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Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj  Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj  Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj  Bhagavan Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupad
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Mon, 1 February 2016:

Service Capacity
"You cannot ignore anybody. Not everybody is qualified to do the goshala seva, but everybody has some quality. You should test the person and depending on what quality they have you must use that quality for the service to the Lord, to Guru."
Download / listen to the audio (2 Mb, 6 min | 19 March 2014)

News from Sri Nabadwip Dham (9 photographs, 0.8 Mb)
Photographs taken this morning and yesterday at Sri Nabadwip Dham: the construction progress of Sri Govardhan Hill project and some service activities at Sri Govinda Kunda.



Tue, 2 February 2016:

Sincere Enquiry
"Life is always temporary, but how can you during this temporary life attain something eternal? This is what we must all understand. You must search for the eternal things, you must find where the original source is."
Download / listen to the audio (1 Mb, 3 min | 19 March 2014)


Wed, 3 February 2016:

Service Target
Question: It is said in the scriptures we cannot attain anything without the mercy of the spiritual master, how can we know that our service or our intention is reaching the heart of Gurudev?
Download / listen to the audio (0.7 Mb, 2 min | 13 November 2011)


Thu, 4 February 2016: (Today is Sri Shat-tila Ekadashi)
Happy Birthday
"On your birthday you can ask the Lord, ask Gurudev only, 'Prabhu, please engage me more and more in serving You. I am a fallen soul, I have no quality or qualification, but You can engage me.' This is the way to celebrate a birthday—by doing Guru-puja..."
Download / listen to the audio (3 Mb, 9 min | 11 April 2013)

Latest from Sri Nabadwip Dham (29 photographs, 2.8 Mb)
Photographs taken yesterday and this morning at Sri Nabadwip Dham: happily blossoming garden, completed painting and restoring of the sculptures above Sri Govinda Kunda gate, and the growing walls of Sri Govardhan Hill project are among the news.



Sri Ekadashi Guidance
Guidelines on how to observe and honour this holy day: Ekadashi takes an indispensible part in the life of a sincere practitioner. At Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, Ekadashi and paran are observed with affection and without fail according to the dates given in the Calendar.



Fri, 5 February 2016:

January Preaching, Bengali classes:
1. Practising life without enjoyment and renunciation Types of faith Pariksit Maharaj, Khatvanga Maharaj Rare human birth Search for Sri Krishna Kali-sthan Pastimes of Lord Vamanadev Devotee and barber
Download / listen to the audio (36 Mb, 105 min)

2. Sannyas types Varnasrama Vishnuduts and Yamaduts
Download / listen to the audio (6.7 Mb, 20 min)

3 Days are passing quick The Holy Name does not come to the offenders' mouth Bhakti-anukul, bhakti-pratikul Illusory environment Surrender and make the best of your life
Download / listen to the audio (8.4 Mb, 25 min)



Переводы, добавленные за последние две недели:
Приезжайте к себе домой
Без колебания и страха
Настроение ученика и сила Гуру
Шрила Джива Госвами Прабху
Посвящение в повторение Святого Имени
Другие переводы >>>


Sat, 6 February 2016:

January Preaching, Bengali classes:
4. The Lord's advent in different ages Prescribed religion in each of the ages Devotee's qualities Sanatan Goswami Prabhu's five questions Atma-satha
Download / listen to the audio (13 Mb, 38 min | 18 January 2016)

5. Wasting a minute, a day, a year, a life "Durlabha manava-janma labhiya" purport Illusory family attachment Giving up meat, fish, etc. Preaching and good association Bhakti-anukul, bhakti-pratikul South Indian brahman reading Gita Sanatana Goswami and Ishan stopped by gundas Haridas Thakur and Laksmihira
Download / listen to the audio (20.5 Mb, 60 min | 19 January 2016)

6. Give mind to the Lord Loving search for the lost servant Recruiting for spiritual world Arjuna Mishra Seva and karma Satyavadi-gram
Download / listen to the audio (18.2 Mb, 53 min | 19 January 2016)


