acharya


Sat, 15 June 2019: (Grand Festival of Srila Raghunath Das Goswami in Sri Panihati)
Srila Raghunath Das Goswami Sochaka
Seated amidst fortunate souls and holy Vaishnavs, His Divine Grace chants the unlimited glories of Srila Raghunath Das Goswami and elaborates on his coming to and stay at the lotus feet of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, adding at the end a summary about the famous 'Raghaver-jhali'.
Download / listen to the audio (25.2 Mb, 70 min | 25 June 2018 | Bengali)

Chira-Dahi Mahotsav at Sri Panihati
(15 June 2019 | 51 photographs, 4.1 Mb)
Photographs from the grand festival of flat rice and yoghurt celebrated annually in memory of Srila Raghunath Das Goswami and Sriman Nityananda Prabhu.


Saranagati: Bhajana-Lalasa, Hankering for Service (Song 3)
"Bhajane utsaha, bhaktite visvasa: I have remained immersed in offensive behaviour and never associated with sadhus. Yet I wear the garb of a sadhu and instruct others. This is a great trick of maya. In such a state, I will attain only Your unconditional mercy, O Lord! When will I prayerfully call out to You under the shelter of Sri Guru?"


Posted previously:

Srila Raghunath Das Goswami Sochaka | শ্রীল-রঘুনাথদাস-গোস্বামি-শোচক
(This kirtan is usually sung on the day of Sri Panihati Festival)
"When Raghunath Das heard that Rupa and Sanatan had gone to Vrindavan, he gave up all rights to his estate and the comforts of a life like that of Indra, and went to Mahaprabhu."

"We have been to Panihati for chira-dadhi mahotsav, it is the place where Srila Raghunath Das Goswami Prabhu received mercy of Sri Nityananda Prabhu. It is not so far from Dum Dum Park, and it is a very nice place, on the bank of the Ganges..."
Download / listen to the audio (3 Mb, 8 min | 3 November 2010)

Treading the Wrong Path
Trying to cut a shortcut and fostering chauvinism will not take you far: without getting mercy of Gurudev, your attempts to reach the goal will be thwarted; by discriminating against householders you can end up in hell.
Download / listen to the audio (1 Mb, 3 min | 3 June 2015)

Srila Raghunath Das Goswami: Breaking Free
"He wanted to take a roundabout zigzag route, avoiding Nityananda Prabhu and going directly to Mahaprabhu, but every time he went to Mahaprabhu, Mahaprabhu rejected him and sent him back to his home...."
Download / listen to the audio (1.7 Mb, 5 min | 25 October 2015)

Real Mercy, Real Service
Real mercy: "Getting mercy means getting service: if you have service, you have mercy."
Real service: "Practise properly, keep proper association, and always avoid the Nama aparadh, seva aparadh, dham aparadh, Vaishnav aparadh. Chant the Holy Name properly, without deceit, and with proper attention and service mood."
Download / listen to the audio (1 Mb, 2 min | 30 May 2015)


দণ্ড মহৎসব (ওঁ বিষ্ণুপাদ শ্রীল ভক্তি নির্ম্মল আচার্য্য মহারাজের হরি-কথামৃত)
"আপনারা বহু ভাগ্যের ফলে আজকে এখনে রঘুনাথদাস গোস্বামীর দণ্ড মহৎসব করতে আসলেন । দণ্ড মানে কি ? শাস্তি । এই শাস্তি এই জগতের শাস্তি নয়—এই শাস্তি যদি কেউ পেলে, ভগবদ-ধামে যাওয়া যায় ।"

মায়ার চিন্তা বা কৃষ্ণের চিন্তা ? (ওঁ বিষ্ণুপাদ শ্রীল ভক্তি নির্ম্মল আচার্য্য মহারাজের হরি-কথামৃত)
"আপনার যেটা দরকার প্রযোজন, সেইটা গ্রহণ করেন, এর বেশি দরকার নেই, তা ছাড়া আপনারা শন্তি লাভ করতে পারবে না । আমরা মায়ার কারা কিন্তু আমরা সবাই এক পরিবারের লোক—কার পরিবার? আমরা কৃষ্ণের সংসারের মানুষ, আমরা মায়ার সংসারের মানুষ নয় ।"

আমাদের একমাত্র উপায় (ওঁ বিষ্ণুপাদ শ্রীল ভক্তি নির্ম্মল আচার্য্য মহারাজের হরি-কথামৃত)
"কুটীনাটি যদি বাদ দিয়ে সরল ভাবে বৈষ্ণবের সেবা করেন, তাহলে দেখবেন আপনারা ভগবানকে লাভ করতে পারেন আর কোন দিন আর এই জন্ম-মৃত্যু-জরা-ব্যাধি ভোগ করতে হবে না । ভগবানের নাম ছাড়া কোন গতি নাই—এই কৃষ্ণনাম করলে অন্য কোন নামের ফল পাওয়া যায় ।"




(105 photographs, 8 Mb)
Photographs of the festivals taken over the past several years when our Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math joined under the caring guidance of His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj.


