Do Not Deflect
'Unless you praise somebody, it is not necessary to say anything about
anybody. We must not say anything except for praise about them. If you say
anything, you must speak about the siddhanta.'
Download / listen to the audio (33 Mb, 79 min | 15 December 2020 |
—{ Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address }—
Responsible for Your Spiritual Life
"We must be responsible for our service and for our spiritual life, otherwise
Guru and Vaishnavs will not be happy. Being responsible for your service is
one of the main qualities of a servitor. It is necessary to have proper
dedication and to always accept the advice of your guardian. We should not
follow our mind. If we can follow all these things, then it can give a proper
solution to all our problems."
Download / listen to the audio (3.4 Mb, 9 min | 28 June 2020)
Sat, 2 December 2023
'In those days, Gaudiya Vaishnavs' line had very great devotees, but now
there are many sahajiyas among Gaudiya devotees who corrupt this line
by chanting lila-kirtans, who speak without siddhanta, who
chant "Radhe Radhe" without having this right.'
Download / listen to the audio (33 Mb, 79 min | 15 December 2020 |
—{ Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address }—
Turn Your House
Into Temple
"You can turn your house into a temple. Your house can be Goloka Vrindavan.
What kind of house is that? It is a house where proper practising is going on
every day. You can practise all the things that proper householders practise.
What is the problem?"
Download / listen to the audio (2.5 Mb, 6 min | 28 June 2020)
Sun, 3 December 2023
'We are alive, so we have to eat something, but what should we take?
Prasad. If you make something yourself and offer it the Lord, the Lord
will be happier. So, you can bring something from the market, cook it and
offer it.'
Download / listen to the audio (33 Mb, 79 min | 15 December 2020 |
—{ Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address }—
On Ego and Envy
"Ego can also be good if you think, 'I am a servant of devotees.' However,
envy is much worse than ego—envy is not given any place. Envy takes one to a
helpless position. If you have envy or jealousy, it is easy for you to go to
Download / listen to the audio (2.3 Mb, 6 min | 28 June 2020)
Mon, 4 December 2023
Change of Mood
'After He took sannyas, Mahaprabhu's mood became different. Even when
He took first initiation, His mood also changed. When Mahaprabhu went to Gaya
and took initiation from Ishwar Puri, His whole mood and nature changed.'
Download / listen to the audio (12.3 Mb, 30 min | 16 December 2020 |
—{ Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address }—
Emotion and
"Practise and practise, and when you make yourself perfect, then it will
manifest in your dealings, in your behaviour, in your humility, etc. that you
have become perfect—then you can easily understand what is the difference
between emotion and devotion."
Download / listen to the audio (5.9 Mb, 14 min | 28 June 2020)
Tue, 5 December 2023
Baladev's Care
'Baladev is asraya-vigraha, the giver of power. His position is such
that He is present within the temple and all service paraphernalia of the
Lord. Whatever is required for the Lord's service, Nityananda Prabhu assumes
the required form and serves the Lord.'
Download / listen to the audio (12.3 Mb, 30 min | 16 December 2020 |
—{ Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address }—
Intelligence • Is it important to study the meaning of slokas and scriptures? • We
should ask our guardian, but I do not want to bother you; • How can we avoid
quarrelling and fighting? • If somebody speaks bad about our guru-parampara,
speaks nonsense, or does nonsense, how do we see Krishna in that?
Download / listen to the audio (4.8 Mb, 12 min | 28 June 2020)
Wed, 6 December 2023
Settles in Puri
'Mahaprabhu visited various places, arranged everything with Srila Rupa
Goswami, Srila Sanatan Goswami; having settled everything all over India, He
lastly came to Puri and stayed there. He spent His last eighteen years in
Puri, performing His internal pastimes during the last four years.'
Download / listen to the audio (12.3 Mb, 30 min | 16 December 2020 |
—{ Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address }—
Waning Values
"Gurudev said that the storekeeper or the temple manager will be the one who
always thinks about everybody. A manager is a great servant, a big guardian.
You must be a real mother. But this kind of love and affection is not there
any more..."
Download / listen to the audio (1.8 Mb, 5 min | 28 June 2020)
Thu, 7 December 2023
Spread Gurudev's
'When a devotee receives Vaishnavs' mercy, they extend, or spread, the
influence of that mercy onto others. It is necessary to preach about our
gurudev, about his glories and qualities.'
Download / listen to the audio (12.3 Mb, 30 min | 16 December 2020 |
—{ Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address }—
Abode of Highest
"Whether Vrindavan is a village or a town, it does not matter. What matters
is that Vrindavan is the highest place because, firstly, our guru-varga has
said so, and, secondly, because we can see what pastimes go on in
Download / listen to the audio (2.2 Mb, 6 min | 28 June 2020)
Fri, 8 December 2023 (Sri Utpanna Ekadasi)
Old Service,
Spoilt Service
'Whatever the situation is, you must always give up what is unfavourable to
devotion. You want to drink milk to get nutrients and you also eat tobacco –
you will not get any benefit like that. We must always remember what is
unfavourable to devotion.'
Download / listen to the audio (12.3 Mb, 30 min | 16 December 2020 |
—{ Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address }—
Sri Guru
Purnima: Remembrance Day
"Today is a very good and auspicious day, the day of Sri Guru Purnima. On
this day, we can pray to our Gurudev that he may engage us in service more
and more, so that we could progress in our spiritual life, so that we could
submit ourselves to him as a devotee."
Download / listen to the audio (3.4 Mb, 8 min | 5 July 2020)
Sri Ekadasi Guidance Guidelines on how to observe and honour this holy day: Ekadasi takes an
indispensible part in the life of a sincere practitioner. At Sri Chaitanya
Saraswat Math, Ekadasi and paran are observed with affection and without
fail according to the dates given in the Calendar.
Srila B.R. Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj about fasting on ekadasi and
accepting material facilities:
"One time, a devotee came here from Vrindavan on the day of
ekadasi. He reached in the evening and, after taking a bath in the
Ganges, attended kirtans, danced, circumambulated the temple and so
on. Then, I asked him whether he would take any anukalpa [non-grain
prasadam that is allowed to be taken on ekadasi]. He replied,
'Generally, I do not take anything, but if you like, then, of course, I must
like anukalpa. Your will is greater than my fasting.' That was his
"My Guru Maharaj (Srila Prabhupad Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur)
always wanted maximum energy: you should take good food and do good service.
That was his maxim. Krishna is not a liquidated party: take full
prasadam and do full service. Do maximum service, and you should take
whatever is necessary for that. You are to take it for the cause of Krishna,
not for your own cause. You are Krishna's, so if you grow weak, His service
will be hampered, and both you and Krishna will be losers thereby. 'My
soldiers will be well-fed and well-working.' That was our Guru Maharaj's
principle. Napoleon said, 'One full-fed soldier is equal to ten half-fed
"So, prasad-seva: if it is service, then it must be taken in a
serving mood, of course. But, at the same time, the individual position of a
devotee should be taken into consideration. Sahajiyas do not fast on
ekadasi at all: "Oh, we are in Vrindavan, and there is no fasting in
Vrindavan." But Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur, Srila Prabhupad did not like
that—it is sahajiya (imitation) if you go on feeding your senses in
the name of Krishna-bhakti (devotion to the Lord). For the service to
Krishna, it is necessary to keep up the body and to provide nourishment to
it, so we must take what is necessary for service. We do not like it if by
fasting, a loss of energy is effected. If fasting does not hamper your
service, you may go on fasting—perhaps, your Gurudev wanted
"For service, I must accept what is necessary to make me physically
fit so that I can render more service. So, accepting material things is not
objectionable. It is fruitful, not detrimental. Rather, it produces something
of a pure character, which helps everyone. This is how a disciple receives
and accepts things. At that same time, he may even blame himself, 'I cannot
go on with my worldly life without the help of this or that!' He will blame
himself, but the underlying spirit must be, 'If I do not take it, I shall be
unfit; I will not be able to do my bit of service to the Lord, to my
"Moreover, by taking up renunciation, I will be a loser. I will incur
a loss for myself, for the world, and my Guru's service will be hampered. In
this spirit, devotees are to take everything. For the cause of Krsna, for the
cause of his Guru, they will accept anything.
"Suppose there is a very miserly karmachari (manager). Because
he does not want to spend money, he may not attain a particular result; then,
some difficulty comes, and the opportunity is lost. This manager will be
responsible to the proprietor: 'Why did you not spend money? Why are you
afraid of spending money from my store? Because of your miserly habit,
the opportunity has been lost!' 'Why should you not spend My money for My
interest?' So, to render service to Krishna, to my Gurudev, to Vaishnavs, to
the world, to everyone, I must keep up this mundane body, and I am entitled
to take something for that.
"Miserliness is mayavada; it is the renunciation spirit, and it
will mar Krishna's interest. What we need is yukta-vairagya: I shall
take from the store of Krishna to keep myself fit and to do service. It is
Krishna's account, and if I do dot do that, I should be a separationist, a
mayavadi, a renunciationist. I shall render maximum service to
Krishna, and I must take without any hestitation whatever is necessary to
make myself fit for the service; otherwise, I shall be
•"Sri Ekadasi"
(Sri Sri Prema Vivarta)
"One day, Gaurahari left the Gundicha Temple and sat in the Jagannath
Vallabha garden. It was pure Ekadasi, and the Lord spent the whole day and
night chanting the Name of Krishna..."
Suddha-bhakata |
শুদ্ধ ভকত-চরণ-রেণু "I carefully observe the holy days related to Madhava, they are the mother
of devotion."
Sri hari-vasare |
শ্রীহরি-বাসরে হরি "On the holy day of Sri Hari, Sriman Mahaprabhu, the life and
soul of the universe, began dancing..."
"You do not need to know the meaning of each ekadasi tithi because if
you know it, you will want to get this result, that result, etc."
(Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj)
Sat, 9 December 2023
Material Bondage
'If everyone could come to the temple, it would be good, but you are living
in material bondage. That is why, whether you are staying in a house or in a
forest, whatever your situation is, you can practise Krishna
Download / listen to the audio (10.7 Mb, 26 min | 16 December 2020 |
—{ Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address }—
Sri Guru Purnima
"My body is here, but my heart, my mind, my everything is with you. I am
always thinking about you, I am always thinking about your good, how you can
become better and better, how you can run the mission more and more
successfully. Any service I can help you with, I will always try to do it,
and I will try my best. That is my promise on this Guru Purnima day."
Download / listen to the audio (4.4 Mb, 11 min | 5 July 2020)
Today in the calendar:
Krishna Dvadasi. Ekadasi paran is at 10:32:00–16:46:22. Disappearance of
Srila Narahari Sarkar Thakur and Srila Kaliya Krishnadas.
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj: "Even if you do
not know anything about the Vaishnav mentioned in the calendar, you must
still give them 'jay' on this day. We must always remember disappearance and
appearance days of all Vaishnavs. If we can remember such personalities, such
great souls, it will bring a great benefit to our spiritual life."
"We should always check the calendar, and when we see some dates mentioned
there, even if we do not know anything about the Vaishnav or events mentioned
there, we can at least give 'jay' to them—that also brings some good sukriti,
some purification to us. Seeing the calendar and taking devotees' names early
in the morning, from the beginning of the day, is very good for all
"Wake up, look into the calendar and give 'jay' to your Guru and
Vaishnavs. Always pay obeisance to your Guru and Vaishnavs when you wake up
in the morning, always give them 'jay'. Always keep faith and show
respect to them. Always see the calendar—whose appearance day it is, whose
disappearance day it is. Even if you cannot make a festival, at least you can
give them 'jay', it will bring you benefit. When you give 'jay'
to your Guru and Vaishnavs, it brings you sukriti. For example, today
is the disappearance day of a Vaishnav—give 'jay' to him, remember
him. We must always remember the words of Vaishnavs. If I remember the words
of Vaishnavs, I get some benefit, some deposit through that."
In honour of Srila Narahari
Sarkar Thakur:
Srila B.R. Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj: "Narahari Sarkar belongs to the
section of devotees who are more fond of Krishna-lila. Their vision is, 'We
do not recognise You to be a sannyasi! You are that Krishna of Vrindavan, we
know You well! Here, You have only put on a garment—You are wrapping Yourself
in the garment of a sannyasi—but it is Your external acquaintance. We know
well who You really are and we must admit that we do not like this forged
identity of Yours.' This is their temperament. Rather, they feel much pain,
'What is the necessity for You to be practising penances as a sannyasi, going
through so many hardships, not taking food properly, not resting in a proper
bed, etc.? Our hearts are aching, but You do not care for that. How can we
tolerate all these things?' That is their nature and complaint to Mahaprabhu.
They feel that it is all a sham."
Strongest Faith (3) Raghunandan Thakur
"Mukunda's son Raghunandan also has full faith. One day, when he was ten
years old, his mother said to him, 'Raghunandan, I am very busy today. I have
cooked the offering, but I have no time to offer it to the Deities. You can
offer today...'"
Download / listen to the audio (1 Mb, 3 min | 10 March 2015)
Srila Jiva
Goswami Prabhura Sochaka
A song composed by Srila Narahari Thakur in glorification of Srila Jiva
Goswami Prabhu's life, character, and service. Bengali verses and English
In honour of Srila Kaliya
Srila B.S. Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj: "Nityananda Prabhu accepted
everyone but would chastise those who were offensive. Mahaprabhu showed some
caution in distributing Krishna-nama and Krishna-prema: He followed the rules
and regulations of sannyas life very strictly and because of this Mahaprabhu
could not give shelter to offenders. When Mahaprabhu went to South India He
took Kaliya Krishna Das with Him. In Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita he is
referred to as Kala Krishna Das. On their tour Kaliya Krishna Das suffered
some disturbance with some women and Mahaprabhu rescued him from that. Later
when they returned to Jagannath Puri Mahaprabhu said, "I want to leave this
boy Kaliya Krishna Das, he was irresponsible and greatly disturbed our
mission. I don't want to keep him with Me. I do not want to be responsible
for him." Kaliya Krishna Das, as an eternal parsad devotee (of Sri Nityananda
Prabhu), played this role in the Lord's drama. At that time Nityananda Prabhu
did not leave him, He told Mahaprabhu, "If You do not want to keep him it is
no problem, I will take him. I will send him to Nabadwip to give news to
Sachi Mata and the other devotees that You have come back from South India."
In this way Nityananda Prabhu showed His extreme mercy and Kaliya Krishna Das
spent the rest of his life with Nityananda Prabhu. So even when Mahaprabhu is
angry, Nityananda Prabhu keeps devotees at His lotus feet. The conditioned
souls can have much hope when they see the very deep and merciful character
of Sri Nityananda Prabhu."
Missing the
'Wake up in the morning, offer obeisances to Gurudev, to the Lord and pray,
'My Lord, please guide me down the path of devotion. Please give me
unswerving devotion to your holy feet.' If you think about the Lord, the Lord
will think about you.'
Download / listen to the audio (10.7 Mb, 26 min | 16 December 2020 |
—{ Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address }—
of Worldly Wishes
"If you give Maya chance, then Maya will attack you. As soon as you get a
weak spot, Maya will attack you. It does not matter whether you are young or
old. If you try to control your elements, you can control them
from a young age."
Download / listen to the audio (4.1 Mb, 10 min | 5 July 2020)
Today in the calendar:
Krishna Trayodashi. Disappearance of Srila
Saranga Thakur.
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj: "Even if you do
not know anything about the Vaishnav mentioned in the calendar, you must
still give them 'jay' on this day. We must always remember disappearance and
appearance days of all Vaishnavs. If we can remember such personalities, such
great souls, it will bring a great benefit to our spiritual life."
"We should always check the calendar, and when we see some dates mentioned
there, even if we do not know anything about the Vaishnav or events mentioned
there, we can at least give 'jay' to them—that also brings some good sukriti,
some purification to us. Seeing the calendar and taking devotees' names early
in the morning, from the beginning of the day, is very good for all
"Wake up, look into the calendar and give 'jay' to your Guru and
Vaishnavs. Always pay obeisance to your Guru and Vaishnavs when you wake up
in the morning, always give them 'jay'. Always keep faith and show
respect to them. Always see the calendar—whose appearance day it is, whose
disappearance day it is. Even if you cannot make a festival, at least you can
give them 'jay', it will bring you benefit. When you give 'jay'
to your Guru and Vaishnavs, it brings you sukriti. For example, today
is the disappearance day of a Vaishnav—give 'jay' to him, remember
him. We must always remember the words of Vaishnavs. If I remember the words
of Vaishnavs, I get some benefit, some deposit through that."
In honour of Srila Saranga Thakur:
"I Am Saranga's
"Remembering the last day of Nabadwip Dham parikrama, I want to tell
you some very important thing. We always glorify Mamgachhi (Modadrumdwip) and
speak about the birthplace of Srila Vrindavan Das Thakur, but there is also
one small temple beside it..."
Download / listen to the audio (1.8 Mb, 5 min | 4 January 2020)
Sri Saranga Thakur's Math in Mamgachhi (Modadrumdwip).
Mon, 11 December 2023
the Lord in Your Home
'You must enthrone the Lord at your house. Keep the Lord in your house. Wake
up early in the morning, offer worship to the Lord, offer obeisance to the
Lord. What problem is there for you if you do it?'
Download / listen to the audio (10.7 Mb, 26 min | 16 December 2020 |
—{ Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address }—
"You cannot follow all the very strict rules that the six goswamis
followed properly in Vrindavan. So, think only about doing your service
properly, about practising properly, about avoiding bad association
properly—give much importance to all this."
Download / listen to the audio (2.9 Mb, 7 min | 5 July 2020)
Tue, 12 December 2023
'I Want Your
'In this life, if you do not give something, how can you get something? You
must give something if you want to get something; otherwise, you will not get
anything. What must you give? Not money and wealth. The Lord says, "I do not
want money. I do not want your paisas, rupees, your house or your home."'
Download / listen to the audio (10.7 Mb, 26 min | 16 December 2020 |
—{ Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address }—
Questions and Answers • Should we associate with those who cannot rectify themselves? • What is
full surrender? • What is guru-seva? • Can we serve prasadam while it is
being offered at the altar? • Do jiva souls have bodies in Vaikuntha? • Can
devotees have programmes in meat-eaters' households?
Download / listen to the audio (3.7 Mb, 9 min | 5 July 2020)
Today in the calendar:
Amavasya. Disappearance of Srestharya Srila Jagabandhu Bhakti Ranjan.
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj: "Even if you do
not know anything about the Vaishnav mentioned in the calendar, you must
still give them 'jay' on this day."
In honour of Sripad Jagabandhu
Bhakti Ranjan:
Srestharyya Sripad Jagabandhu Das Adhikari(From The Harmonist)
"THE day before the close of the spiritual Exhibition that had been organised
in the spacious compound of the Gaudiya-Math, which function formed the
concluding, activity of the long series of the festivities of the auspicious
Inauguration of the New Buildings of the Math, Srestharyya Sripad Jagabandhu
Das Adhikari Bhaktiranjan, the donor and architect of those superb Buildings,
took his departure from the scene of unique devotional labours with the
supreme satisfaction that his soul had at last found and successfully
performed his duty to Godhead and humanity...."
Wed, 13 December 2023
Save Yourself
'We have got this human birth having crossed 8,400,000 species. We have got
the highest birth, and none of us wants to go back to all those species
again. We all want promotion, not demotion.'
Download / listen to the audio (10.7 Mb, 26 min | 16 December 2020 |
—{ Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address }—
Price of Mercy
"There are things that money cannot buy. You can never buy love and affection
with money. The kind of mercy of Gurudev you will get depends on your
devotion, your faith. If you always think about yourself, you will not
understand it. If you cannot sacrifice your life properly for the service to
your Guru, then what kind of surrender have you done?"