Sun, 7 February 2016:

January Preaching, Bengali classes:
7. Harinam initiation: Origin of the Holy Name Process of chanting Four Kali-sthan The ten offences "Son of Lord Siva"
Download / listen to the audio (5.1 Mb, 15 min | 20 January 2016)

8. Sri Ekadasi vrata: Mahaprabhu's Pastimes on Ekadasi day (reading from Sri Sri Prema-vivarta) How to observe Ekadasi
Download / listen to the audio (8.4 Mb, 25 min | 20 January 2016)

9. Madhava-tithi, Madhava-tosani: Importance of Guru (lotus and disciple) Srila Saraswati Thakur Prabhupad's appearance and initiation Srila Gaura Kishor Das Babaji Maharaj's pastimes Rupa Goswami cooks sweet rice for Sanatan Goswami Chastity Raghunath Das Goswami's chastity Dhanur Das and his wife's dedication Detachment from the world and love for the Lord
Download / listen to the audio (17 Mb, 50 min | 20 January 2016)


Mon, 8 February 2016:

January Preaching, Bengali classes:
10. Sincere practice Guru-seva, Vaishnav-seva Sat Guru, asat guru Srivas Pandit's daily kirtan
Download / listen to the audio (13.7 Mb, 40 min | 21 January 2016)

11. Family life and connection with the Lord Chapal Gopal's offence Vaishnavs' importance Disciple's responsibility Serving, not enjoying Anugatya bhajan Vraja gopis' position Tulasi seva
Download / listen to the audio (16 Mb, 47 min | 21 January 2016)

12. Madan Mohan and Sanatan Goswami Sadhus' mission Atma-satha Worship of Krishna fulfils all other worships Arjuna Mishra's story Invitation to Ekachakra and Nabadwip festivals Jivan Chakravarti
Download / listen to the audio (14.9 Mb, 44 min | 22 January 2016)


Tue, 9 February 2016:

All That Glitters Is Not Gold
"In Bardhaman district, near Durgapur, there is a small town called Mankar. In that town, there was once a brahman called Jivan Chakravarti. This Jivan Chakravarti worshipped Lord Siva..."


Wed, 10 February 2016:

January Preaching, Bengali classes:
13. Family life with detachment and with the Lord Uncertain life Follow doctor's prescription Guru-tattva Srila Prabhupad's "wasting rice" Sadhus' mission Prakasananda Saraswati and Mahaprabhu
Download / listen to the audio (12.3 Mb, 36 min | 23 January 2016)

14. Family life Chastity Guru-tattva Surrender, giving up ego
Download / listen to the audio (11.3 Mb, 33 min | 24 January 2016)

15. Relief from material life Atma-satha Arjuna Mishra, Chapal Gopal Prakasananda Saraswati Pariksit Maharaj, Khatvanga Maharaj Varnasrama dharma, Lord Vamanadev
Download / listen to the audio (20.4 Mb, 60 min | 24 January 2016)


Thu, 11 February 2016:

January Preaching, Bengali classes:
16. Satisfying the Lord through service to Vaishnavs Ramdas and Shyamdas story Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhu's sweet rice Vrindavan Das Thakur and Nityananda Prabhu Nityananda Prabhu's marriage
Download / listen to the audio (10.5 Mb, 31 min | 25 January 2016)

17. Atma-satha Loving search for lost children Madhavendra Puri and Gopal's pastimes Lord's love for Uddhava and gopis Krishna's headache Invitation to parikrama Krishna's family
Download / listen to the audio (21.9 Mb, 64 min | 25 January 2016)


Fri, 12 February 2016:

Proper Detachment
"'Do not show your false renunciation to people. Serve accepting material things, but without attachment'—it is about emotion and devotion. Here it is said, 'Practise! Always practise,' and Das Goswami, Sanatana Goswami practised so much."
Download / listen to the audio (2.9 Mb, 9 min | 19 December 2010)


শ্রীমদ্ভগবদ্গীতা অষ্টমোঽধ্যায়ঃ : তারকব্রহ্মযোগ
"সেই ব্রহ্ম কি ? অধ্যাত্ম কি ? কর্ম্ম কি ? এবং অধিভূত কাহাকে বলে ? কাহাকেই বা অধিদৈব বলা যায় ? হে মধুসূদন ! এই দেহে অধিযজ্ঞ কে ?এবং এই দেহে কি প্রকারে অবস্থিত আছেন ? এবং মরণকালে সংযতচিত্ত মানবগণকর্ত্তৃক তুমি কি প্রকারে জ্ঞেয় হও ?"