(10 photographs, 1 Mb)
Photographs taken at the annual chida-dahi festival in Panihati, where Srila Raghunath Das Goswami Prabhu received mercy of Nityananda Prabhu.


(17 photographs, 1.3 Mb)
Surrounded by his associates, servitors, and devotees, His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Jagad-Guru Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj takes part in the annual festival of flat rice and yoghurt in honour of Srila Raghunath Das Goswami.

(10 photographs, 0.6 Mb)
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj is attending the annual preaching festival in Sri Panihati distributing the mercy of the Lord in all fourteen directions.

(41 photographs, 3.3 Mb)
Photographs from the grand flat rice and yoghurt festival at Sri Panihati held annually in honour of the pastimes of Srila Raghunath Das Goswami and Sriman Nityananda Prabhu.


Sun, 16 June 2019:

Grand Festival in Panihati
"Here in Panihati, near this place, is where Srila Raghunath Das Goswami made the festival of flat rice and yoghurt, mango, jackfruit, etc. on the order of Sriman Nityananda Prabhu... Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math preaches in this way also every year at this festival."
Download / listen to the audio (1.9 Mb, 6 min | 15 June 2019)

Saranagati: Bhajana-Lalasa, Hankering for Service (Song 4)
"Dana, pratigraha, mitho gupta-katha: Not understanding this truth, and knowingly or unknowingly associating with non-devotees in all these ways, I have lost devotion and become a worldly person. The Lord has thus remained far away from me..."


Mon, 17 June 2019: (Anniversary Festival at Sri Parama Karuna Temple, Caracas)
A Miracle. A Joy.
"It gives me so much happiness, so much enthusiasm, and so much energy to see you all. You are adamant to take shelter of Gurudev, to take shelter of Parama Karuna Nitai Gaurachandra—what can I say? If I say it makes me glad, it is not sufficient to describe the joy I feel. You are showing a miracle to the whole world."
Download / listen to the audio (1 Mb, 3 min | 9 June 2019)

Saranagati: Bhajana-Lalasa, Hankering for Service (Song 5)
"Sanga-dosa-sunya, diksitadiksita: I will offer my obeisance to anyone who has been initiated and serves Your feet. I will serve anyone who is expert in unalloyed devotional service, O Lord! When will I attain this sincere disposition towards Your devotees? When will I cross over this ocean of material existence and enter Your abode of Vraja?"


From the archive:

Example for the World
"You are tolerating so much in this situation—you are suffering so much, facing a very bad and difficult condition—and you set an example for the entire world. I am sure that you will get the result and you will be successful. I will give you one example of service mood..."
Download / listen to the audio (3.5 Mb, 10 min | 28 June 2018)

Two kirtans
His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj chanting "Gurudev, krpa bindu diya" and "Parama Karuna" kirtans with the devotees online at the end of the darshan.
Download / listen to the audio (2.7 Mb, 8 min | 28 June 2018)

"Nitai Gaurachandra! Nitai Gaurachandra!"
"...We are very fortunate that we can chant Their Names. Now is the age of Kali, so many things are coming, but if you chant Nitai Gaurachandra all your offences will be removed."
Download / listen to the audio (1 Mb, 3 min | 26 June 2010)

Parama Karuna Nitai Gaurachandra
"I am always with you, and truly my love and affection are always with you—I cannot forget your service, your love and affection, and how Nitai Gaurachandra constantly bestow Their mercy on you all."
Download the audio (3.3 Mb, 10 min | 15 June 2011)

Glorious Parama Karuna
"It is such a glorious and happy day! Gaura Nitai wanted to come but They were searching who They would come with. When They finally got Gurudev's good association, They suddenly caught Gurudev's hand and came to Caracas."
Download / listen to the audio (1.8 Mb, 6 min | 3 June 2015)


SONG: Parama karuna | পরম করুণ পহুঁ দুই জন
"Nitai and Gaurachandra are the two most merciful Lords. There are no benefactors in the three worlds as merciful as Them. Hearing of Their glory, birds and animals cry and stones melt."


Tue, 18 June 2019: (Disappearance of Srila Shyamananda Prabhu and Sripad Rishabdev Prabhu)
Embarking On Surrendered Life
"You are a very fortunate soul—having got good association, you have come now to surrender yourself to the Lord. You are also fortunate because you have not run away—you are staying there and tolerating so much, doing service."
Download / listen to the audio (1.8 Mb, 5 min | 9 June 2019)

Saranagati: Bhajana-Lalasa, Hankering for Service (Song 6)
"Nira-dharma-gata, jahnavi-salile: The body of a devotee is always supramundane. Although one may see faults within the inborn nature or body of a devotee, a devotee is never mundane. Your devotees are Your wealth. May they bestow mercy upon me; then my destiny will lead me towards You, and I will attain the shade of Your feet."


