Srila Guru Maharaj (3)
"Srila Sridhar Maharaj was a great speaker—nobody could defeat him in
Hari-katha. Many great scholars and knowledge-seekers came to his lotus feet
from all over India and also abroad..."
Download / listen to the audio (2.1 Mb, 5 min | 2 April 2021 | Bengali)
Today in the calendar:
Gaura Dvitiya. Sri Ratha Yatra of Sri Jagannathdev. Disappearance of Srila
Svarup Damodar Goswami Prabhu. Anniversary of establishing Sri Chaitanya
Saraswat Math, Nabadwip.
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj: "Even if you do
not know anything about the Vaishnav mentioned in the calendar, you must
still give them 'jay' on this day."
In holy remembrance of the
chariot festival of Sri Jagannathdev:
"The government may not allow us to go to the chariot festival of Lord
Jagannath this year, but Jagannath is always in our hearts, Baladev is in our
hearts, Subhadra is in our hearts. They may not allow us to go to Odisha, or
Puri, this year, but we can feel, we can realise what is Lord Jagannath's
character, what is the mood of Lord Jagannath, and what He wants. You can
realise these things if you have a service mood, if you can serve.
"Only Krishna knows it. It is His arrangement. If Jagannath arranges
something in a certain way, it is not in our hands. We are controlled by Him.
Ratha-yatra will happen, no one can stop Him—Jagannath, Subhadra, and Baladev
will go to Gundicha, but devotees cannot join properly this year. What is
happening is arranged by the Lord, by the Supreme Absolute. He does
everything. So, whether it is to the better or to the worse, who knows it?
Only Krishna knows it, Jagannath knows it."
(His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj)
While observing and celebrating Sri Ratha Yatra festival, we are also
remembering how, eighty-one years ago, on this day His Divine Grace Om
Vishnupad Jagad Guru Srila B.R. Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj entered Sri
Chaitanya Saraswat Math in Sri Nabadwip Dham.
'At this supremely enchanting divine ashram, materially destitute and
spiritually loving devotees of Sri Gaura-Saraswati, who are expert at
favourable practices of Krishna consciousness, constantly chant within their
hopeful hearts the glories of Lord Sri Sri Gaurasundar, the greatly
magnanimous source of all incarnations of the Lord, following in strict
adherence the line of Sri Sri Rupa-Raghunath, the inexhaustible storehouse of
the wealth of divine ecstatic consorthood love, being eternally eager to
engage in the loving service of Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Gandharva Govindasundar
and Their associates. This effulgent and supremely worshippable king among
all temples Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math is situated within Koladwip, which is
non-different from Sri Govardhan, the king of mountains, on the enchanting
bank of the revered Bhāgīrathī River, who rescues all fallen souls, in Sri
Nabadwip Dham, a holy abode of touchstones that is non-different from Sri
Vrindavan. Capturing Jayasri (the Goddess of Victory — Srimati Radharani), it
exists eternally, leaving the entire creation of moving and non-moving
entities astonished in the extremely cooling and loving shade of the soaring
victory flag of its ever-increasing celebrated renown'.
Published in 1992 to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat
Math, the book presents a series of reflections of Srila B.S. Govinda
Dev-Goswami Maharaj on how the Math was founded and developed over the
course of time, as well as affectionate guidance for the practitioners on
how to proceed in their spiritual life.
Sri Ratha Yatra
Festival (23 June 2020 | 75 photographs, 5.1 Mb)
On the earnest plea of the servitors of Sri Jagannathdev Temple, the Supreme
Court allows to hold Sri Ratha Yatra in Sri Jagannath Puri without public
attendance. Unable to make Sri Puri Dham parikrama this year due to the
national restriction, our beloved Sri Gurupadpadma Om Vishnupad Jagad-Guru
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj observes the festival from Kolkata. We
are humbly sharing a few glimpses of the festival in Sri Puri Dham.
Puri Sri Chaitanya Saraswat
Math: Jagannathdev and His Dham
Chapter 23 from Affectionate Guidance by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda
Dev-Goswami Maharaj that relates the history of our Puri Temple, Deities and
the proper mood when visiting Sri Puri Dham.
Jagannath: Discovery
"The Lord did not give any direction, so King Indradyumna had to find out
himself where the Lord was. All he knew was that the Lord was there and was
waiting for him."
Download / listen to the audio (2.3 Mb, 7 min)
Darshan of Lord
"By the mercy of Guru and Vaishnavs we completed the Ratha-yatra festival
yesterday in a very beautiful and smooth way. Many thought, 'Oh, I will see
the chariots tomorrow,' but tell me do we have the eyes to see it?"
Download / listen to the audio (2.8 Mb, 7 min | Vandana & Bengali
Appearance of
Lord Jagannath
"Previously, Jagannath, Baladev, Subhadra were one Vishnu-murti, and His name
was Nil-Madhav. He was served about a hundred kilometres away from Puri by
one savar named Vishvavasu..."
Download / listen to the audio (5.7 Mb, 15 min | 18 August
Marjan: "Let Jagannath Come to My House"
"Another meaning of Gundicha marjan is cleaning the heart, and Mahaprabhu
Himself was showing how to do it. At first He swept, then poured water and
then with His own cloth, uttariya, He washed the temple. He was showing how
thoroughly you must clean your heart..."
Download / listen to the audio (1.5 Mb, 5 min)
শ্রীপুরীধাম মাহাত্ম্য-মুক্তা-মালা
সূচনা : শ্রীজগন্নাথদেব
"শ্রীজগন্নাথ—দৃশ্য নহেন, জগন্নাথ—দ্রষ্টা । জীবের দ্রষ্ট-অভিমান পরিত্যাগ করিয়া
যখন সম্পূর্ণভাবে জগন্নাথের দৃশ্য বা ভোগ্যরূপে শুদ্ধ স্বরূপগত অভিমান হয়, তখনই
জীব সেবোন্মুখ হইয়া থাকেন এবং সেই সেবোন্মুখ-প্রেম-নেত্রেই শ্রীজগন্নাথের দর্শন
লাভ করেন । যতক্ষণ আমরা মনে করি,—আমরা জগন্নাথকে দেখিয়া লইব, ততক্ষণ আমরা
জগন্নাথ না দেখিয়া কাঠ, পাথর, বৌদ্ধ সাহিত্যিক বা ঐতিহাসিকের ঠুঁটো
ভোগ্য-মূর্ত্তি-বিশেষ দেখিয়া থাকি ; আর যখন সর্ব্বান্তঃকরণে জানিতে পারি,—তিনি
আমাদিগকে দেখিবেন, আমরা তাঁহার ভোগের উপকরণ, তাঁহার ভোগে আমাদের সম্ভোগের কোন
অবগুন্ঠন নাই, তাঁহারই নিরঙ্কুশ যথেচ্ছাচারিতা আছে, তখনই আমাদের নিকট জগন্নাথ
তাঁহাকে প্রকাশ করেন । কিন্তু জগতের লোক “আমি জগন্নাথকে দেখিয়া লইব, আমার
মাংসচক্ষু সচ্চিদানন্দ-বিগ্রহকে মাপিয়া লইবে ও ভোগ করিবে”—জ্ঞাত বা অজ্ঞাতসারে
এই বুদ্ধিতে বিভ্রান্ত হয় । তাই জগন্নাথ-দর্শন ছলনার পরও জগতের নানা কুরূপ
দেখিবার জন্য তাহাদের চিত্তবৃত্তি ধাবিত হইয়া থাকে ।"
Photographs of Sri Puri Dham pilgrimage from previous years:
Srila Guru Maharaj (4)
"Srila Sridhar Maharaj had a very profound vision—he could see the future. He
also had a strong common sense. When Srila Sridhar Maharaj purchased the land
of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math in 1941, and he knew that this temple would
grow very big."