Sat, 13 February 2016: (Sri Vasanta Panchami)

January Preaching, Bengali classes:
18. Atma-satha Prescribed religions Loving search Khatvanga Maharaj Karma and seva Reading from Srimad Bhagavatam about the grihastha's service Doctor's prescription Sadhu's qualities Story about a restless king Bhog tyag, tyag tyag Yukta-vairagya Invitation for Sri Gaura Purnima
Download / listen to the audio (26.2 Mb, 77 min | 26 January 2016)

19. Hari bhajan Guru sambandha Yukta-vairagya Reading from Sri Sri Prema-vivarta and other scriptures
Download / listen to the audio (17.8 Mb, 52 min | 26 January 2016)

20. Taking shelter of Sri Guru Giving up bad habits
Download / listen to the audio (5.9 Mb, 18 min | 26 January 2016)


Sri Vasanta Panchami:
Sri Vishnupriya Devi: Clearing Obstacles
Srila Pundarik Vidyanidhi: Householders: Appearance Is Deceptive
Srila Raghunath Das Goswami:
- Mahaprabhu's Teachings to Srila Raghunath Das Goswami
- Breaking Free
- Internal Transformation
- Running From Pratistha
Srila Raghunandan Thakur: Vigraha Is Not a Doll
Srila Visvanath Chakravarti Thakur: Enthusiasm for Service


Sun, 14 February 2016:

Vishnupriya Devi's Sacrifice
"We must remember in our life the sacrifice that Vishnupriya Devi made. This life is not for enjoyment, this life is for service. We should learn from the sacrifice of Vishnupriya Devi..."


Latest from Sri Nabadwip Dham (49 photographs, 4.3 Mb)
Photographs taken today around Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, Sri Nabadwip Dham, and a photograph of His Divine Grace taken yesterday.


News from Sri Ekachakra Dham (9 photographs, 0.6 Mb)
Sri Ekachakra temple is now brimming with service activities as the grand festival is approaching rapidly.



Mon, 15 February 2016: (Appearance Day of Srila Advaita Acharya Prabhu)
Carried Away
"If you have some desire and you do not get free from it, it will grow and become like a poisonous tree. If you make an offence to the Lord, Vaishnavs will remove your offence, but who will remove your offence if you offend Vaishnavs? Who?..."
Download / listen to the audio (3.8 Mb, 11 min | 14 February 2016)


Tue, 16 February 2016: (Disappearance Day of Srila Madhva Acharya)
What to Give and What to Take
"Your wife is a servant of the Lord and if you take her prasad, then you will not have the ego of a master. You always take, but you must not take, you must give... What can you give? You may have nothing, but you have sweet words, you have a heart."
Download / listen to the audio (2.1 Mb, 6 min | 15 February 2016)


Wed, 17 February 2016: (Disappearance of Srila Ramanuja Acharya)
Loves Me, Loves Me Not
"What people call love is actually enjoyment. Once, a girl was married off to a military man. The husband had to go for training, and the wife stayed alone at home for several years. She wrote to him letters every day..."
Download / listen to the audio (1.6 Mb, 5 min | 16 February 2016)


Thu, 18 February 2016: (Tomorrow is Sri Varaha Dvadashi, fasting)
Sri Ekachakra Dham: History and Glory
"Our fortune is very good—we have come to the holy Dham of Nityananda Prabhu. You cannot come here unless you have a great fortune. Nityananda Prabhu's appearance day is on Saturday, but we do not know, we cannot recognise who will join the festival..."
Download / listen to the audio (7.7 Mb, 23 min | 17 February 2016)

Mustard Crops, Sri Nabadwip Dham (5 photographs, 0.5 Mb)
Mustard seeds crops harvested and stored in front of the prasadam hall at Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math in Sri Nabadwip Dham, waiting to be threshed.