In honour of Sripad Rishabdev Prabhu:

Sripad Rishabdev Prabhu: A Miracle Personality
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Jagad-Guru Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj is remembering the character and disappearance of Sripad Rishabdev Prabhu: "I have seen so many miracles in my life, and Rishabdev Prabhu is also one kind of a miracle personality. If you see what your scriptures say (they show so many rules and regulations) and if you see Rishabdev Prabhu's case, you will not be able to harmonise it."

Sripad Rishabdev Prabhu's Message
"Dive deep, do not be satisfied with the surface understanding. It is necessary for us to go to the core, and this is beyond all visual, mental, and objective understanding... I have no hope, or even necessity, to know Krishna, but if I can serve guru or the servant of the guru, then I feel this is the perfection."
Download / listen to the audio (8.1 Mb, 23 min | 9 June 2019)

VIDEO: Sripad Risabdev Prabhu's Message (~40 Mb | 23 min)
Sripad Risabdev Prabhu is speaking a few weeks before his departure on 17 June 2000 sharing his memories of Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj Prabhupad and the sum and substance of his practising life in Krishna consciousness.



Wed, 19 June 2019:

On Association: Rotten Potato and Secular Affairs
"We must avoid bad association, we must remove bad thoughts from our heart. Sometimes, externally, we have to give respect to devotees, it is necessary, but there is one thing you must remember. This is something we must be careful about..."
Download / listen to the audio (4.1 Mb, 12 min | 2 June 2019)

Visiting Sri Nrisingha Palli
(18 June 2019 | 17 photographs, 1.5 Mb)
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj visits Sri Nrisingha Palli Temple to see to the ongoing construction sites and the temple's needs and meticulously supervises the progress made over the past few weeks.

Saranagati: Bhajana-Lalasa, Hankering for Service (Song 7)
"Vaisnava thakura dayara sagara: O Vaisnav Thakur! O Ocean of Mercy! Please be merciful to this servant. Give me the shade of your feet and purify me. I clasp hold of your feet. Alone I do not have the ability to properly chant the Lord's Name. Please mercifully give me a drop of faith; give me the wealth of Krishna's Name."


Thu, 20 June 2019:

A Line Not to Be Crossed
"We can see another lesson in Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita. There was Sri Vallabha Acharya who knew Srimad Bhagavatam and all Vaishnavism and was very proud of that. Mahaprabhu would give him respect, but this is how He removed Vallabha Acharya's ego."
Download / listen to the audio (1.1 Mb, 3 min | 2 June 2019)

Saranagati: Bhajana-Lalasa, Hankering for Service (Song 8)
"Tomare bhuliya, avidya-pidaya: O Lord! I have forgotten You, and my tongue has become afflic­ted with the jaundice of ignorance. Engrossed in mundane pleasures, my tongue does not like the nectar of Krishna's Name. Yet if I faithfully chant the Name every day, then, as sugar candy eradicates jaundice, so my taste for the Name will gradually develop, O Lord!"


Fri, 21 June 2019:

Questions and Answers
• Can we offer the Tulasi leaves that have touched the ground? • Were the kirtans in Jagannath Puri and Srivas-angan the same? • Does Lord Krishna always help those who get the blessing from their Guru? • Are we expected to do anything besides only desiring the mercy of Nityananda Prabhu?
Download / listen to the audio (2.8 Mb, 8 min | 2 June 2019)

Saranagati: Bhajana-Lalasa, Hankering for Service (Song 9)
"Sri-rupa-gosani, sri-guru-rupete: O Lord! Sri Rupa Gosani, in the form of Sri Guru, spoke these instructions into my ears: 'O beggar for the Name! Understand my words and you will attain loving attachment for chanting the Name.'"

শ্রীপুরীধাম মাহাত্ম্য-মুক্তা-মালা: মহাপ্রভুর পুরীতে যাত্রা : ভুবনেশ্বর
"এই প্রাচীন তীর্থের সম্বন্ধে একটা বিরাট বর্ণনা আছে । বহু কাল আগে পার্বতী তাঁর স্বামীর মুখে শুনেছিলেন যে, জগতে এক স্থান আছে যে কাশির কৈলাসের চাইতে রমণীয় । শুনে তাঁর সেই স্থান দর্শন করতে ইচ্ছা জেগে উঠল..."