Download / listen to the audio (7 Mb, 17 min | 2 April 2021 | Bengali)
Kirtan at Sripat Hapaniya Dham • Ki rupe paiba seva • Gopinath, mama nivedana suna.
Download / listen to the audio (6.1 Mb, 15 min | 2 April 2021 | Kirtan)
—{ "Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address" }—
Teachings (4): Pillars of Renunciation
"At first, Mahaprabhu told Srila Raghunath Das Goswami to go back to his
house, but after that his house became unfavourable to practising Krishna
consciousness, so Mahaprabhu arranged for Srila Raghunath Das Goswami to come
and meet with Him. At that time, Mahaprabhu gave him advice, 'What will a
vairagi do?'...."
Download / listen to the audio (2.3 Mb, 6 min | 17 May 2020)
Sun, 3 July 2022
What Is Surrender?
"Despite the Lord's magnanimity, not everybody was able to get this
transcendental love—those who have the capacity to grasp it could get it. It
is not possible to keep water in any glass: if some glass has a hole in it or
is full of other things, then no matter how much water you pour, it will not
stay inside."
Download / listen to the full class (43.5 Mb, 1 hr 44 min | 12 January
2021 | Bengali)
মহাপ্রভুর দুর্ল্লভ দান ও শিক্ষা রীল গুরুপাদপদ্ম ওঁ বিষ্ণুপাদ শ্রীলভক্তিনির্ম্মল আচার্য্য মহারাজের
উলুবেড়িয়াতে হরিকথামৃত:
"জীবকে দয়া করবার জন্য শ্রীকৃষ্ণ চৈতন্য মহাপ্রভু লোকের দ্বারে দ্বারে হেঁটে
হেঁটে বলতেন, ‘জীব জাগো, জীব জাগো—জীব আর ঘুমিও না, এবার উঠে পড় !’ যে গোলোক
বৃন্দাবদ ধাম থেকে আভিন্না, সেই শ্রীনবদ্বীপ অবলম্বন করে তিনি এই জগতে অবতীর্ণ
হয়েছেন । অবতীর্ণ হয়ে তিনি কী দিয়েছেন ? যে অত্যন্ত দুর্ল্লভ প্রেম ব্রহ্মা শিব
মহেশ্বরও কৃষ্ণপ্রেম পান না, তিনি সেই কৃষ্ণপ্রেম লোকের দ্বারে দ্বারে বিতরণ
করেছেন, কিন্তু সবাই ত সেই প্রেম ধরতে পারে নি—যাদের কৃষ্ণপ্রেম ধরার ক্ষমতা
আছে, তারা সেটা ধরতে পারেন ।"
Download / listen to the audio (43.5 Mb, 1 hr 44 min |Bengali
| ১২ জানুয়ারী ২০২১)
Kirtan at Sri Nrisingha Palli • Gurudev, bada krpa kari • Sri Krsna Chaitanya Prabhu daya kare more •
Kabe Sri Chaitanya more karibena daya • Nitai-pada-kamala • Parama Karuna
pahu dui jana • Emona dumati samsara bhitare • Gaya Gora Madhura
Download / listen to the audio (14 Mb, 34 min | 3 February 2021 | Kirtan)
Today in the calendar:
Gaura Panchami. Hera Panchami. Sri Sri Laksmi Vijay.
The Hera-panchami festival takes place five days after the Ratha-yatra
festival. Because Lord Jagannath leaves His wife Laksmi Devi, the goddess of
fortune, and goes to Vrindavan (Gundicha Temple) with Baladev and Subhadra,
she becomes angry and comes to the Gundicha Temple on the fifth day to bring
her husband, Lord Jagannath, back. She causes a row and engages in a fight
with the servitors of Lord Jagannath.
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila B.S. Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj notes:
Seeing her anger, Jagannathdev and His servitors admit their defeat and Lord
Jagannath promises, "Yes, I shall go back immediately, do not be angry with
us." In this way, satisfied with her victory and the defeat of the battalion
of Lord Jagannath, Laksmi Devi quickly goes back. This day is called Laksmi
Vijay, or Hera Panchami. Jagannath Himself gives this prestige to Laksmi
Devi—we can see that the Lord is always defeated by His power. We too are
situated under the guidance of Supreme Power—Srimati Radharani, chit-sakti,
or hladini-sakti, of the Lord...
Mon, 4 July 2022
Recipient for Proper Taste
"The means to the end is sravan and kirtan. If you do not hear
first, you will not be able to understand anything. It is necessary to listen
well, with your heart and soul. If you think, 'I know a lot,' then it is the
Download / listen to the full class (43.5 Mb, 1 hr 44 min | 12 January
2021 | Bengali)
—{ "Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address" }—
Teachings (5): Exclusive Dharma
"We must know the message of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, and we must know what
for we must practise, what is necessary in our spiritual life, what are the
main things in our spiritual life. Actually, there are not so many main
Download / listen to the audio (3.4 Mb, 8 min | 17 May 2020)
Tue, 5 July 2022
Highest Stance
"Most of us are duplicitous: externally, we show we are sadhus, and
internally, we have another mood. We are disguised as sadhus. There
are a lot of such disguised sadhus in this world. You can dress as a
sadhu, but have you become a sadhu?"
Download / listen to the full class (43.5 Mb, 1 hr 44 min | 12 January
2021 | Bengali)
—{ "Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address" }—
Questions and Answers • Can a lady lead Nagar-sankirtan?
• What is the difference between Gokula
and Goloka?
• Guru as Radharani or Guru as
Nityananda Prabhu?
• Diksa-guru and siksa-guru
• Ratha-yatra
• Daily kirtans.
Download / listen to the audio (4.5 Mb, 11 min | 17 May 2020)
Wed, 6 July 2022
Cry and Pray
"We must pray to Gurudev: if you send a letter to Gurudev asking about the
Lord, he will tell you about the Lord. Enquiry must be proper, not any
nonsense enquiry. Gurudev is the Lord's close associate. What must you come
to tell him?"
Download / listen to the full class (43.5 Mb, 1 hr 44 min | 12 January
2021 | Bengali)
Cry and Call,
"Doyal Nitai!" (Evening Bengali class)
"Who will give mercy to such a low fallen soul as myself except Nityananda?
Except Nityananda, there is no one in this world who can give mercy to
me. We must worship this Nityananda Prabhu."
Download / listen to the audio (5.3 Mb, 12 min | 7 February
—{ "Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address" }—
Our Mantra
"Our main mantra is this: we must concentrate our mind, all our
senses, our everything in one place—at the lotus feet of Srila Gurudev. Srila
Gurudev is our only hope, we have no other way. Only Sri Gurudev can take us
to the Lord and engage us in the service of the Lord. We must have a greatest
desire for that, then one day we will get an opportunity to engage in
Download / listen to the audio (2.2 Mb, 6 min | 24 May 2020)
Thu, 7 July 2022
Seeking Respite
"Everyone is born in various situations, or families, in this world. Even
when we were born as a dog or a pig, we were born in some family, and now we
are born in a family of humans. You can understand what an agony it is to
live in the material world. We keep suffering from all sorts of austerities,
difficulties and pain. On top of that, this life is not eternal..."
Download / listen to the full class (43.5 Mb, 1 hr 44 min | 12 January
2021 | Bengali)
—{ "Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address" }—
Devotional Life
"Always keep yourself engaged in the services of the Lord from the beginning
of the day, from the mangal-arati early in the morning, until you go
to sleep. We must think, 'How can I serve devotees more? How can I follow
Gurudev's guidance properly?'"