Download / listen to the audio (2.9 Mb, 7 min | 12 July 2020)
Thu, 14 December 2023
Gurudev's Great
'Bestowing a great mercy on me, you have given me a place in Sri Godrumdwip
amidst the forests of Gauda and ordered me to chant the Holy Name. My Lord,
when will you grant me the qualification to do that?'
Download / listen to the audio (31 Mb, 74 min | 17 December 2020 |
—{ Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address }—
"We have taken initiation from Gurudev, but we do not know what the relation
between a Guru and a disciple should be like. You must sacrifice your life
for your Gurudev, for your Gurudev's mission, and your Gurudev's devotees. If
you can give your life for all this, then you can be considered a proper
disciple of your Gurudev."
Download / listen to the audio (4.4 Mb, 11 min | 12 July 2020)
Fri, 15 December 2023
Thwarted At the
'Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur is telling the truth very nicely. We say, "Oh, I am
practising Krishna consciousness!" but what does Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur
say? "I cannot practise Krishna consciousness!"'
Download / listen to the audio (31 Mb, 74 min | 17 December 2020 |
—{ Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address }—
Plane of
"Always leave everything to the Lord—whatever His desire is, that will
happen. No one can stop it. It is not necessary to be afraid. If we surrender
ourselves to the Guru, to the Lord, then we will have no problem."
Download / listen to the audio (3.8 Mb, 9 min | 12 July 2020)
All Glory to Sri Sri Guru Gauranga
Appearance Day of Sri Gurupadpadma
Dear Devotees and Well-Wishers:
Humbly bowing down at your holy feet, we are extending a cordial invitation
to attend the grand festival in honour of the holy appearance day of
Param-pujyapad Parivrajakacharya-varya Visva-guru Om Vishnupad Sri Srimad
Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj that manifests on 28 December
2023 (Thursday) this year.
Remembering the holy lotus feet of our eternal Divine Master, Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj, we pray that every devotee of Sri
Chaitanya Saraswat Math may find a possibility to observe this day immersed
in Sri Hari-katha, Hari-kirtan and Hari-seva, which are so extremely
dear and pleasing to our Sri Gurupadpadma and entire Guru-varga, and remember
the transcendental glories of His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda
Dev-Goswami Maharaj, by whose mercy the banner of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math
was hoisted to fly high all over the world, through his sincere devotees,
instructions, lectures and books.
Taking your feet dust on our heads, we humbly wish that this supremely
worshippable divine appearance day of Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Sundar
Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj, celebrated with much joy and grandeur by the
fortunate souls throughout the entire manifest creation, may pass
auspiciously in every house and heart.
Your aspiring servants,
on behalf of
Satisfying the
"Bali Maharaj asked Vamanadev, 'O brahman, what do you want? Tell me,
and I can give You anything you wish.' Vamanadev replied, 'I do not want
much. I know you have everything, but I want only something small.'"
Download / listen to the audio (2.7 Mb, 7 min | 30 August
We humbly share the following as general guidance on conducting festivals
that we have learned from the association and eternal pastimes of His Divine
Grace Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj. Generally, the
programmes arranged and hosted by Sri Gurupadpadma would go as follows:
Assembling, gathering and welcoming all august Vaishnavs and devotees with
obeisances, sweet words and garlands; •
A brief introductory opening speech; •
Chanting kirtans:
– Vandana recital
– Sri Guru Parampara kirtan ('Krsna haite
– Sri Gurudev's kirtan ('Gurudev! Krpa bindu diya' or
'Gurudev bada krpa kari')
– Sri Pancha-tattva's kirtan ('Sri Krsna Chaitanya Prabhu jive'
or 'Sri Krsna Chaitanya daya kara')
– Sri Vaishnav Thakur's kirtan ('Kabe Sri Chaitanya more', 'Krpa
kara Vaisnava Thakura' or 'Ohe Vaisnava Thakura')
– Sriman Nityananda Prabhu's kirtan ('Nitai-guna-mani amar',
'Nitai-pada-kamala' or 'Akrodha paramananda')
– Sriman Mahaprabhu's kirtan ('Gaurangera duti pada', 'Parama
Karuna' or 'Emana durmati')
– Sri Sri Radha Krishna's kirtan ('Jaya Radhe Jaya Krsna' or 'Jaya
Radha Madhava')
– Hare Krishna Maha-mantra
Class or reading from scriptures (glorification of Sri Gurupadpadma); •
If other senior Vaishnavs are
present, they are given turn to speak; •
Concluding kirtan('Hari haraye Nama Krsna', Hare
Krishna maha-mantra); •
Devotees chant kirtan and offer
puspanjali (flower petals) to the picture of Sri Gurupadapadma; •
Offering bhoga followed by arati worship (usually, such
programmes take place at noon, so first bhoga arati is chanted,
then the aratikirtans); •
Distributing prasadam with care and affection; •
Presenting daksin and/or auspicious items to senior Vaishnavs or
devotees in general; •
Affectionate farewell; •
Completing cleaning, tidying and other services as required.
From the holy lotus mouth of Sri Gurupadapdma Om Vishnupad Jagad-Guru Srila
Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj:
•"What did Gurudev leave us for? So that we join the festival, give some
glorification, take prasadam, and leave? Our service does not finish there.
We must distribute to others what Gurudev told all over the world, what
Gurudev kept for us—his books, his audio and video recordings. What we
invent or discover is not necessary to distribute; distribute what he told,
what he invented and discovered, that is sufficient—people will be
benefitted through that. That is necessary for us. We should understand what
he wanted and what he did not want..."
•"Gurudev, Srila Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj always wanted to give some
prasadam to the devotees, and I saw in Chaitanya-charitamrita,
Prapanna-jivanamritam, and even Jagadananda Pandit's Prema-vivarta
that if you have something, you must give it to others—if you have no wealth,
you can give others some prasadam, and if you have no prasadam,
nothing, you can give others sweet words. That is the main thing. You can
make others happy with sweet words."
•"All the devotees know how to cook, what is there to it? When Nityananda
Prabhu is in Ekachakra, He likes roasted and mashed eggplant (begun
pora), and when Nityananda Prabhu comes to Venezuela or Colombia, He
takes arepa there. What is the problem? Nityananda Prabhu's taste is
different—He can take different things from everybody and from everywhere as
long as you cook it with heart. The main thing is to serve with
heart—not to do anything artificially. When you do any service or
cook anything, you must do it with heart, then it will be good for everybody,
and then Mahaprabhu, or Krishna, or Nityananda Prabhu will be happy—They will
enjoy, and Gurudev will also enjoy. This is the main advice how to do
everything. It is necessary for us to understand this."
An extensive guidance on the proper service mood during the Vaishnav seva
festivals is kept in the Daily Practice section of the website:
Observing Festivals A page of the Daily Practice section dedicated to Vaishnav-seva and
observing festivals. "Why are you making a festival? Making a festival
means you are inviting many people and you are giving them some
prasadam, engaging them in Krishna consciousness—it means practising
Krishna consciousness."
Some of the many preparations known to be favourite to His Divine Grace Srila
B.S. Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj include rice, mung or chana dal, stir-fried
karela, sak, posto bora, aloo siddho (boiled potato, mashed with chilli and
salt), cauliflower pakoras, singara (samosa), mixed vegetable subji, paneer
rasa, tomato chutney, achar (pickle), avocado salad (with a little salt and
olive oil), cucumber salad, mango, paramanna (sweet rice), rasagullas,
sandesh, a cake, vanilla ice-cream.
Sat, 16 December 2023
Unfavourable Urges and Thorns
'We always say that there are things favourable to devotion and things that
are unfavourable to devotion. There are also thorns on the path of devotion –
thorns and unfavourable things are virtually the same. Do you know what is
unfavourable to devotion?'
Download / listen to the audio (31 Mb, 74 min | 17 December 2020 |
—{ Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address }—
'How Much
Do You Hanker In Your Heart?'
"It is not necessary to show your devotion externally. Always keep your
devotion in your heart. We are not going to talk in a public place about how
we worship and how we practise. How much do you hanker within yourself, in
your heart? That is the question..."
Download / listen to the audio (3.8 Mb, 9 min | 12 July 2020)
Sun, 17 December 2023
Five Diseases
'What I am explaining now is the pancha-roga, the five material
diseases. How does one remove these five diseases? If you honour
prasad (the Lord's food remnants), all material diseases will go away
from you.'
Download / listen to the audio (31 Mb, 74 min | 17 December 2020 |
—{ Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address }—
No Hopscotchy
"You can worship Lord Siva, but do not come to Lord Siva with your material
things. We must give honour and worship Krishna's expansions, there is
nothing bad about it. Devotees should know everything—we cannot jump
immediately to Krishna."
Download / listen to the audio (3.9 Mb, 10 min | 12 July 2020)
Mon, 18 December 2023
Live as
'"O Vaishnav Thakur, please be merciful to me – I want to worship the Lord
knowing the relationship." What kind of relationship should there be? This is
not a relationship between a father and a son, a brother and a sister or
other relatives. We must understand what kind of relationship we have with
Vaishnavs. "I am his servant, and he is my Lord."'
Download / listen to the audio (31 Mb, 74 min | 17 December 2020 |
—{ Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address }—
Service, Earnest Heart
"It is necessary to have the strongest faith. You cannot see everything with
your eyes. We will serve Mahaprabhu, devotees, our Guru, and whether they
accept it or not, that is up to them. Simple things are sufficient for
Download / listen to the audio (3.4 Mb, 8 min | 12 July 2020)
Today in the calendar:
Gaura Sasthi. Sri Sri Jagannathdev’s Odan-Sasthi. Manifestation Anniversary
of Sri Sri Nitai Chaitanya at Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, Sri Puri
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj: "Even if you do
not know anything about the Vaishnav mentioned in the calendar, you must
still give them 'jay' on this day. We must always remember disappearance and
appearance days of all Vaishnavs. If we can remember such personalities, such
great souls, it will bring a great benefit to our spiritual life."