Sat, 22 June 2019:

Fundamentals of Service Life
"When we do something based on the ideas of our mind, it may not be service, so we must think what will make Gurudev happy. Time is very short in our life, so be careful with time. Every moment is meant for the service of the Lord, so do not use this life for anything except service to the Lord."
Download / listen to the audio (2.1 Mb, 6 min | 2 June 2019)

Vaishnav Seva in Singur
(22 June 2019 | 27 photographs, 1.9 Mb)
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj attends a large Vaishnav seva programme arranged by the devotees in Singur in honour of late Kashinath Prabhu, bestowing mercy on all the fortunate souls assembled to hear Hari-katha from his holy lotus mouth.

Saranagati: Bhajana-Lalasa, Hankering for Service (Song 10)
"Bada krpa kari', gauda-vana-majhe: O Gurudev! You have very mercifully given me a place in Sri Godrumdwip amid the forests of Gauda, and ordered me: 'Reside in this abode which is non-different from Vraja and chant the Lord's Name.' But when, O master, will you mercifully grant this servant the qualification to do this?"
[* His Divine Grace often sings this song in Sri Nrisingha Palli commenting that when he came across this song in the book, he was very happy.]

শ্রীপুরীধাম মাহাত্ম্য-মুক্তা-মালা: মহাপ্রভুর পুরীতে যাত্রা : ভুবনেশ্বর শ্রীলিঙ্গরাজ
"প্রাচীনকালে কাশিধামস্থ শিব দেবর্ষি নারদকে বললেন, 'আমি আর এখানে থাকব না । যথার্থ ধর্ম্মও এখানে থাকবে না—সব লোক অধর্ম্মচারী ও দুর্বুদ্ধি হয়ে পড়বে ! এই স্থানে আমি আমার তপস্যা করতে আর পারি না । কিন্তু কোথায় যাব ?'"

শ্রীপুরীধাম মাহাত্ম্য-মুক্তা-মালা: মহাপ্রভুর পুরীতে যাত্রা : আঠারনালা
"যখন শ্রীচৈতন্য মহাপ্রভু সন্ন্যাস গ্রহণ করেছিলেন, তখন তিনি তাঁর দণ্ড (যা তিনি সন্ন্যাস গুরুর কাছ থেকে পেয়ে গিয়েছিলেন) নিয়ে নিত্যানন্দ প্রভু মুকুন্দাদি ভক্তগণের সঙ্গে পুরীতে গিয়েছিলেন । হেঁটে হেঁটে নিত্যানন্দ প্রভু ভাবলেন, 'মহাপ্রভু আমাকে কেন বহন করবেন ?'"


Sun, 23 June 2019:

Glory of Srimati Tulasi Devi
"Even those who have not taken Vaishnav initiation can have Tulasi at their home. Even if you cook fifty-six items, none of it will be accepted without Tulasi. Why not? There is a story behind it, and you should know it. I am going to try to summarise it for you."
Download / listen to the audio (4 Mb, 11 min | 29 May 2019 | Bengali)

Saranagati: Bhajana-Lalasa, Hankering for Service (Song 11)
"Gurudev! Krpa-bindu diya, kara' ei dase: O Gurudev! Give this servant a drop of your mercy and make him more humble than a blade of grass. Give him the strength to tolerate everything, and make him free from any desire for personal honour."

শ্রীপুরীধাম মাহাত্ম্য-মুক্তা-মালা: সার্বভৌম ভট্টাচার্য্যের সথে মিলন
"শ্রীপুরীধামে সার্বভৌম ভট্টাচার্য্য ছিলেন জগন্নাথ মন্দিরের পরিচালক । তিনি মন্দিরের সব কিছু দেখাশোনা করতেন কিন্তু তিনি ওইসময় মায়াবাদী ভক্ত ছিলেন (মায়াবাদী মানে তিনি ব্রহ্ম-জ্ঞান মানতেন) । প্রথম তিনি বিশ্বাসও করতে পারলেন না যে, মহাপ্রভু স্বয়ং ভগবান এসেছেন ।"

শ্রীপুরীধাম মাহাত্ম্য-মুক্তা-মালা: সার্বভৌম ভট্টাচার্য্যের শিক্ষা
"সার্বভৌম ভট্টাচার্য্যের আদেশ অনুসারে গোপীনাথ আচার্য্য মহাপ্রভুর ঘরে এসে বললেন যে, সার্বভৌম ভট্টাচার্য্য তাঁকে ডাকছেন । মুকুন্দ দত্ত সার্বভৌম ভট্টাচার্য্যের কথা শুনেছিলেন আর মহাপ্রভুকে সব বলে দিয়েছেন, কিন্তু মহাপ্রভু বললেন, 'মনে কর না, তিনি এটা আমারই মঙ্গলের জন্য বলেছেন । তাঁর কোন অপরাধ নেই ।'"


Mon, 24 June 2019:

Maintain Your Practice
"We do not have a centre here, but you can all make a programme once a week: one week in one house, another week in another house—it will make you stronger and give you so much enthusiasm. Practice makes perfect. This is the essence of our sangha."
Download / listen to the audio (1.1 Mb, 3 min | 8 January 2019 | South India)

[First part of this lecture was published earlier: Astonishing Service Mood]

Online Programme
(23 June 2019 | 4 photographs, 0.4 Mb)
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj gives class for the devotees in Sri Govinda Dham in Australia, lovingly nourishing and encouraging the devotees in their spiritual practice.