Download / listen to the audio (2.8 Mb, 7 min | 24 May 2020)
Today in the calendar:
Gaura Ashtami. Disappearance of Sripad Ajita Krishna
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj: "Even if you do
not know anything about the Vaishnav mentioned in the calendar, you must
still give them 'jay' on this day. We must always remember disappearance and
appearance days of all Vaishnavs. If we can remember such personalities, such
great souls, it will bring a great benefit to our spiritual life."
"We should always check the calendar, and when we see some dates mentioned
there, even if we do not know anything about the Vaishnav or events mentioned
there, we can at least give 'jay' to them—that also brings some good sukriti,
some purification to us. Seeing the calendar and taking devotees' names early
in the morning, from the beginning of the day, is very good for all
"Wake up, look into the calendar and give 'jay' to your Guru and
Vaishnavs. Always pay obeisance to your Guru and Vaishnavs when you wake up
in the morning, always give them 'jay'. Always keep faith and show
respect to them. Always see the calendar—whose appearance day it is, whose
disappearance day it is. Even if you cannot make a festival, at least you can
give them 'jay', it will bring you benefit. When you give 'jay'
to your Guru and Vaishnavs, it brings you sukriti. For example, today
is the disappearance day of a Vaishnav—give 'jay' to him, remember
him. We must always remember the words of Vaishnavs. If I remember the words
of Vaishnavs, I get some benefit, some deposit through that."
In honour of Sripad Ajita Krishna
A Miracle and Wealth
of Our Mission[Srila B.S. Govinda Dev-Goswami
"Ajita Krishna Brahmachari was an ideal servitor of Srila Guru Maharaj. I am
surprised to see his mood of service. I did something, no doubt, but he used
ten times more energy for the service of Guru Maharaj! That was his
peculiarity. That type of all-rounder brahmachari was the wealth of
our mission."
Tireless Servitor[Sri Gaudiya
An article written by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj in
honour of the passing of Sripad Ajita Krishna Prabhu Seva Saurabh. It was
first published in Sri Gaudiya Darsan on 19 September 1971.
Best of All Servitors[Sri Gaudiya
Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj's tribute to Sripad Ajita
Krishna Das Brahmachari Seva Saurabh.
Ye anila
prema-dhana |
যে আনিল প্রেমধন "Where are the saviours of the fallen souls? Not finding Sri Gauranga, who
performed His Pastimes with all His associates, Narottam Das weeps."
Ohe Vaisnava
Thakura |
(ওহে) বৈষ্ণব ঠাকুর "O worshippable Vaishnav, ocean of grace, be merciful to this servant.
Give me the shade of your feet and purify me. I clasp your feet. You can give
Krishna, you have that power. Calling, 'Krishna!' 'Krishna!', I run after
Ki-rupe paiba
seva |
কিরূপে পাইব সেবা "I am so wicked, how will I ever get service? I do not have any attachment
to Sri Guru and Vaishnavs! Prabhu, you see no fault in others, you are the
saviour of the fallen. Please deliver Narottam this time!"
Dhana mora
nityananda |
ধন মোর নিত্যানন্দ "The feet dust of the Vaishnavs is where I sport and take bath, Vaishnavs'
name is the water oblation. My mind is intently fixed upon the remnants of
Vaishnavs, and I am elated hearing the name of Vaishnavs."
Fri, 8 July 2022
Greatest Choice
"There is still time to turn. There are two ways. Do you hanker for material
love and happiness or do you hanker for eternal happiness? If you want to
have money, wealth, houses, cars and enjoy in this material world forever,
then you will not get anything else."
Download / listen to the full class (43.5 Mb, 1 hr 44 min | 12 January
2021 | Bengali)
—{ "Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address" }—
"There are many ways you can do dham-seva. Our guru-varga make
temples in many holy places, and you can help and serve those places in
whichever way you can, depending on how much capacity you have. Not everybody
has the capacity to give money, but if everybody gives their heart, their
support, that is sufficient."
Download / listen to the audio (3.7 Mb, 9 min | 24 May 2020)
Sat, 9 July 2022
Prabhu's Mercy
"Sri Nitynanda Prabhu does not consider whether one is high or low, whether
one is born in a noble family or a lowly family, etc. Nityananda Prabhu
rescues whoever falls at His feet. Such is His mercy!"
Download / listen to the full class (43.5 Mb, 1 hr 44 min | 12 January
2021 | Bengali)
—{ "Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address" }—
Dealing with
"When you go to sell your things, you will always preach in favour of your
things. Every shopkeeper always praises his own shop—one shopkeeper says, 'My
shop's sweets are very nice,' and other shopkeepers will also say, 'My sweets
are very nice,' and you can decide which is better only if you taste the
Download / listen to the audio (3.3 Mb, 8 min | 24 May 2020)
Today in the calendar:
Gaura Dasami. Disappearance of Tridandi Swami Bhakti Kamal Madhusudan Maharaj
(a disciple of Srila Saraswati Thakur Prabhupad, a sannyas disciple and a
dear associate of Srila B.R. Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj). Disappearance of
Sriyukta Krishnamayi Devi. Punar Yatra of Sri Jagannathdev (Return of the
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj: "Even if you do
not know anything about the Vaishnav mentioned in the calendar, you must
still give them 'jay' on this day."
In honour of Srila Bhakti Kamal
Madhusudan Maharaj:
Pranam-mantra of Srimad Bhakti Kamal Madhusudan Maharaj, composed by Srila
Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj:
"I offer my obeisance unto the great Guru Srimad Bhakti Kamal Madhusudan
Maharaj. His tall, tranquil form, adorned with a tridanda and garments the
colour of the newly risen sun, is the embodiment of mercy. He is an
affectionate king amongst the Gaudiya Vaishnava sannyasis, an ocean of
Vedantic knowledge, and always rapt with the ecstatic taste of Sri Sri
Guru-Gauranga's kirtan."
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj tells about
the close and reverent relationship that Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar
Dev-Goswami Maharaj had with his godbrothers, Srila Bhakti Saranga Goswami
Maharaj, Srila Bhakti Kamal Madhusudan Maharaj, and Srila Krishna Das Babaji
Download / listen to the audio (1.7 Mb, 4 min | 19 September
Vaishnavs' Mercy
"Today is Srimad Bhakti Kamal Madhusudan Maharaj's appearance day. Wherever
he is staying now, whether in Goloka Vrindavan or anywhere else, we are
praying to him, 'Wherever you are now, please give us some mercy.'"
Download / listen to the audio (4.1 Mb, 13 min)
In honour of Sri Krishna Mayi Devi Dasi:
Srila B.S. Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj remembers:
"When Krishnamayi Didi's son and son-in-law both died. She was in great
distress and came here to take shelter. Her son and myself were both the same
age. Krishnamayi Didi saw that Srila Guru Maharaj gave me much affection,
therefore she treated me as her son and would always give me much
"She came from a very high family. Both her father's family and her husband's
family were very high brahmanas, but they were smarta and so none of them
liked the Vaishnav Temples. Krishnamayi Didi was previously coming here but
hiddenly. Because her family were smarta they did not give her permission to
come, but she came anyway. Her family knew Srila Guru Maharaj since childhood
as Srila Guru Maharaj was their relative and also came from a very prominent
smarta brahmana family. Outwardly, therefore, they did not say anything wrong
to Krishnamayi Didi but they expressed their objection in many ways. She did
not listen to them but told, 'I have a great Guru and I cannot leave his
lotus feet.' When her very good son-in-law died she became very distressed
and could not remain living in her house. She came to take shelter of Srila
Guru Maharaj and offered her house to him. She said to me, 'Please you sell
my house.' I eventually was able to sell it for a good price and, according
to her wish, gave the money to Srila Guru Maharaj. He made one small
single-roomed bungalow for her to live in. It is known as Govinda Dham and is
where she now stays.