"We should always check the calendar, and when we see some dates mentioned
there, even if we do not know anything about the Vaishnav or events mentioned
there, we can at least give 'jay' to them—that also brings some good sukriti,
some purification to us. Seeing the calendar and taking devotees' names early
in the morning, from the beginning of the day, is very good for all
"Wake up, look into the calendar and give 'jay' to your Guru and
Vaishnavs. Always pay obeisance to your Guru and Vaishnavs when you wake up
in the morning, always give them 'jay'. Always keep faith and show
respect to them. Always see the calendar—whose appearance day it is, whose
disappearance day it is. Even if you cannot make a festival, at least you can
give them 'jay', it will bring you benefit. When you give 'jay'
to your Guru and Vaishnavs, it brings you sukriti. For example, today
is the disappearance day of a Vaishnav—give 'jay' to him, remember
him. We must always remember the words of Vaishnavs. If I remember the words
of Vaishnavs, I get some benefit, some deposit through that."
On the Way to Sri Puri Dham
Guidance, chapter 2):
"We are not going sightseeing but we are going to a place of pilgrimage, a
holy place. Going there will purify us—body, mind, and soul."
Tue, 19 December 2023
Pure and Foul
'Somebody can give up kanak, somebody can give up kamini, but
one cannot give up pratistha. We are told that we must establish
ourselves in the ego of a devotee. What does this mean?'
Download / listen to the audio (31 Mb, 74 min | 17 December 2020 |
—{ Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address }—
Proximity Complex
"If you become too familiar with the Guru, you can make more offences. It is
very difficult to avoid it. Association means a heart-to-heart connection. It
is not a bodily association. We always give honour to Gurudev very
Download / listen to the audio (4.3 Mb, 11 min | 12 July 2020)
Wed, 20 December 2023
'Do you know that Mahaprabhu never allowed anyone to touch His feet? We also
tell everyone not to touch our feet – this is what Mahaprabhu taught. But
Mahaprabhu gave one person the right to touch His feet: to Kalidas. Why did
He allow Kalidas to do it? There is a reason.'
Download / listen to the audio (31 Mb, 74 min | 17 December 2020 |
—{ Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address }—
"Devotees are always humble. Whatever they do, they always think, 'Gurudev is
my own'—that is the real connection with Gurudev. Those who are qualified
will not tell anything about their practising life—they will only think that
they are simple, small persons who have no quality, no qualification. This is
how devotees show their devotion."
Download / listen to the audio (3.7 Mb, 9 min | 19 July 2020)
Today in the calendar:
Gaura Astami. Disappearance of Srila Madhusudan Das Babaji Maharaj.
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj: "Even if you do
not know anything about the Vaishnav mentioned in the calendar, you must
still give them 'jay' on this day."
Thu, 21 December 2023
Guru-Varga's Hidden Treasure
'We must practise Krishna consciousness (serve the Lord) earnestly (without
duplicity). In our country, people always practise spiritual life to show off
in front of others. We must never become gurus – we must always remain
Download / listen to the audio (31 Mb, 74 min | 17 December 2020 |
—{ Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address }—
Relation With
Guru: Watch Out
"Srila Gurudev gave much honour and much respect to everybody, both his
godbrothers and his disciples. However, a disciple should also understand—if
Gurudev gives me respect, it does not mean I will now jump and sit on his
Download / listen to the audio (2.4 Mb, 6 min | 19 July 2020)
Today in the calendar:
Gaura Navami. Appearance of Tridandi-swami Srimad Bhakti Kamal Madhusudan
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj: "Even if you do
not know anything about the Vaishnav mentioned in the calendar, you must
still give them 'jay' on this day. We must always remember disappearance and
appearance days of all Vaishnavs. If we can remember such personalities, such
great souls, it will bring a great benefit to our spiritual life."
"We should always check the calendar, and when we see some dates mentioned
there, even if we do not know anything about the Vaishnav or events mentioned
there, we can at least give 'jay' to them—that also brings some good sukriti,
some purification to us. Seeing the calendar and taking devotees' names early
in the morning, from the beginning of the day, is very good for all
"Wake up, look into the calendar and give 'jay' to your Guru and
Vaishnavs. Always pay obeisance to your Guru and Vaishnavs when you wake up
in the morning, always give them 'jay'. Always keep faith and show
respect to them. Always see the calendar—whose appearance day it is, whose
disappearance day it is. Even if you cannot make a festival, at least you can
give them 'jay', it will bring you benefit. When you give 'jay'
to your Guru and Vaishnavs, it brings you sukriti. For example, today
is the disappearance day of a Vaishnav—give 'jay' to him, remember
him. We must always remember the words of Vaishnavs. If I remember the words
of Vaishnavs, I get some benefit, some deposit through that."
In honour of Srila Bhakti Kamal
Madhusudan Maharaj:
Pranam-mantra of Srimad Bhakti Kamal Madhusudan Maharaj, composed by Srila
Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj:
"I offer my obeisance unto the great Guru Srimad Bhakti Kamal Madhusudan
Maharaj. His tall, tranquil form, adorned with a tridanda and garments the
colour of the newly risen sun, is the embodiment of mercy. He is an
affectionate king amongst the Gaudiya Vaishnava sannyasis, an ocean of
Vedantic knowledge, and always rapt with the ecstatic taste of Sri Sri
Guru-Gauranga's kirtan."
Vaishnavs' Mercy
"Today is Srimad Bhakti Kamal Madhusudan Maharaj's appearance day. Wherever
he is staying now, whether in Goloka Vrindavan or anywhere else, we are
praying to him, 'Wherever you are now, please give us some mercy.'"
Download / listen to the audio (4.1 Mb, 13 min)
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj tells about
the close and reverent relationship that Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar
Dev-Goswami Maharaj had with his godbrothers, Srila Bhakti Saranga Goswami
Maharaj, Srila Bhakti Kamal Madhusudan Maharaj, and Srila Krishna Das Babaji
Download / listen to the audio (1.7 Mb, 4 min | 19 September
Fri, 22 December 2023 (Tomorrow is Sri Moksada Ekadasi)
Last Rites
'Gurudev always said that if Vaishnavs leave this world, various common rites
and ceremonies (kriya-karya) are not very important for Vaishnavs –
what is important is vaishnav-seva and vaishnav-hom.'
Download / listen to the audio (28.8 Mb, 68 min | 19 December 2020 |
—{ Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address }—
Gurudev's Legacy
"They do something but they cannot understand how much offence they are
making. We must understand how to make Gurudev happy, how to follow Gurudev's
line, and how to maintain Gurudev's legacy. We must think about these
Download / listen to the audio (2.6 Mb, 7 min | 19 July 2020)
Today in the calendar:
Gaura Dasami. Disappearance of Tridandi-swami Srimad Bhakti Kusum Sraman
Maharaj (a diksa disciple of Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur
Prabhupad and the publisher of Nadiya Prakash; later, after Srila B.V. Tirtha
Maharaj's disappearance, he presided over Sri Chaitanya Math in
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj: "Even if you do
not know anything about the Vaishnav mentioned in the calendar, you must
still give them 'jay' on this day. We must always remember disappearance and
appearance days of all Vaishnavs. If we can remember such personalities, such
great souls, it will bring a great benefit to our spiritual life."
"We should always check the calendar, and when we see some dates mentioned
there, even if we do not know anything about the Vaishnav or events mentioned
there, we can at least give 'jay' to them—that also brings some good sukriti,
some purification to us. Seeing the calendar and taking devotees' names early
in the morning, from the beginning of the day, is very good for all
"Wake up, look into the calendar and give 'jay' to your Guru and
Vaishnavs. Always pay obeisance to your Guru and Vaishnavs when you wake up
in the morning, always give them 'jay'. Always keep faith and show
respect to them. Always see the calendar—whose appearance day it is, whose
disappearance day it is. Even if you cannot make a festival, at least you can
give them 'jay', it will bring you benefit. When you give 'jay'
to your Guru and Vaishnavs, it brings you sukriti. For example, today
is the disappearance day of a Vaishnav—give 'jay' to him, remember
him. We must always remember the words of Vaishnavs. If I remember the words
of Vaishnavs, I get some benefit, some deposit through that."
Sat, 23 December 2023 (Sri Moksada Ekadasi)
Gist of Fire
'There are many things that can be done if there is time and place. If not,
it is not a problem too. I have done today the main work, which is the most
important work: wherever Hari, guru and Vaishnavs are present,
everything is automatically auspicious.'
Download / listen to the audio (28.8 Mb, 68 min | 19 December 2020 |
—{ Sri Hari-Kirtan Mahatmya }—
Sri Guru
'You should know this disciplic succession properly. I yearn for the remnants
of all the dear followers of Gaura who are the wealth of this disciplic
'If you do not understand the meaning of kirtans, it will not stay in
your mind then. When you chant, you must understand the meaning of the
kirtan, then it will stay in your heart. Common people do not
understand the meaning of kirtans: they listen to kirtan bands,
enjoy the tune, etc., but this is not the way to practise kirtan. When
you chant kirtan, you must understand the meaning of what you are
singing – some devotional feeling must come to your heart.'
—Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj
'Some gentleman was singing a song of Srila Narottam Das Thakur. When he
finished singing, Srila Vamsi Das Babaji Maharaj remarked, "You have only
superficially repeated the sound, but the real influence, the real
impression, the inner voltage is unknown to you. Those who are hit by strong
feeling suggested by this song can know the power underlying it, but you are
merely repeating the sound physically, you do not feel the volt, the energy
within it. The voltage of the meaning of this song has not struck your
heart." He remarked like that. Ordinary men who exist on the surface only
repeat sounds, but those whose hearts have been touched by the deep
underlying meaning, they can understand what that song contains...'
—Srila B.R. Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj
—{ Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address }—
"We chant the Holy Name, we practise kirtan, and we should do that in a
worshipful mood. We can only worship Radha-Krishna's combined form and their
lotus feet. We do not want to become sahajiyas. There are things that we must
understand within ourselves but cannot express to others."
Download / listen to the audio (2.5 Mb, 6 min | 19 July 2020)
Sri Ekadasi Guidance Guidelines on how to observe and honour this holy day: Ekadasi takes an
indispensible part in the life of a sincere practitioner. At Sri Chaitanya
Saraswat Math, Ekadasi and paran are observed with affection and without
fail according to the dates given in the Calendar.