Saranagati: Bhajana-Lalasa, Hankering for Service (Song 12)
"Gurudev! Kabe mora sei dina ha'be: O Gurudev! When will that day be mine, when I will steady my mind, reside in a solitary place, and chant Krishna's Name? Then all the cacophony of the material world will no longer enter my ears, and the disease of bodily consciousness will remain far away from me."

শ্রীপুরীধাম মাহাত্ম্য-মুক্তা-মালা: কাশী মিশ্রের কথা
"কাশী মিশ্র কে দ্বাপর যুগে ছিলেন ? কুব্জা, একটি মেয়ে যে খুঁড়িয়ে হাঁটতেন, গায়ের রং কাল, আর বৃন্দাবনে তার একটা অন্য রকম ইচ্ছা জেগে উঠল—তিনি ভাবলেন, “কৃষ্ণ তো সব জায়গায়ই যায়, সব গোপীদের কাছে থাকে । আমার কাছেও যদি একটা রাত কাটাতে পারত, তাহলে ভাল হত ।” তখন তার কী হল ?"

শ্রীপুরীধাম মাহাত্ম্য-মুক্তা-মালা: ভক্তদের সহিত শ্রীক্ষেত্রে বার্ষিক মিলন
"যখন মহাপ্রভু নবদ্বীপ থেকে চলে গিয়েছিলেন, তিনি তখন নিত্যানন্দ প্রভুকে আদেশ দিয়েছিলেন, যে তিনি সমস্ত গৌড়মণ্ডলের ভক্তগণকে দেখাশোনা করবেন । তাঁর ইচ্ছা অনুসারে নিত্যানন্দ প্রভু সারা গৌড়মণ্ডলে ঘুরে ঘুরে প্রচার করতেন আর রথের সময় তিনি প্রতি বছর দল-বল নিয়ে শ্রীপুরীধামে হাঁটতে হাঁটতে আসতেন ।"


Tue, 25 June 2019:

A Life Worth Living
"This life is so temporary, and not only that—so much danger, so many problems come in this life. We do so many things, we go through so many austerities, but what do we do it for? The only way out for us is to take shelter of the Holy Name and continue with our job."
Download / listen to the audio (1.8 Mb, 6 min | 8 January 2019 | South India)

Saranagati: Bhajana-Lalasa, Hankering for Service (Song 13)
"Gurudev! Kabe tava karuna prakase: O Gurudev! When, by the manifestation of your mercy, will I have firm faith in the eternal truth of Sri Gauranga's Pastimes, and wander amid the forest of Sri Godrumdwip calling out, 'Hari!' 'Hari!' in hope of beholding those Pastimes before me?"

শ্রীপুরীধাম মাহাত্ম্য-মুক্তা-মালা: রাজা প্রতাপরুদ্রের প্রতি কৃপা
"রাজা হয়েও রাজা প্রতাপরুদ্র সব বৈষ্ণবগণকে সেবা করতেন, সমস্ত ভক্তগণের জন্য সব আয়োজন করতেন, তবু মহাপ্রভু প্রতিজ্ঞা করেছিলেন যে, তিনি তাঁর মুখ দর্শন করবেন না কারণ তিনি রাজা । কিন্তু রাজা হয়েও তাঁর এত বেশী আর্ত্তি ছিল । আর্ত্তি থাকলে ভগবান কৃপা করবেই ।"

শ্রীপুরীধাম মাহাত্ম্য-মুক্তা-মালা: গোবিন্দ প্রভুর শিক্ষা
"শ্রীঈশ্বর পুরীর শিষ্য হয়ে গোবিন্দ প্রভু মহাপ্রভুর গুরুভাই ছিলেন । কিন্তু গুরুভাই হয়েও তিনি শিষ্য রূপে তাঁকে সম্মান করতেন । এক দিন গোবিন্দ ঈশ্বরপুরীর কাছে গিয়ে কাঁদতে কাঁদতে বললেন, 'প্রভু, আপনি চলে গেলে আমি কার সেবা করব ?'"