"The first lady to help Srila Guru Maharaj in the Math was Rama Didi. When
she would go to stay with her relatives, Krishnamayi Didi would help to look
after Srila Guru Maharaj. It was necessary to cook in a very precise way for
Srila Guru Maharaj otherwise he would get a headache. Krishnamayi Didi learnt
to cook for him from Rama Didi. We would offer Srila Guru Maharaj her
preparations, but after maybe two or three years she herself would take him
his prasadam and offer it directly to him. At that time Srila Guru Maharaj
could not see very well. One day Krishnamayi Didi was giving something to
Srila Guru Maharaj and by chance her finger and Srila Guru Maharaj's finger
touched. Immediately she paid her obeisances to Srila Guru Maharaj saying,
'Oh, I have made a great offence!' I was there and saw Srila Guru Maharaj
smile a little, thinking, 'She has acted perfectly.'
"Srila Guru Maharaj was becoming old, his pulse and blood pressure were low
and his health was deteriorating. And after that incident Krishnamayi Didi
became close in the service to Srila Guru Maharaj. So from that first
situation where no lady could enter his room we have seen how presently
Krishnamayi Didi began rendering service to Srila Guru Maharaj, and later
Rama Didi and so many others also came and served him in various ways."
Gurudev's Love
"They cannot understand how much love and affection Gurudev has for them.
They think Gurudev loves his disciples but not his godbrothers and
godsisters, and that is why they left..."
Download / listen to the audio (1.3 Mb, 4 min | 11 March 2016)
Prayers to Sri Vaishnav Thakur:
Ei-bara karuna kara |
এইবার করুণা কর "O worshippable Vaisnava, be merciful to me this time. O saviour of the
fallen, without you there is no one. In every birth I aspire for the dust of
your feet."
Ohe Vaisnava
Thakura |
(ওহে) বৈষ্ণব ঠাকুর "O worshippable Vaishnav, ocean of grace, be merciful to this servant.
Give me the shade of your feet and purify me. I clasp your feet. You can give
Krishna, you have that power. Calling, 'Krishna!' 'Krishna!', I run after
Ki-rupe paiba seva |
কিরূপে পাইব সেবা "I am so wicked, how will I ever get service? I do not have any attachment to Sri Guru and Vaishnavs! Prabhu, you see no fault in others, you are the saviour of the fallen. Please deliver Narottam this time!"
Dhana mora nityananda |
ধন মোর নিত্যানন্দ "The feet dust of the Vaishnavs is where I sport and take bath, Vaishnavs'
name is the water oblation. My mind is intently fixed upon the remnants of
Vaishnavs, and I am elated hearing the name of Vaishnavs."
anila prema-dhana |
যে আনিল প্রেমধন "Where has Advaita Acharya gone? Where are my Svarup, Rupa, Sanatan? Where
is my Raghunath? Where are the saviours of the fallen souls?"
Sun, 10 July 2022 (Sri Sayan Ekadasi; tomorrow paran is at
Mahaprabhu's Mercy
"There were many instances when Mahaprabhu rescued jiva souls. One
time, He rescued Chad Kazi. Mahaprabhu divided devotees into groups of
dancers and made Vakreshwar Pandit the leader of one of those group..."
Download / listen to the full class (43.5 Mb, 1 hr 44 min | 12 January
2021 | Bengali)
—{ "Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address" }—
Sri Ramananda Sambad
"Raya Ramananda is actually an incarnation of Visakha. Mahaprabhu meet
Ramananda Raya for the first time on the bank of the Godavari in South India.
Mahaprabhu was sitting and waiting for him..."
Download / listen to the audio (2.6 Mb, 6 min | 24 May 2020)
Sri Ekadasi Guidance Guidelines on how to observe and honour this holy day: Ekadasi takes an
indispensible part in the life of a sincere practitioner. At Sri Chaitanya
Saraswat Math, Ekadasi and paran are observed with affection and without
fail according to the dates given in the Calendar.
•"Sri Ekadasi"
(Sri Sri Prema Vivarta)
"One day, Gaurahari left the Gundicha Temple and sat in the Jagannath
Vallabha garden. It was pure Ekadasi, and the Lord spent the whole day and
night chanting the Name of Krishna..."
Suddha-bhakata |
শুদ্ধ ভকত-চরণ-রেণু "I carefully observe the holy days related to Madhava, they are the mother
of devotion."
Sri hari-vasare |
শ্রীহরি-বাসরে হরি "On the holy day of Sri Hari, Sriman Mahaprabhu, the life and
soul of the universe, began dancing..."
"You do not need to know the meaning of each ekadasi tithi because if
you know it, you will want to get this result, that result, etc."
(Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj)
Mon, 11 July 2022
His Things, For
His Service
"Taking initiation is not the final destination. If you take initiation and
receive the mantra, it does not mean that you have got everything.
After taking initiation, you must practise sravan and kirtan.
First, it is necessary to have sukriti...."
Download / listen to the full class (43.5 Mb, 1 hr 44 min | 12 January
2021 | Bengali)
—{ "Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address" }—
Questions and Answers
(1) • Do we come to this line by our free
will or is it a pre-defined fate?
• Raya Ramananda's service
• Building temple against government rules?
• Drinking milk and suffering cows?
• Using Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math's
name for preaching?
Download / listen to the audio (2.8 Mb, 7 min | 24 May 2020)
Tue, 12 July 2022
Faith Is Not Idle
"You must ask yourself: How much time do I spend for the Lord? And how much
time do I spend on eating, dressing, sleeping, earning money and thinking
about enjoyment? How much time do I think about the Lord? You must answer
this to yourself."
Download / listen to the full class (43.5 Mb, 1 hr 44 min | 12 January
2021 | Bengali)
—{ "Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address" }—
Questions and Answers
(2) • Reading scriptures on our own?
• News after the recent cyclone amphan
• How to keep service enthusiasm?
• Can we sew a white outfit for Srimati
• How to recognise who is a Vaishnav?
• What does 'prabhu' mean in Srila Guru
Maharaj's arati song?
Download / listen to the audio (3.4 Mb, 8 min | 24 May 2020)
In honour of the holy worshippable day of Sri Guru Purnima (tomorrow):
Sri Guru Purnima:
Remembrance Day
"Today is a very good and auspicious day, the day of Sri Guru Purnima. On
this day, we can pray to our Gurudev that he may engage us in service more
and more, so that we could progress in our spiritual life, so that we could
submit ourselves to him as a devotee."
Download / listen to the audio (3.4 Mb, 8 min | 5 July 2020)
Sri Guru Purnima Kirtans (2020) His Divine Grace sings:
• Gurudev krpa bindu diya
• Kabe Sri Chaitanya more karibena daya
• Akrodha paramananda Nityananda Raya
• Sarvasva tomara charane sampiya
Download / listen to the audio (8.2 Mb, 20 min | 5 July 2020)
Sri Guru Purnima
"My body is here, but my heart, my mind, my everything is with you. I am
always thinking about you, I am always thinking about your good, how you can
become better and better, how you can run the mission more and more
successfully. Any service I can help you with, I will always try to do it,
and I will try my best. That is my promise on this Guru Purnima day."