Srila B.R. Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj about fasting on ekadasi and
accepting material facilities:
"One time, a devotee came here from Vrindavan on the day of
ekadasi. He reached in the evening and, after taking a bath in the
Ganges, attended kirtans, danced, circumambulated the temple and so
on. Then, I asked him whether he would take any anukalpa [non-grain
prasadam that is allowed to be taken on ekadasi]. He replied,
'Generally, I do not take anything, but if you like, then, of course, I must
like anukalpa. Your will is greater than my fasting.' That was his
"My Guru Maharaj (Srila Prabhupad Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur)
always wanted maximum energy: you should take good food and do good service.
That was his maxim. Krishna is not a liquidated party: take full
prasadam and do full service. Do maximum service, and you should take
whatever is necessary for that. You are to take it for the cause of Krishna,
not for your own cause. You are Krishna's, so if you grow weak, His service
will be hampered, and both you and Krishna will be losers thereby. 'My
soldiers will be well-fed and well-working.' That was our Guru Maharaj's
principle. Napoleon said, 'One full-fed soldier is equal to ten half-fed
"So, prasad-seva: if it is service, then it must be taken in a
serving mood, of course. But, at the same time, the individual position of a
devotee should be taken into consideration. Sahajiyas do not fast on
ekadasi at all: "Oh, we are in Vrindavan, and there is no fasting in
Vrindavan." But Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur, Srila Prabhupad did not like
that—it is sahajiya (imitation) if you go on feeding your senses in
the name of Krishna-bhakti (devotion to the Lord). For the service to
Krishna, it is necessary to keep up the body and to provide nourishment to
it, so we must take what is necessary for service. We do not like it if by
fasting, a loss of energy is effected. If fasting does not hamper your
service, you may go on fasting—perhaps, your Gurudev wanted
"For service, I must accept what is necessary to make me physically
fit so that I can render more service. So, accepting material things is not
objectionable. It is fruitful, not detrimental. Rather, it produces something
of a pure character, which helps everyone. This is how a disciple receives
and accepts things. At that same time, he may even blame himself, 'I cannot
go on with my worldly life without the help of this or that!' He will blame
himself, but the underlying spirit must be, 'If I do not take it, I shall be
unfit; I will not be able to do my bit of service to the Lord, to my
"Moreover, by taking up renunciation, I will be a loser. I will incur
a loss for myself, for the world, and my Guru's service will be hampered. In
this spirit, devotees are to take everything. For the cause of Krsna, for the
cause of his Guru, they will accept anything.
"Suppose there is a very miserly karmachari (manager). Because
he does not want to spend money, he may not attain a particular result; then,
some difficulty comes, and the opportunity is lost. This manager will be
responsible to the proprietor: 'Why did you not spend money? Why are you
afraid of spending money from my store? Because of your miserly habit,
the opportunity has been lost!' 'Why should you not spend My money for My
interest?' So, to render service to Krishna, to my Gurudev, to Vaishnavs, to
the world, to everyone, I must keep up this mundane body, and I am entitled
to take something for that.
"Miserliness is mayavada; it is the renunciation spirit, and it
will mar Krishna's interest. What we need is yukta-vairagya: I shall
take from the store of Krishna to keep myself fit and to do service. It is
Krishna's account, and if I do dot do that, I should be a separationist, a
mayavadi, a renunciationist. I shall render maximum service to
Krishna, and I must take without any hestitation whatever is necessary to
make myself fit for the service; otherwise, I shall be
•"Sri Ekadasi"
(Sri Sri Prema Vivarta)
"One day, Gaurahari left the Gundicha Temple and sat in the Jagannath
Vallabha garden. It was pure Ekadasi, and the Lord spent the whole day and
night chanting the Name of Krishna..."
Suddha-bhakata |
শুদ্ধ ভকত-চরণ-রেণু "I carefully observe the holy days related to Madhava, they are the mother
of devotion."
Sri hari-vasare |
শ্রীহরি-বাসরে হরি "On the holy day of Sri Hari, Sriman Mahaprabhu, the life and
soul of the universe, began dancing..."
"You do not need to know the meaning of each ekadasi tithi because if
you know it, you will want to get this result, that result, etc."
(Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj)
Sun, 24 December 2023
Remembering Departure of Haridas Thakur
'Whoever we may be in this world, what is the use for us living for one
hundred or two hundred years? Even if we live for ten years, if we chant the
Holy Name properly during these ten years, we can get all benefit.'
Download / listen to the audio (28.8 Mb, 68 min | 19 December 2020 |
—{ Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address }—
Emotion and
"If you stay with a great sadhu, if you practise properly, if you
follow rules and regulations, then your material desires will be removed.
I can challenge anyone that it is so. Devotion comes automatically through
humility, tolerance, giving honour to others, through proper practising."
Download / listen to the audio (2.3 Mb, 6 min | 19 July 2020)
All Glory to Sri Sri Guru Gauranga
Appearance Day of Sri Gurupadpadma
Dear Devotees and Well-Wishers:
Humbly bowing down at your holy feet, we are extending a cordial invitation
to attend the grand festival in honour of the holy appearance day of
Param-pujyapad Parivrajakacharya-varya Visva-guru Om Vishnupad Sri Srimad
Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj that manifests on
28 December 2023 (Thursday) this year.
Remembering the holy lotus feet of our eternal Divine Master, Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj, we pray that every devotee of Sri
Chaitanya Saraswat Math may find a possibility to observe this day immersed
in Sri Hari-katha, Hari-kirtan and Hari-seva, which are so extremely
dear and pleasing to our Sri Gurupadpadma and entire Guru-varga, and remember
the transcendental glories of His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda
Dev-Goswami Maharaj, by whose mercy the banner of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math
was hoisted to fly high all over the world, through his sincere devotees,
instructions, lectures and books.
Taking your feet dust on our heads, we humbly wish that this supremely
worshippable divine appearance day of Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Sundar
Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj, celebrated with much joy and grandeur by the
fortunate souls throughout the entire manifest creation, may pass
auspiciously in every house and heart.
Your aspiring servants,
on behalf of
Satisfying the
"Bali Maharaj asked Vamanadev, 'O brahman, what do you want? Tell me,
and I can give You anything you wish.' Vamanadev replied, 'I do not want
much. I know you have everything, but I want only something small.'"
Download / listen to the audio (2.7 Mb, 7 min | 30 August
We humbly share the following as general guidance on conducting festivals
that we have learned from the association and eternal pastimes of His Divine
Grace Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj. Generally, the
programmes arranged and hosted by Sri Gurupadpadma would go as follows:
Assembling, gathering and welcoming all august Vaishnavs and devotees with
obeisances, sweet words and garlands; •
A brief introductory opening speech; •
Chanting kirtans:
– Vandana recital
– Sri Guru Parampara kirtan ('Krsna haite
– Sri Gurudev's kirtan ('Gurudev! Krpa bindu diya' or
'Gurudev bada krpa kari')
– Sri Pancha-tattva's kirtan ('Sri Krsna Chaitanya Prabhu jive'
or 'Sri Krsna Chaitanya daya kara')
– Sri Vaishnav Thakur's kirtan ('Kabe Sri Chaitanya more', 'Krpa
kara Vaisnava Thakura' or 'Ohe Vaisnava Thakura')
– Sriman Nityananda Prabhu's kirtan ('Nitai-guna-mani amar',
'Nitai-pada-kamala' or 'Akrodha paramananda')
– Sriman Mahaprabhu's kirtan ('Gaurangera duti pada', 'Parama
Karuna' or 'Emana durmati')
– Sri Sri Radha Krishna's kirtan ('Jaya Radhe Jaya Krsna' or 'Jaya
Radha Madhava')
– Hare Krishna Maha-mantra
Class or reading from scriptures (glorification of Sri Gurupadpadma); •
If other senior Vaishnavs are
present, they are given turn to speak; •
Concluding kirtan('Hari haraye Nama Krsna', Hare
Krishna maha-mantra); •
Devotees chant kirtan and offer
puspanjali (flower petals) to the picture of Sri Gurupadapadma; •
Offering bhoga followed by arati worship (usually, such
programmes take place at noon, so first bhoga arati is chanted,
then the aratikirtans); •
Distributing prasadam with care and affection; •
Presenting daksin and/or auspicious items to senior Vaishnavs or
devotees in general; •
Affectionate farewell; •
Completing cleaning, tidying and other services as required.
From the holy lotus mouth of Sri Gurupadapdma Om Vishnupad Jagad-Guru Srila
Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj:
•"What did Gurudev leave us for? So that we join the festival, give some
glorification, take prasadam, and leave? Our service does not finish there.
We must distribute to others what Gurudev told all over the world, what
Gurudev kept for us—his books, his audio and video recordings. What we
invent or discover is not necessary to distribute; distribute what he told,
what he invented and discovered, that is sufficient—people will be
benefitted through that. That is necessary for us. We should understand what
he wanted and what he did not want..."
•"Gurudev, Srila Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj always wanted to give some
prasadam to the devotees, and I saw in Chaitanya-charitamrita,
Prapanna-jivanamritam, and even Jagadananda Pandit's Prema-vivarta
that if you have something, you must give it to others—if you have no wealth,
you can give others some prasadam, and if you have no prasadam,
nothing, you can give others sweet words. That is the main thing. You can
make others happy with sweet words."
•"All the devotees know how to cook, what is there to it? When Nityananda
Prabhu is in Ekachakra, He likes roasted and mashed eggplant (begun
pora), and when Nityananda Prabhu comes to Venezuela or Colombia, He
takes arepa there. What is the problem? Nityananda Prabhu's taste is
different—He can take different things from everybody and from everywhere as
long as you cook it with heart. The main thing is to serve with
heart—not to do anything artificially. When you do any service or
cook anything, you must do it with heart, then it will be good for everybody,
and then Mahaprabhu, or Krishna, or Nityananda Prabhu will be happy—They will
enjoy, and Gurudev will also enjoy. This is the main advice how to do
everything. It is necessary for us to understand this."