Wed, 26 June 2019:

Our Great Fortune
"Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj was selected as the acharya, or preacher, by Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur, and both you and I are very fortunate that we have got a Guru recognised by Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj Prabhupad and Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj."
Download / listen to the audio (2.2 Mb, 7 min | 8 January 2019 | South India)

Saranagati: Siddhi-Lalasa, Hankering for Fulfilment (Song 14)
"Kabe gaura-vane, suradhuni-tate: When will I abandon all bodily pleasures and wander along the banks of the Ganges beneath the trees and creepers of the forests of the land of Sri Gaurasundar, crying and calling out, 'O Radha! O Krishna!'?"

শ্রীপুরীধাম মাহাত্ম্য-মুক্তা-মালা: দর্শনের আর্ত্তি
"আপনারা অনেক পরিশ্রম করে এসেছেন পরিক্রমা করবার জন্য । শুধু মাত্র ভাগ্যের ফলে জগন্নাথ পরিক্রমায় যেতে পারি । শুধু মাত্র ভাগ্যবান জীব শ্রীপুরীধামে জগন্নাথদেবকে রথে দর্শন করতে পারেন—জগন্নাথদেবকে রথে দেখলে, আর পুনরায় জন্ম গ্রহণ করতে হবে না ।"

শ্রীপুরীধাম মাহাত্ম্য-মুক্তা-মালা: শ্রীআলালনাথের কথা
"শ্রীপুরুষোত্তমের পাশে সমুদ্রের তীরে প্রয় ৬ ক্রোশ দূরে ব্রহ্মগিরি বা আলালনাথ নামে একটা সুপ্রাচীন দিব্য স্থান আছে । এই স্থানে ব্রহ্মা সত্যযুগে বিষ্ণুর পূজা করতেন কাজেই সেই স্থানের নামও হচ্ছে ব্রহ্মগিরি..."


Thu, 27 June 2019:

On Vaishnav Aparadh
"There are four types of Vaishnav-aparadh, thirty-two types of seva-aparadh, ten dhama-aparadhas, and ten Nama-aparadhas. Read what these offences are and try to avoid them. Sometimes, although we have read about these offences, we may consciously or unconsciously make some offence, that is why we should always ask for forgiveness."
Download / listen to the audio (5.5 Mb, 16 min | 8 January 2019 | South India)
[Includes Sripad B.A. Paramarthik's speech in Bengali at the end.]

Saranagati: Siddhi-Lalasa, Hankering for Fulfilment (Song 15)
"Dekhite dekhite, bhuliba va kabe: When will I at once forget my gross material identity? Then I will behold before my eyes the beauty of the eternal, spiritual, ecstatic abode of Vraja..."

শ্রীপুরীধাম মাহাত্ম্য-মুক্তা-মালা: কালিদাসের ব্যতিক্রম
"মহাপ্রভু শিক্ষা দিয়ে গেছেন যে কেউ তাঁর পায়ে হাত দিয়ে প্রণাম করবেন না কিন্তু শুধু একমাত্র ভক্তের সম্বন্ধে তিনি বললেন, 'ওকে বারণ কর না !' কারণটা কী ?"

শ্রীপুরীধাম মাহাত্ম্য-মুক্তা-মালা: সার্বভৌম ভট্টাচার্য্যের প্রসাদে রুচি
"সার্বভৌম ভট্টাচার্য্যের জগন্নাথদেবের মন্দিরে বড় চাকরি ছিল—তিনি সব ব্যবস্থা করতেন কিন্তু মন্দিরে প্রসাদ পেতেন না । যেহেতু তাঁর প্রসাদে ভক্তি, প্রসাদে রুচি ছিল না, সেহেতু তিনি জগন্নাথ প্রসাদ না খেয়ে বাড়িতে সব সময় খেতেন ।..."


Fri, 28 June 2019: (Tomorrow is Sri Yogini Ekadasi)
Appreciating Sadhu (1)
"You can get proper advice through good association, and you can become a proper servant of Vaishnavs through that. Without the association and advice of a proper, perfect sadhu, you cannot realise proper things. Everything comes from the sadhu."
Download / listen to the audio (2.5 Mb, 7 min | 22 October 2018)

Temple Construction Progress in Uluberia
(27 June 2019 | 9 photographs, 0.4 Mb)
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj visits devotees in Uluberia to check on the temple construction progress and give further guidance before leaving for the grand Sri Puri Dham and South Indian pilgrimage tours in a few days.

Saranagati: Siddhi-Lalasa, Hankering for Fulfilment (Song 16)
"Vrsabhanu-suta-charana-sevane: I am always completely partial to Sri Radha's party. I never even look at those who have abandoned Her party, whoever they are, and whatever their nature may be."