From Sri Ekachakra Dham (25 photographs, 1.8 Mb)
One day is left before the festivals begin and we are sharing drops of service activities here at Sri Ekachakra Dham, performed under the guidance and for the pleasure of the embodiment of Sri Nityananda Prabhu's mercy, His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj.



Fri, 19 February 2016: (Sri Varaha Dvadasi, fast)

Life for the Lord (Bengali class)
Spiritual family life Real and bogus gurus Proper practice: what to accept and what to reject Jive daya, Name ruchi, Vaishnava seva Clearing yourself of other desires Bhakti Vinod Thakur's prayers to Sriman Nityananda Prabhu A disciple's surrender Nityananda Prabhu's leaving home and preaching for Mahaprabhu.
Download / listen to the audio (8.3 Mb, 25 min | 17 February 2016)

Nityananda Prabhu's Appearance Day is coming (Bengali class)
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj is speaking in the evening on the day before Sri Varaha Dvadasi, welcoming devotees and setting a prayerful mood for the devotees to keep during the festival: "This place is not for enjoyment, it is for service."
Download / listen to the audio (17.8 Mb, 52 min | 18 January 2016)


From Sri Ekachakra Dham: Sri Varaha Dvadasi (47 photos, 3.8 Mb)
As the devotees keep on arriving, the atmosphere becomes more and more festive—joyful smiles, warm embraces, humble obeisances and sweet words are the ornaments of the Vaishnav family of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math. Everyone is so very happy to reunite with Vaishnavs, friends and family and celebrate the most auspicious appearance day of Sriman Nityananda Prabhu in the shelter of the cooling shade of His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj's lotus feet. Despite the unusual for this time of the year heat this year, the days here pass in busy and peaceful service and association: devotees clean the temple and paraphernalia, decorate the temple, prepare the huge pots and subji tubs to again serve during the festival, and do many other services. Everybody is eagerly looking forward to tomorrow's parikrama around the Holy Dham of Sriman Nityananda Prabhu that should start at about 10 a.m. after the morning programme, grand arati, and honouring prasadam (breaking the fast).



Sat, 20 February 2016: (Sri Nityananda Trayodasi)

Appearance Day of Sri Nityananda Prabhu, Ekachakra
(55 photographs, 5.6 Mb)
This most auspicious day is spent in happy and peaceful service and nourishing Hari-katha here at Sri Ekachakra Dham. Throughout the day His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj speaks to the assembled devotees, telling about the pastimes of the Lord and describing at length the way to attain Lord Nityananda's mercy.


Sri Sri Nityananda Mahimamrita (scanned PDF, 12.9 Mb, Bengali)
The Bengali version of the book is now available for download. "The book The Divine Pastimes of Sri Nityananda Prabhu is compiled from lectures of His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj accompanied by a compilation of scriptural verses, kirtans, and Sanskrit compositions glorifying Lord Nityananda Prabhu."


Sun, 21 February 2016:

Sri Varaha Dvadasi class
Festival Programme (fast, paran, lectures) Nityananda, Guru-tattva Sat griha Vamanadev and Bali Maharaj's surrender.
Download / listen to the audio (20.1 Mb, 59 min | 19 February 2016)

Sri Ekachakra Parikrama 2016:
Jahnava Kunda Nari-pota tree Birthplace of Sriman Nityananda Prabhu The temples of Lord Siva and Jagannath Kadam Khandi temple Banka Ray temple.
Download / listen to the audio (6.1 Mb, 18 min | 20 February 2016)