Download / listen to the audio (4.4 Mb, 11 min | 5 July 2020)
Will-O'-the-Wisp of
Worldly Wishes
"If you give Maya chance, then Maya will attack you. As soon as you get a
weak spot, Maya will attack you. It does not matter whether you are young or
old. If you try to control your elements, you can control them
from a young age."
Download / listen to the audio (4.1 Mb, 10 min | 5 July 2020)
Eternal Priorities
"You cannot follow all the very strict rules that the six goswamis
followed properly in Vrindavan. So, think only about doing your service
properly, about practising properly, about avoiding bad association
properly—give much importance to all this."
Download / listen to the audio (2.9 Mb, 7 min | 5 July 2020)
Wed, 13 July 2022 (Sri Guru Purnima)
Devotion or Display?
"Serve internally, it is not necessary to show others anything. Keep your own
spiritual life to yourself. Practise Krishna consciousness properly. If you
do not read all these things, where will you learn it from? How will you even
know these things?"
Download / listen to the full class (43.5 Mb, 1 hr 44 min | 12 January
2021 | Bengali)
The Greatest Gift of
Sri Vedavyas A wonderful extensive talk by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami
Maharaj describing the holy appearance of Srimad Bhagavatam:
"Srimad Bhagavatam is the oldest and finest book of Krishna
consciousness. Vedavyas had composed all the scriptures, but he still did not
feel happiness in his heart. He started searching what had happened..."
Download / listen to the audio (17.7 Mb, 43 min | 17 June 1992)
Today in the calendar:
Purnima. Sri Guru Purnima. Appearance of Srila Vyasadev. Disappearance of
Srila Sanatan Goswami Prabhu. Beginning of Chaturmasya. Appearance of Srila
Bhakti Bimal Avadhut Maharaj.
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj: "Even if you do
not know anything about the Vaishnav mentioned in the calendar, you must
still give them 'jay' on this day. We must always remember disappearance and
appearance days of all Vaishnavs. If we can remember such personalities, such
great souls, it will bring a great benefit to our spiritual life."
"We should always check the calendar, and when we see some dates mentioned
there, even if we do not know anything about the Vaishnav or events mentioned
there, we can at least give 'jay' to them—that also brings some good sukriti,
some purification to us. Seeing the calendar and taking devotees' names early
in the morning, from the beginning of the day, is very good for all
"Wake up, look into the calendar and give 'jay' to your Guru and
Vaishnavs. Always pay obeisance to your Guru and Vaishnavs when you wake up
in the morning, always give them 'jay'. Always keep faith and show
respect to them. Always see the calendar—whose appearance day it is, whose
disappearance day it is. Even if you cannot make a festival, at least you can
give them 'jay', it will bring you benefit. When you give 'jay'
to your Guru and Vaishnavs, it brings you sukriti. For example, today
is the disappearance day of a Vaishnav—give 'jay' to him, remember
him. We must always remember the words of Vaishnavs. If I remember the words
of Vaishnavs, I get some benefit, some deposit through that."
In honour of
Sri Chaturmasya-vrata:
"Chaturmasya is good, but chaturmasya does not mean you must
keep a beard, grow long hair and not eat something, but secretly do nonsense.
This life is not for enjoyment only. You must be always careful with the
Download / listen to the audio (1.1 Mb, 4 min | 1 July 2012)
In honour of Srila
"You have heard of the Upanisads, Vedas, Vedanta, and the other
scriptures which were revealed in India in written form five thousand years
ago. Previously, this knowledge existed as sruti-mantram, spoken
words, and it was transmitted by rsis and munis to their
disciples through sruti-mantram. At that time there were no books.
Vedavyas has very mercifully given us the written form of
sruti-mantram: the Veda. He divided the Veda (sruti)
into four parts: Rg, Sama, Yajur, and Atharva. He also composed
the supplementary literatures (smrti) like the Mahabharata, which is
called the fifth Veda. The gist of the Vedas can also be found
in the hundreds of Upanisads he wrote. The great rsis, Vedic
research scholars, have also presented the Vedic knowledge in the
Puranas. Thus, through the great rsis, this transcendental
knowledge is being revealed in this mundane world, and when necessary, from
time to time, an incarnation of the Lord manifests by whose divine mercy we
get a connection with that transcendental knowledge.
"These Vedic literatures mainly try to give us transcendental knowledge, and
for our benefit they have proclaimed, "Srnvantu visve amrtasya putra:
you are all the sons of nectar, transcendental nectar; you are from the
nectarean ocean. Dive deep into that nectar!" We are all parts and parcels of
the Lord, therefore we are spiritual relatives."
(Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj,
Original Source)
namo 'stu te vyasa-visala-buddhe
yena tvaya bharata-taila-purnah
prajvalito jnana-mayah pradipah
Obeisances unto Srila Vyasadeva—
O Srila Vyasadeva of formidable intelligence, whose eyes resemble the long
petals of the blooming lotus flower, and who ignited the lamp of knowledge,
filled with the oil of the Mahabharata—I offer my obeisances unto
Sri Bhakti
Siddhanta Vani
A quote of Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupad that is much
appreaciated by His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj and is
framed and hung in many of the temples: "If someone does not consider it
necessary to faithfully follow their Guru and the Vaishnavs, their endeavour
to serve the Lord is not service to the Lord—it is service to
Guru-Tattva: The Captain of Your Boat
"If you serve your Guru properly, if you have devotion to the Guru, then you
will be able to remove the bondage with the modes of material nature, and
through that relationship with your Guru you can get service to the Lord and
finally reach your destination."
Download / listen to the audio (8 Mb, 24 min | 22 July 2013 | Mostly
Sri Guru Purnima:
Remembrance Day
"Today is a very good and auspicious day, the day of Sri Guru Purnima. On
this day, we can pray to our Gurudev that he may engage us in service more
and more, so that we could progress in our spiritual life, so that we could
submit ourselves to him as a devotee."
Download / listen to the audio (3.4 Mb, 8 min | 5 July 2020)
Sri Guru Purnima
"My body is here, but my heart, my mind, my everything is with you. I am
always thinking about you, I am always thinking about your good, how you can
become better and better, how you can run the mission more and more
successfully. Any service I can help you with, I will always try to do it,
and I will try my best. That is my promise on this Guru Purnima day."
Download / listen to the audio (4.4 Mb, 11 min | 5 July 2020)
Will-O'-the-Wisp of
Worldly Wishes
"If you give Maya chance, then Maya will attack you. As soon as you get a
weak spot, Maya will attack you. It does not matter whether you are young or
old. If you try to control your elements, you can control them
from a young age."
Download / listen to the audio (4.1 Mb, 10 min | 5 July 2020)
Eternal Priorities
"You cannot follow all the very strict rules that the six goswamis
followed properly in Vrindavan. So, think only about doing your service
properly, about practising properly, about avoiding bad association
properly—give much importance to all this."
Download / listen to the audio (2.9 Mb, 7 min | 5 July 2020)
Key to Guru Puja
"Gurudev had explained and taught me that when you make a festival not much
is necessary—a festival means Vaishnav seva, bhakta-seva.
Guru-seva is not engaging your Guru in service—it means serving your
Guru, serving his devotees."
Download / listen to the audio (2.6 Mb, 7 min | 9 October 2018 | Bengali)
Sri Guru's
Forgiving Mercy
"Gurudev is always merciful. I can give you an example of how merciful
Gurudev is, I can tell you one story. Disciples always do wrong, but Gurudev
is always merciful..."
Download / listen to the audio (2.4 Mb, 7 min | June 2010)
Part 1:
How to See the Guru: Mercy
Clear guidance on how to understand who the Guru is, and how a sincere
disciple should see the Guru: the Guru is not only a mahabhagavata (a great
devotee), he is nondifferent from Krishna Himself.