শ্রীপুরীধাম মাহাত্ম্য-মুক্তা-মালা: “ষাঠী বিধবা হয়ে যাক !”
"আপনারা অনেকই আপনাদের ছেলে-মেয়েকে জামাইকে ভালবাসেন—তাই না ? আপনারা অতিশয় তাঁদেরকে ভালবাসেন কিন্তু যারা সত্যিকারের ভক্ত, তারা আত্মীয়-স্বজনের চাইতে গুরুদেব, মহাপ্রভু ও ভগবানকে বেশী ভালবাসেন । এখানে তার প্রমাণটা হচ্ছে সার্বভৌম ভট্টাচার্য্য ।"

শ্রীপুরীধাম মাহাত্ম্য-মুক্তা-মালা: শ্রীগোপাল গুরুর কথা
"মহাপ্রভু গম্ভীরায় যেখানে থাকতেন, আজ সে মন্দিরের নাম হচ্ছে শ্রীরাধাকান্ত মঠ । মহাপ্রভুর সময় সেখানে যে বিগ্রহের পূজারী সেবক ছিল, তাঁর নাম ছিল গোপাল । সার্বভৌম ভট্টাচার্যের বাড়ি কাশী মিশ্রের বাড়ির পাশে । এক দিন গোপাল দেখলেন যে, মহাপ্রভু জিহ্বায় কামড় দিয়ে বাথরুমে যাচ্ছেন ।..."


Sat, 29 June 2019: (Parikrama party is starting for Sri Puri Dham from Kolkata; Sri Yogini Ekadasi)
Appreciating Sadhu (2)
"Maybe somebody's character is bad, but if they are surrendered to the Lord, you can say about them that they are a perfect sadhu because they are fully surrendered to the Lord, fully surrendered to their Guru."
Download / listen to the audio (2.5 Mb, 7 min | 22 October 2018)

Saranagati: Vijnapti, Prayer of Heartfelt Hankering
"Kabe ha'be bala se dina amara: Please tell me, when will that day be mine when my offences will be dispelled and taste for the pure Name will be infused within my heart by the power of mercy? When will Nityananda be merciful to me and cause me to abandon my attachment to mundanity?"

শ্রীপুরীধাম মাহাত্ম্য-মুক্তা-মালা: শ্রীজগদানন্দ পণ্ডিতের প্রেম
"আমাদের পতিত অবস্থার কথা চিন্তা করে শ্রীজগদানন্দ পণ্ডিত তাঁর শ্রীশ্রীপ্রেমবিবর্ত রচনা করেছিলেন । সেখানে তিনি প্রেম কাকে বলে বুঝিয়ে দিলেন । সেই প্রেম মহাপ্রভু এই জগতে আবির্ভূত হয়ে বিতরণ করতেন আর যে প্রীতি জগদানন্দ পণ্ডিতের ছিল, সেরকম প্রীতি কখনও দেখা না যায় ।"

শ্রীপুরীধাম মাহাত্ম্য-মুক্তা-মালা: শ্রীলসনাতন গোস্বামীর সঙ্গ
"মহাপ্রভু সনাতন গোস্বামী এবং রূপ গোস্বামীকে বৃন্দাবনে থাকতে বলেছিলেন আর যেহেতু তাঁরা খুব দুঃখিত হয়ে পড়লেন যে, তাঁরা প্রভুর দর্শন কোন সময় পাবেন না, সেহেতু মহাপ্রভু তাঁদেরকে বললেন অন্ততপক্ষে রথের সময় পুরীতে আসতে । তাই তাঁরা শ্রীপুরীধামে আসতেন ।..."


Sri Ekadasi Guidance
Guidelines on how to observe and honour this holy day: Ekadasi takes an indispensible part in the life of a sincere practitioner. At Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, Ekadasi and paran are observed with affection and without fail according to the dates given in the Calendar.


"Sri Ekadasi" (Sri Sri Prema Vivarta)
"One day, Gaurahari left the Gundicha Temple and sat in the Jagannath Vallabha garden. It was pure Ekadasi, and the Lord spent the whole day and night chanting the Name of Krishna..."

SONG: Suddha-bhakata | শুদ্ধ ভকত-চরণ-রেণু
"I carefully observe the holy days related to Madhava, they are the mother of devotion."

SONG: Sri hari-vasare | শ্রীহরি-বাসরে হরি
"On the holy day of Sri Hari, Sriman Mahaprabhu, the life and soul of the universe, began dancing..."