Sri Ekachakra Parikrama 2015:
Kirtan Birthplace of Sriman Nityananda Prabhu The temples of Lord Siva and Jagannath Kadam Khandi temple Banka Ray temple, kirtan.
Download / listen to the audio (4.4 Mb, 13 min | 1 February 2015)


Mon, 22 February 2016: (Appearance of Srila Narottam Das Thakur)
· Sriman Nityananda Prabhu's Appearance day programme ·
Morning class
Jaya Jaya Gurudever arati ujjvala Nitai guna mani amar Emona durmati Hari Hari viphale janama gainu Gaya Gora madhur svare

Download / listen to the audio (10.2 Mb, 30 min | 20 February 2016)

Realise where you are and what you are doing Nityananda Prabhu's blessing to Sivananda Sen Raghunath Das Goswami Serving or using Nityananda Prabhu? Stolen kartals Nityananda Prabhu and Jahnavi and Vasudha Pandav-tala, Jagannath mandir, Sivji Maharaj temple.
Download / listen to the audio (17.7 Mb, 52 min | 20 February 2016)

Noon class (after parikrama)
Parikrama, sravan, kirtan as part of 64 bhaktyangas Jivan Chakravarti's story Short life, sincere service to Krishna Sadhu-sanga Service to the Lord.
Download / listen to the audio (11.8 Mb, 35 min | 20 February 2016)

Evening class
Sadhu-sanga is not only physical proximity Using life and things for service Shelter of Nityananda Prabhu's feet Durvasa Muni and Ambarish Maharaj Parikrama glory, invitation to Nabadwip.
Download / listen to the audio (16.7 Mb, 49 min | 20 February 2016)


Narottam Das Thakur: Our Guru, Our Protector, Our Shelter
"Narottam Das Thakur is our Guru-varga. If you think how much he tried to preach, you will wonder, 'How is it possible?' You can understand how much he preached and how he protected our line if you think about his songs."
Download / listen to the audio (3.1 Mb, 9 min | 4 November 2011)


Tue, 23 February 2016:

At Nityananda Prabhu's Feet
"Today in a very beautiful way we have concluded the celebration of Sri Nityananda Prabhu's appearance festival. It is not every day that we can come to the lotus feet of Sri Nityananda Prabhu: we must pray to the lotus feet of Nityananda Prabhu."
Download / listen to the audio (3 Mb, 9 min | 21 February 2016)


Wed, 24 February 2016:

Proper Practice (Bengali class)
Practise at home How Duhkhi became Sukhi Gunarnava Mishra and Ramdas Minaketana Faith and service Sanatan Goswami's suicide Reading from Sri Sri Prema-vivarta Gora Daha Gitar Samsara
Download / listen to the audio (22.1 Mb, 65 min | 21 February 2016)


Thu, 25 February 2016:

Anukul and Pratikul
"Accept what is favourable to devotion and reject what is not favourable. Srila Sridhar Maharaj said that if you do both what is favourable and what is unfavourable, it will not work (the two do not go together)."
Download / listen to the audio (1.8 Mb, 6 min | 24 February 2016)


Fri, 26 February 2016:

Managing or Damaging?
"We have all come here because we want be a servitor—we do not want to become a manager. I came here as a sweeper, and I want to die as a sweeper."
Download / listen to the audio (4.4 Mb, 13 min | 25 February 2016)


Sat, 27 February 2016:

News from Sri Nabadwip Dham (29 photographs, 2.8 Mb)
The hot days and at times rainy evenings before the Gaura Purnima festival are spent in various services around the Math: cleaning, painting, carpenting, marketing, preparing accommodation, and so on.



Sun, 28 February 2016: (Appearance of Bhagavan Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupad)

sri-siddhanta-sarasvatiti vidito gaudiya-gurv-anvaye
bhato bhanuriva prabhata-gagane yo gaura-sankirtanaih
mayavada-timingilodara-gatan uddhrtya jivaniman
krsna-prema-sudhabdhi-gahana-sukham pradat prabhum tam bhaje
"I serve my lord, who is known as Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur. Within the Gaudiya sampradaya's lineage of Gurus, he shines like the sun in the morning sky. Through the sankirtan of Sriman Mahaprabhu he rescues the souls engulfed within the belly of the timingila of illusionism and bestows upon them the ecstasy of swimming in the nectarean ocean of divine love for Krishna."