Download / listen to the audio (6.4 Mb, 14 min | 25 September 2014)
Part 2:
How to See the Guru: Chastity
The main quality of a sincere disciple explained by several examples:
one-pointed attention, rejecting the unfavourable, intense attachment to
service and devotees, faith, and careful choice of association.
Download / listen to the audio (7 Mb, 15 min | 25 September 2014)
Sri Guru and His
His Divine Grace Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj has been recently
repeatedly stressing the importance of reading this holy book,
recalling many examples and guidenlines found therein. Presented here
in English for online reading, and in Bengali and English for
The first lecture in the cycle of lectures given by His Divine Grace Srila
B.N. Acharya Maharaj in 2015, dedicated to the teachings of Sri Krishna
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhu and Srila Sanatan Goswami
Rupa-Sanatan Siksa(EPUB file, 0.5 Mb)
"Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita: Sri Rupa-Satana Siksa, read and expounded by His
Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj." An electronic
version of the published previously online matter available now for download,
reading and worshipping on phones, tablets, eBook readers, etc.
Sri Sad-Goswamy-Astakam |
শ্রীশ্রীষড়্গোস্বাম্যষ্টকম্ "I offer my respectful obeisances unto the Six Goswamis, namely Sri
Rupa Goswami, Sri Sanatan Goswami, Sri Raghunath Bhatta Goswami, Sri
Raghunath Das Goswami, Sri Jiva Goswami, and Sri Gopala Bhatta Goswami, who
are always engaged in chanting the Holy Name of Krishna and dancing. They are
just like the ocean of love of God, and they are popular both with the gentle
and with the ruffians, because they are not envious of anyone. Whatever they
do, they are all-pleasing to everyone, and they are fully blessed by Lord
Chaitanya. Thus they are engaged in missionary activities meant to deliver
all the conditioned souls in the material universe."
Ei-bara karuna kara |
এইবার করুণা কর "O worshippable Vaisnava, be merciful to me this time. O saviour of the
fallen, without you there is no one. In every birth I aspire for the dust of
your feet."
Ohe Vaisnava
Thakura |
(ওহে) বৈষ্ণব ঠাকুর "O worshippable Vaishnav, ocean of grace, be merciful to this servant.
Give me the shade of your feet and purify me. I clasp your feet. You can give
Krishna, you have that power. Calling, 'Krishna!' 'Krishna!', I run after
Ki-rupe paiba seva |
কিরূপে পাইব সেবা "I am so wicked, how will I ever get service? I do not have any attachment to Sri Guru and Vaishnavs! Prabhu, you see no fault in others, you are the saviour of the fallen. Please deliver Narottam this time!"
Dhana mora nityananda |
ধন মোর নিত্যানন্দ "The feet dust of the Vaishnavs is where I sport and take bath, Vaishnavs'
name is the water oblation. My mind is intently fixed upon the remnants of
Vaishnavs, and I am elated hearing the name of Vaishnavs."
anila prema-dhana |
যে আনিল প্রেমধন "Where has Advaita Acharya gone? Where are my Svarup, Rupa, Sanatan? Where
is my Raghunath? Where are the saviours of the fallen souls?"
Thu, 14 July 2022
Example to Follow
"In Sri Nabadwip Dham Mahatmya-Mukta-Mala, I wrote about some pastimes
of Srila Jagannath Das Babaji Maharaj. These pastimes show the symptoms of a
Vaishnav. It is necessary to practise these things in your life; otherwise,
you will not get any result."
Download / listen to the full class (43.5 Mb, 1 hr 44 min | 12 January
2021 | Bengali)
—{ "Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address" }—
Your Love and Affection
"I can see devotees' faces and remember Gurudev. When I see them, when I
remember their good association, good things always come to my heart, to my
mind. Because everybody is giving so much love and affection to me, I am
alive and I can survive."
• Download/listen to
the audio (2.2 Mb, 5 min | 31 May 2020)
Fri, 15 July 2022
Shelter of Sri Guru's Mercy
"If we have the mercy of our Gurudev, nobody can do anything to us, even the
Lord cannot do anything to us, but once we leave Gurudev's shelter, we will
dry up through the influence of the Lord."
Download / listen to the full class (43.5 Mb, 1 hr 44 min | 12 January
2021 | Bengali)
—{ "Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address" }—
Chamber of Devotional Mood
"When a country's soldiers join the military life, they promise that they
will give their life for the country. In the same way, when we join Krishna
consciousness, we must promise that we will give our life for Gurudev. This
life is not for others! This life is for Gurudev."
• Download/listen to
the audio (2.1 Mb, 5 min | 31 May 2020)
Today in the calendar:
Disappearance of Tridandi Swami Srimad Bhakti Hriday Bon Maharaj (a diksa and
sannyas disciple of Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupad, the
first Gaudiya Math preacher in the West).
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj: "Even if you do
not know anything about the Vaishnav mentioned in the calendar, you must
still give them 'jay' on this day."
In honour of Sripad Bhakti Hriday Bon Maharaj:
Srila B.R. Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj remembers:
When I got sannyas, Sripad Bon Maharaj was present there, as well as many
others also. Sripad Bon Maharaj remarked, "Prabhupad has got a high
satisfaction by giving you sannyas. We have never seen so much satisfaction
in him at the occasion of any other sannyasi. He is highly satisfied with
conferring sannyas to you."
....When Sripad Bon Maharaj returned from England, he put so many disturbing
questions to our Guru Maharaj (Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur
Prabhupad), "What do you know about that country? They are so brave, so
gorgeous! Staying here, we cannot have any proper estimation of the
civilisation in London at present. We are all ignorant. If we are to preach
in London or Europe, we will have to be trained in a different way!" That was
his advice to our Guru Maharaj, and Guru Maharaj, being pressed, rather
attacked by his own disciple in such a way, withdrew himself by saying, "This
is not our way of thinking. Our Guru Maharaj, Srila Gaura Kishor Das Babaji
Maharaj, did not even know how to sign his name, but we think that all the
scholarship, wealth, everything is there in a nail of his toe." Guru Maharaj
represented himself in a mild and humble way, but there was also professor
Sanyal present there, and he came out like a tiger at our Bon Maharaj, "Have
you lost all you have got from Guru Maharaj?! You are bold enough to talk in
such a boisterous way? Have you forgotten how to behave with your Divine
Master?" He was furious; Bon Maharaj had to check himself. Anyhow, Prabhupad
said about him, "Bon Maharaj went to preach in my first year in
England and in my second year in England." Prabhupad had gone through
it using Bon Maharaj.
So, when I heard that Sripad Bon Maharaj had returned from Europe and put
forth so many arguments of the Western persons saying that they could not be
answered, I wanted to hear what those questions were that could not be
answered. He reluctantly spoke about the arguments he had had to face there,
and I began to answer them one by one. Then, when Sripad Bon Maharaj could
not say anything more, Srila Swami Maharaj [Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Maharaj], who was present at that round table meeting, said, "Here, Europe is
defeated by Asia!"