"Observing Ekadasi" (by Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj)
"Ekadasi Vrata: Make Your Guru Happy" (by Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj)
"No Other Shelter" (by Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj)
"Mahadvadasi" (by Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj)
" Ekadasi and liberation" (by Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj)
"Ekadasi Tithi: One of the Practices" (by Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj)
Yogini Ekadasi


Sun, 30 June 2019: (First day of Sri Puri Dham Parikrama)
Appreciating Sadhu (3)
"I am telling to everybody—give proper respect to the sadhu, do not make any offence to the sadhu. Only a sadhu can rescue you from all kinds of bad elements—he can remove all your bad elements if you surrender to him properly."
Download / listen to the audio (2.1 Mb, 7 min | 22 October 2018)

Guidance, Issue #19 (EPUB file, 0.9 Mb)
An ePub file for offline reading on mobile phones and tablets containing the lectures of His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj published here from April to June 2019. We pray this serves as a source of guidance, nourishment, and life to all the devotees and well-wishers worldwide.

All the previous Guidance issues, containing well over a thousand lectures spoken by His Divine Grace, are available for download from the Library section of the website.

Saranagati: Sri Nama-Mahatmya, The Glories of the Name
"Krsna-nama dhare kata bala: How much power does Krishna's Name possess? My heart constantly burns in the fire of mundane desire like a desert scorched by the blazing sun. The Name enters the core of my heart through the gateway of my ears (upon being transmitted to me by Sri Guru) and showers incomparable nectar."

শ্রীপুরীধাম মাহাত্ম্য-মুক্তা-মালা: রামচন্দ্র পুরীর কথা
"শ্রীমাধবেন্দ্র পুরীপাদের দুটো বিখ্যাত শিষ্য ছিল—শ্রীঈশ্বর পুরী আর শ্রীরামচন্দ্র পুরী । এক দিন সেই রামচন্দ্র পুরী মাধবেন্দ্র পুরীর কাছে গিয়ে বললেন, 'প্রভু, আপনি তো ব্রহ্মবিৎ—আপনি কাঁদছেন কেন ? ব্রহ্ম স্মরণ করলে সব দুঃখ দূরে যাবে ।' তাঁর মায়াবাদী কথা শুনে মাধবেন্দ্র পুরী রেগে গিয়ে বললেন, 'দূর হও পাপিষ্ঠ !'"

শ্রীপুরীধাম মাহাত্ম্য-মুক্তা-মালা: শ্রীপরমানন্দ পুরীর ভক্তিকূপ
"মাধবেন্দ্র পুরীর আর একটি শিষ্য ছিল—তাঁর নাম হচ্ছে পরমানন্দ পুরী । পরমানন্দ পুরী মহাপ্রভুর সঙ্গে নবদ্বীপ থেকে এসেছিলেন আর তাঁর সঙ্গে শ্রীপুরীধামে থাকতেন । তিনি মহাপ্রভুর প্রিয় পার্ষদ আর শাস্ত্রে উল্লেখ আছে যে, তিনি দ্বাপর-যুগে স্বয়ং উদ্ধব মহারাজ ছিলেন ।"


Photographs of Sri Puri Dham pilgrimage from previous years:

Year 2008
(79 photos)
(7.9 Mb)


Year 2009
(163 photos)
(17 Mb)


Year 2010
(89 photos)
(11 Mb)


Year 2012
(84 photos)
(8.2 Mb)


Year 2014
(28 photos)
(2.5 Mb)

Year 2015
(5 pages)


Year 2016
(5 pages)


Year 2017
(6 pages)


Year 2018
(6 pages)




 · · • • • · ·



◄ MAY 2019 JULY 2019 ►







(All lectures of His Divine Grace Om Visnupad Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj posted here on the website)
Issue #1 (31 Dec '14)
Issue #2 (2015/1)
Issue #3 (2015/2)
Issue #4 (2015/3)
Issue #5 (2015/4)
Issue #6 (2016/1)
Issue #7 (2016/2)
Issue #8 (2016/3)
Issue #9 (2016/4)
Issue #10 (2017/1)
Issue #11 (2017/2)
Issue #12 (2017/3)
Issue #13 (2017/4)
Issue #14 (2018/1)
Issue #15 (2018/2)
Issue #16 (2018/3)
Issue #17 (2018/4)
Issue #18 (2019/1)
Issue #19 (2019/2)
Issue #20 (2019/3)
Issue #21 (2019/4)
Issue #22 (2020/1)
Issue #23 (2020/2)
Issue #24 (2020/3)
Issue #25 (2020/4)
Issue #26 (2021/1)
Issue #27 (2021/2)
Issue #28 (2021/3)
Issue #29 (2021/4)
Issue #30 (2022/1)



Sri Guru: Mercy, Heart, and Service
'Through sastra, through knowledge you can understand many things, but without the mercy of the Guru you cannot observe the Guru—you cannot realise, cannot understand who the Guru is, what the Guru's position is.'


Sri Sri Prema-Vivarta
“The soul is a spiritual spark, and Krishna is the spiritual sun. Seeing eternal Krishna, the soul adores Him.”

How you can again join Krishna consciousness, how you can come to Me—that is
not your business. Leave this to Me.