"Today is a special day, Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur's appearance day. If he had not come, where would we get Srila Guru Maharaj, Srila Gurudev? If we do not get mercy from Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur, without Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur, we cannot think about Srila Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj."

— Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj

Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur (Bengali class)
His Divine Grace Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj is speaking on this day in 2015 about Srila Prabhupad's birth, youth, initiation, Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur's founding the Yogapith temple, Srila Saraswati Thakur's preaching pastimes, divine power transmission, and vast contribution to the sampradaya.
Download / listen to the audio (25.4 Mb, 74 min | 9 February 2015)


Sujanarvuda-radhita | সুজনার্ব্বুদরাধিতপাদযুগং
"My master, Prabhupad Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur, established the religion of the age, Krsna-sankirtan, and is the chief minister of the universal assembly of leading Vaisnavas. His lotus feet are worshipped by millions of virtuous souls and fulfil the desires of those who dispel souls' fears. Eternally I offer my obeisance to my master's worshippable feet."


Sri Bhakti Siddhanta Vani
"If someone does not consider it necessary to faithfully follow their Guru and the Vaishnavs, their endeavour to serve the Lord is not service to the Lord—it is service to maya."


Mon, 29 February 2016:

Srila Prabhupad: Embodiment of Mercy
"Today is the holy appearance day of Bhagavan Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur Prabhupad, whom we are here to offer prayers to in the assembly of the devotees. He is Jagad Guru and what he gave to the world, no one else could ever give..."
Download / listen to the audio (1.9 Mb, 6 min | 28 February 2016)


Appearance Day of Srila Saraswati Thakur Prabhupad
(46 photographs, 4.2 Mb)
Here in Sri Nabadwip Dham, the day passed quite intensely: on the request and invitation of the Gaudiya Maths of Sri Dham Mayapur, this year His Divine Grace Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj has taken an active part in organising the festival in honour of the divine appearance day of Bhagavan Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupad, and in the afternoon takes the devotees of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math to Sri Dham Mayapur to take the foot dust of the assembled dignitary Vaishnavs. On the way to Sri Mayapur, His Divine Grace stops at Sri Nrisingha Palli where our new temple is already well under construction.


 · · • • • · ·



◄ JANUARY 2016 MARCH 2016 ►







(All lectures of His Divine Grace Om Visnupad Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj posted here on the website)
Issue #1 (31 Dec '14)
Issue #2 (2015/1)
Issue #3 (2015/2)
Issue #4 (2015/3)
Issue #5 (2015/4)
Issue #6 (2016/1)
Issue #7 (2016/2)
Issue #8 (2016/3)
Issue #9 (2016/4)
Issue #10 (2017/1)
Issue #11 (2017/2)
Issue #12 (2017/3)
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Issue #15 (2018/2)
Issue #16 (2018/3)
Issue #17 (2018/4)
Issue #18 (2019/1)
Issue #19 (2019/2)
Issue #20 (2019/3)
Issue #21 (2019/4)
Issue #22 (2020/1)
Issue #23 (2020/2)
Issue #24 (2020/3)
Issue #25 (2020/4)
Issue #26 (2021/1)
Issue #27 (2021/2)
Issue #28 (2021/3)
Issue #29 (2021/4)
Issue #30 (2022/1)



The Meaning of Sahajiya
'We cook to please Krishna, to make Krishna happy. It is not like you are doing some nonsense and think you are making Krishna happy. If you use Krishna's name, use Gurudev's name, but actually you cook and eat it yourself without offering it to Guru, Krishna, it is sahajiya.'


Sri Sri Prema-Vivarta
“Krishna mercifully frees souls from samsara if they even once earnestly call out to Him.”

If Krishna wishes, He can remove your happiness, He can take everything awayyour parents, children, wife...