* * *
...At that time, all the preachers had been taken back from the compass of
the country and were concentrated to work in Kolkata—they used to have to go
door to door collecting bhiksa (alms, donations). Sripad Bon Maharaj's
party, he and one or two brahmacharis, went to some part of Kolkata for
collection. Generally, seeing some gentleman standing by, one of the members
of the party would run up to him and say something like, "We come from
Gaudiya Math, we want to make some collection. Dear sir, you are a devoted
person of this locality, please make some contribution." So, one time, Bon
Maharaj asked some gentleman to give him some addresses of good benevolent
gentlemen whom they could approach to get some money for their purpose. The
gentleman showed Bon Maharaj the way saying, "Just go to that house, you will
find the right person there." Bon Maharaj went there in good faith. When he
knocked on the door, the door was open. A lady came out. Seeing him, she
said, "Oh, you are a sadhu! What do you want from me?" The gentleman who had
directed Bon Maharaj there, was laughing behind him—the lady was a
prostitute. Bon Maharaj was perplexed—it was a lady. Anyhow, he still gave
her the letter of invitation saying, "We have got such and such festival, we
want you to come and we want to ask you for some contribution." I do not know
if the lady had given him anything or not, but all the people around were
laughing. After that, Bon Maharaj came back to Prabhupad and said,
"Prabhupad, I will not go for any collection again." Prabhupad asked him,
"Why? What has happened?" Bon Maharaj related the incident saying that some
rogues had guided him to a prostitute's house. After that, Prabhupad
delivered a lecture: "There are many of you who have left their own property,
but still I send you out for collection. Do you think that I am doing wrong?
I am not. The visayi (materialists) always want to entrap us within their
material life, but we must learn to utilise everything and anything in the
service of Krishna, then only are we saved; otherwise, if we leave, give
everything away, all this visaya (material elements) will be left there and
as soon as it gets any chance, it will come to bite me. So, whatever comes to
us, we should deal with everything in such a way that rather, 'Whatever I
shall come across, it will give me some impression to remember
Krishna—everything should utilise me for a particular service to Krishna.' If
left there, they will be enemies, but they should all be turned into friends.
They will help me, remind me, excite me in the service of Krishna. We must
have this kind of adjustment in this world. So, nothing should be left off.
'Nirbandhah Krsna-sambandhe yuktam vairagyam uchyate: when one is not
attached to anything, but at the same time accepts everything in relation to
Krishna, one is rightly situated above possessiveness.'"
Prayers to Sri Vaishnav Thakur:
Ei-bara karuna kara |
এইবার করুণা কর "O worshippable Vaisnava, be merciful to me this time. O saviour of the
fallen, without you there is no one. In every birth I aspire for the dust of
your feet."
Ohe Vaisnava
Thakura |
(ওহে) বৈষ্ণব ঠাকুর "O worshippable Vaishnav, ocean of grace, be merciful to this servant.
Give me the shade of your feet and purify me. I clasp your feet. You can give
Krishna, you have that power. Calling, 'Krishna!' 'Krishna!', I run after
Ki-rupe paiba seva |
কিরূপে পাইব সেবা "I am so wicked, how will I ever get service? I do not have any attachment
to Sri Guru and Vaishnavs! Prabhu, you see no fault in others, you are the
saviour of the fallen. Please deliver Narottam this time!"
Dhana mora nityananda |
ধন মোর নিত্যানন্দ "The feet dust of the Vaishnavs is where I sport and take bath, Vaishnavs'
name is the water oblation. My mind is intently fixed upon the remnants of
Vaishnavs, and I am elated hearing the name of Vaishnavs."
anila prema-dhana |
যে আনিল প্রেমধন "Where has Advaita Acharya gone? Where are my Svarup, Rupa, Sanatan? Where
is my Raghunath? Where are the saviours of the fallen souls?"
Sat, 16 July 2022
Service or Offence?
"If you have no chaste devotion to your Guru, you can never practise Krishna
consciousness—whatever you do will be only an offence. You must always be
alert about what makes Gurudev happy."
Download / listen to the full class (43.5 Mb, 1 hr 44 min | 12 January
2021 | Bengali)
—{ "Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address" }—
"How Much Will
You Sacrifice?"
"This human life is not for behaving like animals. We are not animals. We
have some other service here. There are so many services. Do not be lazy.
Krishna has given you this opportunity to pay more attention to the service
of the Lord in your house."
• Download/listen to
the audio (3.1 Mb, 8 min | 31 May 2020)
Sun, 17 July 2022
Where Does the Lord Stay?
"The Lord becomes pleased when you listen and speak about Him, and especially
when you worship Nitai and Gauranga through sankirtan. Remember this.
Gaura and Nitai are worshipped through sankirtan, and this
sankirtan must be genuine."
Download / listen to the full class (52.2 Mb, 2 hr 05 min | 16 January
2021 | Bengali)
—{ "Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address" }—
Abode of Eternal Happiness
"When transcendental feeling comes to you, you will not think about any
disease or anything else. There is no suffering in the eternal abode of
Goloka Vrindavan. We should realise the nature of that happiness. It is
possible to understand that happiness through service. Pure spiritual souls
are always happy."
Download/listen to the audio (1.9 Mb, 5 min | 31 May 2020)
Mon, 18 July 2022
Advent and Gift
"Sriman Mahaprabhu said that there are four varnas, four ashrams, and four
yugas. The four yugas, or ages, are Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga, Dvapar-yuga, and
Kali-yuga. The Lord comes in each of the four yugas to this pure land of
Bharata (India). Why does Sri Krishna come in this Kali-yuga?"
Download / listen to the full class (52.2 Mb, 2 hr 05 min | 16 January
2021 | Bengali)
Directives A talk by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj:
"Mahaprabhu has given three directives to us. He did not compose so many
slokas. He could compose it, it was within Mahaprabhu's capacity,
but He did not do it. He has only given us some directives to show us the
direction, and He has given only one sloka for our direction. These
three directives will give us life—through these three directives we will get
a real spiritual life."
—{ "Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address" }—
Simplicity and
Duplicity •Simplicity — "to be a
Vaishnav, to be a sadhu, you must first be simple. Do not be a 'zigzag'
person. Simplicity comes through practice, and how one practises depends upon
the practitioner." •Duplicity — "if you chant the
Holy Name without offence, then you can feel that Krishna's Name, beauty,
pastimes are non-different from Krishna. But if you chant the Holy Name and
think about other things, if you have material desires, then you will not
feel anything."
• Download/listen to
the audio (2.2 Mb, 6 min | 31 May 2020)
Today in the calendar:
Krishna Panchami. Disappearance of Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami Prabhu.
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj: "Even if you do
not know anything about the Vaishnav mentioned in the calendar, you must
still give them 'jay' on this day."
In honour of Srila Gopal Bhatta
Srila Gopal
Bhatta Goswami's Miracle
"You have heard about the Deity of Sri Radha-Raman in Vrindavan. When Gopal
Bhatta Goswami lived in Vrindavan, he every day worshipped twelve pieces of
Govardhan sila..."
Download / listen to the audio (1 Mb, 3 min | 7 September 2013 | Bengali)
Faith (2) Gopal Bhatta Goswami
"You have eyes in your heart, and if you have such feeling towards the Deity
in your heart and do your service with such faith, then you can easily see
Krishna everywhere, hear Krishna-nama everywhere, nothing else besides
Krishna-nama will enter your ears..."
Download / listen to the audio (1.3 Mb, 4 min | 10 March 2015)
Prayers to Sri Vaishnav Thakur:
Ei-bara karuna kara |
এইবার করুণা কর "O worshippable Vaisnava, be merciful to me this time. O saviour of the
fallen, without you there is no one. In every birth I aspire for the dust of
your feet."
Ohe Vaisnava
Thakura |
(ওহে) বৈষ্ণব ঠাকুর "O worshippable Vaishnav, ocean of grace, be merciful to this servant.
Give me the shade of your feet and purify me. I clasp your feet. You can give
Krishna, you have that power. Calling, 'Krishna!' 'Krishna!', I run after
Ki-rupe paiba seva |
কিরূপে পাইব সেবা "I am so wicked, how will I ever get service? I do not have any attachment to Sri Guru and Vaishnavs! Prabhu, you see no fault in others, you are the saviour of the fallen. Please deliver Narottam this time!"