An extensive guidance on the proper service mood during the Vaishnav seva
festivals is kept in the Daily Practice section of the website:
Observing Festivals A page of the Daily Practice section dedicated to Vaishnav-seva and
observing festivals. "Why are you making a festival? Making a festival
means you are inviting many people and you are giving them some
prasadam, engaging them in Krishna consciousness—it means practising
Krishna consciousness."
Some of the many preparations known to be favourite to His Divine Grace Srila
B.S. Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj include rice, mung or chana dal, stir-fried
karela, sak, posto bora, aloo siddho (boiled potato, mashed with chilli and
salt), cauliflower pakoras, singara (samosa), mixed vegetable subji, paneer
rasa, tomato chutney, achar (pickle), avocado salad (with a little salt and
olive oil), cucumber salad, mango, paramanna (sweet rice), rasagullas,
sandesh, a cake, vanilla ice-cream.
Mon, 25 December 2023
Seek Devotion
'You cannot buy devotion at the market or with any amount of money. You can
buy many things, but you cannot get the Lord through anything except
devotion. What must you do to have devotion? Devotion comes from devotion:
you must live in the association of devotees.'
Download / listen to the audio (28.8 Mb, 68 min | 19 December 2020 |
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Jagad-Guru Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda
Dev-Goswami Maharaj is speaking on the Christmas day in 2006: "You must
give honour to wherever there is some piety and religious manifestation. This
is our religion. Today is a very big festival day here in Bengal as well as
all over India. The whole world knows that it is the appearance day of Jesus
Christ, and India celebrates this day now too."
—{ Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address }—
Devotional Vision
"We must follow our guru-varga's instruction and ideal. The main thing for us
is that we must make our Gurudev happy, so we will not come to pass judgement
about what Gurudev has told, we must follow whatever Gurudev says."
Download / listen to the audio (2.3 Mb, 6 min | 19 July 2020)
Tue, 26 December 2023
Nought in a Knot
'There is no mercy for you yet. First take service. When I give you
seva-adhikar (right to do service; service qualification), then you
will get mercy. Do not think about yourself, leave everything to the Lord. He
is the master, but we do everything bypassing Him.'
Download / listen to the audio (28.8 Mb, 68 min | 19 December 2020 |
—{ Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address }—
"There are so many stories in this world, but we must follow scriptures—we do
not follow gossips. We must believe what Srimad Bhagavatam says. In
the age of Kali, it is necessary to give Krishna-prema through chanting of
the Holy Name."
Download / listen to the audio (5.4 Mb, 13 min | 19 July 2020)
Wed, 27 December 2023 (Om Vishnupad Srila B.S. Govinda Dev-Goswami
Maharaj's Sri Vyasa Puja Adhivas)
'If you want to hear about the Lord and glorify the Lord, you must listen to
it with a clean, unobstructed mind, with your heart and soul and with faith.
If somebody does not have faith, they will not be able to hear these
Download / listen to the audio (62.9 Mb, 129 min | 31 December 2020 |
—{ Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address }—
Our Programme
"My service is that I want to make everybody happy. You are all Gurudev's
devotees, well-wishers, friends, that is why I want to serve you all. We
still cannot gather many people, but we are trying to preach and serve
devotees from afar as much as possible."
Download / listen to the audio (3.2 Mb, 8 min | 26 July 2020)
In honour of the forthcoming holy appearance day of Om Vishnupad Srila
Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj:
My Service Day
"I am always with the devotees, I am always thinking about the devotees and I
am always thinking about Gurudev. Actually, this day is my service day. I
must serve my Gurudev more, I want to serve the devotees—this is how I want
to celebrate this day. This is my happiness."
Download / listen to the audio (0.5 Mb, 1 min)
Our Divine Master
"Sometimes some problem comes in our spiritual life, but we should not be
disheartened because of that. Gurudev said, 'Wherever you live you must
continue your practising life.' We must follow this."
Download / listen to the audio (4 Mb, 11 min)
Gurudev's Teaching and
"Srila Sridhar Maharaj always depended on Gurudev in everything. So many
sannyasis, so many great scholars came to him, but he finally chose
our Gurudev as his successor. We can see then how much love and affection he
had for him."
Download / listen to the audio (3.7 Mb, 11 min)
A Perfect Disciple
"It is those who can take Gurudev's responsibility that can be a Guru. Only
taking a mantra does not make one a disciple—one who can take their
Gurudev's responsibility, who can take away pain from their Gurudev, is
called a perfect disciple."
Download / listen to the audio (3.7 Mb, 7 min)
Golden Time for Golden
"I know you have taken initiation from Gurudev, I know you are serving
Gurudev eternally (strictly every day without fail), you are worshipping the
Lord eternally, you are chanting the kirtans eternally, but are you
using your golden time to serve the Lord or to do something for your own
Download / listen to the audio (1.5 Mb, 4 min | Bengali)
Emerging from Darkness
"Sixty thousand sages did a sacrifice for one thousand years(!), but even
then they did not feel happy at heart. In the end, Sri Suta Goswami came
there and explained that happiness was possible only through chanting the
Holy Name. You must always keep this as the object of your eternal
Download / listen to the audio (1.7 Mb, 4 min | Bengali)
Leaving Maya's Shelter
"If some fortunate soul can come to take shelter at the holy lotus feet of
Sri Guru severing the illusory bondage and keeping themselves in Guru's
service, then they are very fortunate. There is no one in this world more
fortunate than them."
Download / listen to the audio (1.1 Mb, 3 min | Bengali)
Sitting on Two Chairs
"There are gurus in this world who say, 'We do not prohibit anything. Eat and
do whatever your soul pleases.' First know who you are, then do what your
soul wants. Always remember this. But what is the use saying all this?... How
long I have been telling you all this..."
Download / listen to the audio (1.7 Mb, 4 min | Bengali)
Deep Chastity
"No matter what you do and how much you do, if the Guru is angry, nobody can
protect you. I must understand, 'I have taken shelter in a person, and as
long as I stay in that shelter, even the Lord cannot do anything to me.'
Remember what I am telling you all the time. Become surrendered..."
Download / listen to the audio (1.2 Mb, 3 min | Bengali)
Accept and Appreciate
"Whatever the Lord wishes, this is what will happen. You must always leave
everything to the Lord. However the Lord keeps you, whatever situation the
Lord creates, you must accept it. Do you understand it? Nothing is in our
hands. We are only His servitors."
Download / listen to the audio (2.1 Mb, 5 min | Bengali)
Thu, 28 December 2023 (Om
Vishnupad Srila B.S. Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj's Sri Vyasa Puja
Trust the Lord
'We will not stay in this world for a long time, then why be so proud? Why
all these false attachments? Why must you think about your own happiness and
enjoyment? It is not necessary to do this. We are not afraid to commit sin
for our own enjoyment. Do not be like this. Always remember this.'
Download / listen to the audio (62.9 Mb, 129 min | 31 December 2020 |
—{ Sri Hari-Kirtan Mahatmya }—
Guru Arati
'Glory to Sri Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj, who is our Lord,
Master, crest-jewel and a mine of joy. O Master, manifestation of Sri
Gauranga, please bestow your mercy! This lowly servant is always offering
worship to you.'
'If you do not understand the meaning of kirtans, it will not stay in
your mind then. When you chant, you must understand the meaning of the
kirtan, then it will stay in your heart. Common people do not
understand the meaning of kirtans: they listen to kirtan bands,
enjoy the tune, etc., but this is not the way to practise kirtan. When
you chant kirtan, you must understand the meaning of what you are
singing – some devotional feeling must come to your heart.'
—Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj
'Some gentleman was singing a song of Srila Narottam Das Thakur. When he
finished singing, Srila Vamsi Das Babaji Maharaj remarked, "You have only
superficially repeated the sound, but the real influence, the real
impression, the inner voltage is unknown to you. Those who are hit by strong
feeling suggested by this song can know the power underlying it, but you are
merely repeating the sound physically, you do not feel the volt, the energy
within it. The voltage of the meaning of this song has not struck your
heart." He remarked like that. Ordinary men who exist on the surface only
repeat sounds, but those whose hearts have been touched by the deep
underlying meaning, they can understand what that song contains...'
—Srila B.R. Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj
In honour of the divine appearance day of His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj:
gurvvabhista-supurakam guru-ganair asisa-sambhusitam
chintyachintya-samasta-veda-nipunam sri-rupa-panthanugam
govindabhidham ujjvalam vara-tanum bhakty anvitam-sundaram
vande visva-gurun cha divya-bhagavat-premno hi bija-pradam
"I offer my obeisance unto he who perfectly fulfils his Gurudev's most
cherished desires; who is fully adorned with the blessings of his Gurudev’s
associates; who is expert in all aspects of Vedic knowledge, both conceivable
and inconceivable; who is the pre-eminent follower of Srila Rupa Goswami
Prabhu's line; who is known as 'Govinda'—Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda
Dev-Goswami Maharaj; whose beautiful, effulgent, exalted form is infused
with pure devotion; who is the Guru of the entire universe; and who is the
giver of the seed of divine love for the Supreme Lord."
Question: It seems that we have one type of fear that having
got some connection with your self we may lose that at death. I do not want
to have connection with anyone else, I want to stay with you. So, I feel some
type of fear...
Srila B.S. Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj: Fear? But why have fear? I
cannot understand it.
Devotee: Because if we do not finish our sadhana nicely, then next
life we do not know where we will go—we may not find Govinda Maharaj
Srila Govinda Maharaj: What do you think about Govinda Maharaj?
Devotee: We think that we want to serve you.
Srila Govinda Maharaj:
No, it is okay that you want to serve Govinda Maharaj, but what do you think
about Govinda Maharaj? He is your guru, but in which form do you think about
him? Do you think that Govinda Maharaj is a mundane man or an incarnation of
the Lord coming in front of you to give you connection with Him? If you think
he is an incarnation of the Lord, then he cannot leave your heart and you
cannot leave your Lord. Even if you die, you will get that connection in
another form, perhaps, but you will not be able to leave your Lord. When you
have faith that the Lord always lives with you, then there will be no
That is the main thing. By the mercy of Vaishnavs I also always feel that my
Srila Guru Maharaj (Srila B.R. Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj) is present with
us. By the mercy of Vaishnavs and the supremacy of Srila Guru Maharaj, such
feeling always comes to us that Srila Guru Maharaj has not left us, that he
is with us.
I have service of Srila Guru Maharaj, and I must do that. Service to Srila
Guru Maharaj is my only goal of life, and whichever way that service comes to
me, I will try to serve.
Devotee: In my next life, I want to forever be a blade of grass
wherever you walk...
Srila Govinda Maharaj:
I do not want to wait for the next life. Actually, we must finish all our job
here this life, then we shall all go to Goloka!
(8 June 1992)
Biography of Srila B.S.
Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj
A glorification article that sprang forth from the interpretation of the
Pranam-mantra of His Divine Grace and was originally published as
an Appendix to the Revealed Truth.
This day in 2010
Sri Vyasa Puja, 2010: Bengali Class
Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj's Bengali lecture given on the holy day of Sri
Vyasa Puja of Srila B.S. Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj on 23 December 2010:
• Download
(16.4 Mb, 46 min)
This day in 2011
Sri Vyasa Puja, 2011: Morning Kirtans • Vandana • Krsna haite chatur-mukha • Samsara davanala-lidha-loka • Sri
Krishna Chaitanya Prabhu jive daya kari' • Bhaja re bhaja re amara • Thakura
vaisnava gana • Nitai-guna-mani amara • Emona durmati.
Download / listen to the audio (3.7 Mb, 43 min | 12 December 2011)
Sri Vyasa Puja
"That day, in the heart of Gaura-desh, morning, noon, and evening as if
merged and there sounded a stupefying song of flute. On this auspicious day,
a ray of light fell from the sky. In the district of brahmans, in the
house of a brahman, for the sake of jiva souls there took birth
an unprecedentedly beautiful child."
Download / listen to the audio (3.7 Mb, 11 min | 11 December 2011)
Sri Guru's Order
"Wherever you live, you can practise your spiritual life. The main thing is
to follow the order of your Guru. When you receive an order from Gurudev,
that becomes your duty. Our Rupanuga-sampradaya Guru, he came from the
transcendental abode, but when he was here we could not understand
Download / listen to the audio (5.3 Mb, 16 min | 23 December 2013)
This day in 2014
Gurudev: His Example and Teachings
"Gurudev conquered the whole world with his love and affection. Many
people throughout the world do not know English language or cannot
fully understand it, but they could understand Gurudev through their
Download / listen to the audio (5.2 Mb, 15 min | 8 December 2014)
Son of Lord Siva
"When Srila Param Guru Maharaj was a young boy, he worshipped Siva, and our
Guru Maharaj, Om Vishnupad Srila B.S. Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj, was a son
of Siva. That is why we are making a Siva temple on the bank of Govinda
Kunda—for their happiness."
• Download
(1.1 Mb, 3 min | 11 August 2002)
শ্রীলগুরুদেবের মঠে আসা ও গুরু-তত্ত্ব-মহিমা রীল গুরুপাদপদ্ম ওঁ বিষ্ণুপাদ শ্রীলভক্তিনির্ম্মল আচার্য্য মহারাজের
শ্রীনৃসিংহপল্লীতে সকালের সময় হরিকথামৃত:
"আজকে মদীয় গুরুপাদপদ্ম ওঁ বিষ্ণুপাদ জগৎ-গুরু শ্রীল ভক্তি সুন্দর গোবিন্দ
দেবগোস্বামী মহারাজের ৮২তম শুভ আবির্ভাব তিথি । এই শুভ আবির্ভাব তিথির উপলক্ষে
আপনারা সবাই এখানে উপস্থিত হয়েছেন । গুরুদেবের এই তিথিতে অবলম্বন করে ৮২ বছর আগে
বামুনপাড়ায় অবতীর্ণ হয়েছেন..."
Download / listen to the audio (16.4 Mb, 40 min | 1 January 2021 | Bengali
| ১ জানুয়ারী ২০২১)
"Today is 1 January, the first day of the year, and this is the
day of my Gurupadpadma Om Vishnupad Jagad Guru Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda
Dev-Goswami Maharaj's appearance. Choosing this holy dvitiya tithi
day, Gurudev appeared in this world 92 years ago."
Gurudev's Coming
to Temple
"One day, Srila Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj's preaching party came to
Nadanghat on their way back from preaching. They did collection during the
day, and in the evening they would give a class and chant kirtans at
the house of some zamindar. When they came to Nadanghat, Gurudev came and sat
at the programme, listening to the Hari-katha."
"Within seven days after Guru Maharaj's coming to the temple, Srila Sridhar
Maharaj told him, 'Do not follow what your mind tells you. You must do only
what I tell you. Never do what your mind tells you to do.' Remember
Who Is Guru?
"Guru is the one whom the Lord has invested all his power. Once you get the
mercy of the Guru, you will get all mercy. If Krishna bestows His mercy on
any fortunate soul, then Guru teaches that soul everything in his omniscient
(antaryami) form."
Sri Guru Tattva
"Souls wander throughout this universe, but if some fortunate souls take by
Krishna's mercy the seed of devotion from Gurudev and practises Krishna
consciousness, they can reach the Lord's abode! Do you understand what I am
Guru's Greed,
Disciple's Greed
"These are desires or your tongue and mind! The souls never wants all this,
but we are so greedy that we think that our mind and our soul are one and the
same. People do not understand what is mind and what is the soul..."
Deceivers and
"If somebody lives in enjoyment, is foolish (ignorant of what one's duty is
and what must not do) and lives following any other path except pure
devotion, then even if this person is called a guru (in name only), it is the
order of the scriptures that he must be given up."
Sri Vyasa Puja Programme: Noon Kirtans • Gurudev, bada krpa kari
• Sri Krsna Chaitanya Prabhu daya kara more
• Ohe Vaisnava Thakura
• Nitai-pada-kamala
• Yadi Gaura na haite
• Kena maya-jale paditecho
• Nadiya-nagare nitai neche neche
• Jaya Radha Madhava
• Hare Krishna maha-mantra
Download/listen to the audio (22.3 Mb, 53 min | 1 January 2021 | Kirtan)
"We have no attachment or love for what the great souls say. We only want
food! What is the need to come to the temple for that? If you want to come to
the temple for the benefit of your soul, then you can come, but do not come
as a beggar for food—come as a beggar for spiritual life! Always remember
Download / listen to the audio (2.8 Mb, 7 min | Bengali)
Srila Gurudev's
Pastimes (1)
"As you know, my Gurupadpadma came to the Math in 1947. They asked him, 'Will
you come to the Math with us?' Gurudev said, 'Yes, I will come.' 'Will you go
today?' 'Yes, I will go today itself!' Then, crossing across the river at
Nagan Ghat, Gurudev came to this Math on the day of Nrisingha-chaturdasi.
This was the first day he entered the temple."
Download / listen to the audio (2.1 Mb, 5 min | Bengali)
Srila Gurudev's
Pastimes (2)
"Do you want to hear how Gurudev protected and looked after the temple? There
are many naughty people in Kolerdanga, but Gurudev had such a tight grip on
them that when he would come down from upstairs, people saw him and...."
Download / listen to the audio (1.3 Mb, 3 min | Bengali)
Srila Gurudev's
Pastimes (3)
"When we offer arati to the Lord, we offer the pancha-pradip
lamp and other items, and we always clean those items; in the same way,
Gurudev takes us, cleans and polishes us and then uses for the Lord's
Download / listen to the audio (3.6 Mb, 9 min | Bengali)
Srila Gurudev's
Pastimes (4)
"Many of you are older than me, and you have seen there was a big flood in
1987, and there was an even a greater flood in 2000. I had not come to the
temple in 1987, so I did not see that flood, but I heard at that time there
was no bamboo at the temple..."
Download / listen to the audio (0.8 Mb, 2 min | Bengali)
Srila Gurudev's
Pastimes (5)
"Srila Gurudev travelled all over the world and established temples in more
than 130 places, having travelled twenty-four times on world tours, having
visited over a hundred countries total..."
Download / listen to the audio (1.6 Mb, 4 min | Bengali)
Srila Gurudev's
Pastimes (6)
"I remember Sripad Shanta Goswami Maharaj told a very nice story about a Guru
and disciples. The situation is actually like that everywhere these days. All
the disciples that there are now have enjoyment mood..."
Download / listen to the audio (1.8 Mb, 5 min | Bengali)
Come as a Beggar
"Anyhow, much has been said today. I would like to read one article written
by Srila Prabhupad Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur. Actually, no matter how
many times I tell about it, it does not help... You must all listen to what
Srila Prabhupad says."
Download / listen to the audio (1.5 Mb, 4 min | Bengali)
Know and Love the Lord
"May we love the Lord in the same way that we now love our house, wife, sons,
friends, etc. When will this day come? Until and unless this day comes, you
will have to keep coming to this material world and material family."
Download / listen to the audio (1.2 Mb, 3 min)
Grand and Joyous
"I am very happy because the festival was very successful. Actually, we have
seen such crowds before only in Gurudev's time in Nabadwip, and now is the
first time we see it again at this Vyasa Puja festival of Srila Gurudev in
2021. Everybody is very happy with this festival."
Download / listen to the audio (2.1 Mb, 5 min)
Protecting Sri Chaitanya
Saraswat Math
"I have seen how Gurudev protects his temple, Srila Sridhar Maharaj's temple.
In one sense, I am very unfortunate because I tried so hard to protect
Gurudev's mission after Gurudev but could not do it. In another way, at least
I could protect Gurudev's devotees."
Download / listen to the audio (1.8 Mb, 4 min)
"Today is Gurudev's appearance day. You all know everything—where Gurudev was
born, how he came to the mission, etc. I do not want to describe so many
things now. However, there are some who criticise Gurudev, and I would like
to give some message to them."
Download / listen to the audio (3.8 Mb, 9 min)
"My Pride, My Joy and My
"I am very proud of you all. I do not know how many days I will be alive, but
I want to preach until my death. And I only beg you for one thing—please give
me your mercy so that I can serve my Gurudev and his mission like this until
my death."
Download / listen to the audio (3.6 Mb, 9 min)
শ্রীলগুরুদেবের মঠে আসা ও গুরু-তত্ত্ব-মহিমা রীল গুরুপাদপদ্ম ওঁ বিষ্ণুপাদ শ্রীলভক্তিনির্ম্মল আচার্য্য মহারাজের
শ্রীনৃসিংহপল্লীতে সকালের সময় হরিকথামৃত:
"আজকে মদীয় গুরুপাদপদ্ম ওঁ বিষ্ণুপাদ জগৎ-গুরু শ্রীল ভক্তি সুন্দর গোবিন্দ
দেবগোস্বামী মহারাজের ৮২তম শুভ আবির্ভাব তিথি । এই শুভ আবির্ভাব তিথির উপলক্ষে
আপনারা সবাই এখানে উপস্থিত হয়েছেন । গুরুদেবের এই তিথিতে অবলম্বন করে ৮২ বছর আগে
বামুনপাড়ায় অবতীর্ণ হয়েছেন..."
Download / listen to the audio (16.4 Mb, 40 min | 1 January 2021 | Bengali
| ১ জানুয়ারী ২০২১)
Fri, 29 December 2023
Knowledge of
'If you imbibe this kind of relationship in your life, your ego will go
away – you will not think that you have become a Vaishnav. if you worship the
Lord and practise establishing yourself in this relationship, your ego will
go away. This is what real relationship is.'
Download / listen to the audio (28.8 Mb, 68 min | 19 December 2020 |
—{ Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address }—
Sanctity of
"What is called initiation? What is initiation about? People say, 'We all
know the Hare Krishna maha-mantra—we can chant it easily on our own
and get our benefit.' This is not so. We can chant, we can do service and
other things, but without proper guidance, without a guru, all our attempts
will be unscientific."
Download / listen to the audio (6 Mb, 15 min | 26 July 2020)
Sat, 30 December 2023
Worshipful Mood
'Who is called a Vaishnav? It is the one who can give up money, women and
fame. When fame comes, it contaminates the heart, and you will clear your
road to hell. Do you understand what kind of devotee one must become?'
Download / listen to the audio (28.8 Mb, 68 min | 19 December 2020 |
—{ Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address }—
Cooking: Integral Part of Practising Life
"You must understand that when you come to practising life, you will get some
austerity. Try to practise properly. Try to change yourself. This is how you
can proceed in your spiritual life. I know it is sometimes very difficult,
but you must still try to follow what I am saying, you must still try to
cook, try to serve. That is good for you—you will get more energy for
service, you will get more happiness in your heart."
Download / listen to the audio (4.9 Mb, 12 min)
Sun, 31 December 2023 (Disappearance of Bhagavan Srila
Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupad)
Advantage of This Chance
'Submit your heart, mind, everything at the holy feet of the Lord. Our mind
is fickle, and it is always swayed in different directions. Our mind says
many things, it does not want to sit still in one place – it is always
restless. But you do not get an opportunity to hear Hari-katha all the time;
therefore, having got this opportunity now, we must take advantage of it.'
Download / listen to the audio (40.7 Mb, 97 min | 20 December 2020 |
Blessings and Guidance of Srila Prabhupad (spoken at the time of his
'I have caused anxiety to many people because I was bound to tell the truth
candidly; because I have told to practise Krishna consciousness without
deceit, many people may even consider me their enemy. To become eager to
sincerely serve Lord Krishna, leaving all other desires and deceit, I have
caused various anxiety to many people. Some day or another they will
understand what I am saying.'
প্রভুপাদের অপ্রকট-কালীন আশীর্ব্বাণী
"আমি বহু লোককে উদ্বেগ দিয়েছি, অকৈতব সত্য কথা বলতে বাধ্য হয়েছি বলে, নিষ্কপটে
হরি-ভজন করতে বলেছি বলে অনেক লোক হয় ত’ আমাকে শত্রুও মনে করেছেন । অন্যাভিলাষ ও
কপটতা ছেড়ে নিষ্কপটে কৃষ্ণ-সেবায় উন্মুখ হবার জন্যই আমি অনেক লোককে নানাপ্রকার
উদ্বেগ দিয়েছি । এ কথা তাঁ’রা কোনও না কোনও দিন বুঝতে পারবেন ।"
Love for
Gaudiya[by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupad]
"We pray that your practice, behaviour, language, taste, moral regulations
and religious faith become aligned with the precepts of Gaudiya. Please
gradually give up non-gaudiya elements within your Gaudiya identity and show
the ideal of Gaudiya to the entire world. May you not mutilate the paramount
ideal of the Gaudiya precepts by coveting to participate in that which is not
প্রীতি(ভগবান ওঁ বিষ্ণুপাদ শ্রীল ভক্তিসিদ্ধান্ত সরস্বতী
ঠাকুর প্রভুপাদের হরি-কথামৃত)
"গৌড়ীয় ভাষার পাঠক, গৌড়-দেশের অধিবাসি, তোমাদিগের আচার, ব্যবহার, ভাষা, রুচি,
নীতি ও ধর্ম্মবিশ্বাস গৌড়ীয়ের মত হওয়াই প্রার্থনীয় । তোমাদের গৌড়ীয় পরিচয়ে যাহা
কিছু অগৌড়ীয়ের মত আছে বা হ’তে চলিয়াছে, তাহা ক্রমশঃ পরিহার করিয়া গৌড়ীয়ের আদর্শ
সমগ্রজগতের দেখ্বার মত কর ।"
Today in the calendar:
Krishna Chaturthi. Festival in honour of the disappearance of Bhagavan Sri
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Goswami Prabhupad.
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj: "Even if you do
not know anything about the Vaishnav mentioned in the calendar, you must
still give them 'jay' on this day. We must always remember disappearance and
appearance days of all Vaishnavs. If we can remember such personalities, such
great souls, it will bring a great benefit to our spiritual life. If you
remember the glories of Vaishnavs, if you speak about the glories of
Vaishnavs, they can rescue you from all kinds of material bondage. We have
heard a hundred times that if we glorify Vaishnavs, it gives great benefit,
but even though we have heard it a thousand times, how much are we able to
glorify Vaishnavs from our heart? How much can we serve Vaishnavs with heart
and soul? This is the question."
In honour of Bhagavan Sri Srila
Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Goswami Prabhupad:
sri-siddhanta-sarasvatiti vidito gaudiya-gurv-anvaye
bhato bhanuriva prabhata-gagane yo gaura-sankirtanaih
mayavada-timingilodara-gatan uddhrtya jivaniman
krsna-prema-sudhabdhi-gahana-sukham pradat prabhum tam bhaje
'I serve my lord, who is known as Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati
Thakur. Within the Gaudiya sampradaya's lineage of Gurus, he shines like the
sun in the morning sky. Through the sankirtan of Sriman Mahaprabhu he rescues
the souls engulfed within the belly of the timingila of illusionism and
bestows upon them the ecstasy of swimming in the nectarean ocean of divine
love for Krishna.'
On Srila Prabhupad's Disappearance[by Srila B.R. Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj]
"It happened at the meeting point between the two years. So many disciples
from all over India flocked then, everybody came in pain and weeping mood.
The whole small area of the samadhi was full, everybody was crying and
About Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupad
A brief biographical compilation dedicated to Bhagavan Sri Srila Bhakti
Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupad taken from a lecture of Om Vishnupad
Jagad Guru Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj.
Irreparable Loss
"We can pray, 'Wherever you are staying now, please shower your mercy upon us
so we can be servants of the servants of your lotus feet, and so that we may
not leave this line of devotion. Please, do not reject me. You can make me
your foot dust...'"
Download / listen to the audio (0.7 Mb, 2 min | 25 December 2010)
Srila Prabhupad's
Glory (1)
"Acharya-vandana: If you can realise the meaning this song, you can
get all glorification of Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur.
Sujanarvuda-radhita-pada-yugam: We sing it but we do not realise its
meaning because if we realised its meaning, we would get taste singing it. We
must sing it every day and be conscious of it."
Download / listen to the audio (3 Mb, 9 min | 25 December 2010)
Srila Prabhupad's
Glory (2)
"Mahaprabhu predicted this, and Prabhupad fulfilled it through Srila A.C.
Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj, Srila Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj, Srila
Gurudev. Now, in every village, all day, all night there is Hari-katha and
kirtan going on."
Download / listen to the audio (2.9 Mb, 8 min | 25 December 2010)
Vaisnav Ke? (An Appeal to Your
"We do not want to stay in the temple because there are so many rules and
regulations—everything has to be maintained at a certain time, and if you
live alone, nobody will tell you anything, but you will be losing your
devotional activities. Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur said that
nirjan bhajan is self-deception."
Download / listen to the audio (6.3 Mb, 19 min | 6 March 2016)
At Sri Chaitanya Math[Page 157, From Sri Nabadwip
Dham Mahatmya-Mukta-Mala; 74 Mb]
An extensive article in glorification of Srila Prabhupad Bhaktisiddhanta
Saraswati Thakur, his mission and teachings compiled from the discourses of
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj and our guru-varga.
Jayare jayare jaya paramahamsa |
জয়রে জয়রে জয় পরমহংস "Glory, glory, glory to Sri Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur,
this great swan-like perfect personality, abode of highest mercy, who is the
path and refuge for the low and miserable who have no refuge!"
anila prema-dhana |
যে আনিল প্রেমধন "Where has Advaita Acharya, the Lord who mercifully brought the wealth of
divine love to this world, gone?"
Sri Dayita Dasa Dasakam(Text and Audio)
A poem composed by Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj after
the disappearance of his Divine Master Bhagavan Srila Bhakti Siddhanta
Saraswati Thakur Prabhupad: "O Dina-nayana, wherever that great soul may
be, please quickly take this servitor there."
'..This is how we, very fallen souls, by the mercy of Gurudev also got an
opportunity to take shelter of such a bona fide Guru as he is. That is our
happiness, that is our joy, that is our great luck and great fortune.'