Dhana mora nityananda |
ধন মোর নিত্যানন্দ "The feet dust of the Vaishnavs is where I sport and take bath, Vaishnavs'
name is the water oblation. My mind is intently fixed upon the remnants of
Vaishnavs, and I am elated hearing the name of Vaishnavs."
anila prema-dhana |
যে আনিল প্রেমধন "Where has Advaita Acharya gone? Where are my Svarup, Rupa, Sanatan? Where
is my Raghunath? Where are the saviours of the fallen souls?"
Tue, 19 July 2022
Coming Out of Maya
"Maya Devi gets her power from Krishna and removes us far from the Lord's
service. As the result, we forget the Lord. We forget the Lord, and as the
result, we suffer in the agony of these threefold miseries. What must you do
to get relief from this situation?"
Download / listen to the full class (52.2 Mb, 2 hr 05 min | 16 January
2021 | Bengali)
—{ "Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address" }—
Pure Pride
"We are servants of the Lord, servants of Gurudev. That is our quality. That
is our designation. There is no question of pride here. We are servants, we
are dogs of our Guru, that is our pride. When you become a proper servitor of
Gurudev, then your material pride will automatically leave you."
• Download/listen to
the audio (2.6 Mb, 7 min | 31 May 2020)
Wed, 20 July 2022
Make Yourself
"Mahaprabhu comes to distribute the rarest form of transcendental love that
even Lord Siva and Lord Brahma aspire and wait to attain, and He comes to
give it liberally, going door to door. This is how Mahaprabhu distributed the
Holy Name in this world, and at the same time He said, 'Who has the right to
chant the Holy Name in this Kali-yuga?'"
Download / listen to the full class (52.2 Mb, 2 hr 05 min | 16 January
2021 | Bengali)
—{ "Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address" }—
Questions and Answers • A follow-up on ladies leading
sankirtan and playing the mridanga
• How does the gayatri mantra help us?
• How to serve Gurudev without thinking
what benefit I get from it?
• How to maintain faith that
Krishna will protect us?
• Why did Srila Gadadhar Pandit never go
to Vrindavan?
• How can we fight pratistha?
• What is the proper way to ask
• Should we
be affectionate only with Vaishnavs or with everybody?
• Download/listen to
the audio (4.5 Mb, 11 min | 31 May 2020)
Thu, 21 July 2022
Six Limbs of
"Among the six limbs of surrender, the first one is humility. I must feel
that 'I am poor and have no qualification,' 'I do not know anything.' I must
not think, 'I am a good speaker,' 'I am good at singing,' 'I can sing
kirtans well,' etc. No. 'I am very poor.' ..."
Download / listen to the full class (52.2 Mb, 2 hr 05 min | 16 January
2021 | Bengali)
—{ "Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address" }—
Latest News
"I came back from yesterday in the evening. I had been to Nabadwip, Nrisingha
Palli, and also Mamgachi, Srila Vrindavan Das Thakur's place. I am trying to
do some service in Nabadwip Dham. I cannot do service alone, but everybody is
helping me, and because of their help, by the mercy of Gurudev, I am able to
fulfil his desire."
• Download / listen to
the audio (2.4 Mb, 6 min | 31 May 2020)
Today in the calendar:
Krishna Ashtami. Disappearance of Srila Lokanath Goswami Prabhu.
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj: "Even if you do
not know anything about the Vaishnav mentioned in the calendar, you must
still give them 'jay' on this day. We must always remember disappearance and
appearance days of all Vaishnavs. If we can remember such personalities, such
great souls, it will bring a great benefit to our spiritual life."
"We should always check the calendar, and when we see some dates mentioned
there, even if we do not know anything about the Vaishnav or events mentioned
there, we can at least give 'jay' to them—that also brings some good sukriti,
some purification to us. Seeing the calendar and taking devotees' names early
in the morning, from the beginning of the day, is very good for all
"Wake up, look into the calendar and give 'jay' to your Guru and
Vaishnavs. Always pay obeisance to your Guru and Vaishnavs when you wake up
in the morning, always give them 'jay'. Always keep faith and show
respect to them. Always see the calendar—whose appearance day it is, whose
disappearance day it is. Even if you cannot make a festival, at least you can
give them 'jay', it will bring you benefit. When you give 'jay'
to your Guru and Vaishnavs, it brings you sukriti. For example, today
is the disappearance day of a Vaishnav—give 'jay' to him, remember
him. We must always remember the words of Vaishnavs. If I remember the words
of Vaishnavs, I get some benefit, some deposit through that."
In honour of Srila Lokanath
Goswami Prabhu:
In Praise of Srila Narottam Das Thakur
In this chapter of Affectional Guidance, His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj is describing the meeting of
Srila Narottam Das Thakur with his Guru, Srila Lokanath Goswami.
Service, Earnest Heart
"It is necessary to have the strongest faith. You cannot see everything with
your eyes. We will serve Mahaprabhu, devotees, our Guru, and whether they
accept it or not, that is up to them. Simple things are sufficient for
Download / listen to the audio (3.4 Mb, 8 min | 12 July 2020)
Overpowered by
"You may have everything, but if you do not have mercy of your Guru, then you
have nothing. Gurudev gave you all his blessings, and if we can serve him, we
will get supreme benefit. You must always live remembering Gurudev's
Download / listen to the audio (4.1 Mb, 12 min | 8 April 2017 |
Prayers to Sri Vaishnav Thakur:
Ei-bara karuna kara |
এইবার করুণা কর "O worshippable Vaisnava, be merciful to me this time. O saviour of the
fallen, without you there is no one. In every birth I aspire for the dust of
your feet."
Ohe Vaisnava
Thakura |
(ওহে) বৈষ্ণব ঠাকুর "O worshippable Vaishnav, ocean of grace, be merciful to this servant.
Give me the shade of your feet and purify me. I clasp your feet. You can give
Krishna, you have that power. Calling, 'Krishna!' 'Krishna!', I run after
Ki-rupe paiba seva |
কিরূপে পাইব সেবা "I am so wicked, how will I ever get service? I do not have any attachment to Sri Guru and Vaishnavs! Prabhu, you see no fault in others, you are the saviour of the fallen. Please deliver Narottam this time!"
Dhana mora nityananda |
ধন মোর নিত্যানন্দ "The feet dust of the Vaishnavs is where I sport and take bath, Vaishnavs'
name is the water oblation. My mind is intently fixed upon the remnants of
Vaishnavs, and I am elated hearing the name of Vaishnavs."
anila prema-dhana |
যে আনিল প্রেমধন "Where has Advaita Acharya gone? Where are my Svarup, Rupa, Sanatan? Where
is my Raghunath? Where are the saviours of the fallen souls?"
Fri, 22 July 2022
Sincere and Deep
"'Sincerely' means to do come without wanting to show anything to others or
wanting to impress others. It is necessary to feel this and to practise
spiritual life very deeply, internally, not of the sake of showing anything
to others."
Download / listen to the full class (52.2 Mb, 2 hr 05 min | 16 January
2021 | Bengali)
Sat, 23 July 2022 (Tomorrow is Sri Kamika Ekadasi)
Lend Me Your Heart
"I have one prayer to you all, I want to ask you for one thing: please give
me your mind, heart, soul, everything for some time today—submit everything
to the Lord—to be able to hear some Hari-katha."
Download / listen to the full class (52.2 Mb, 2 hr 05 min | 16 January
2021 | Bengali)
—{ "Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address" }—
"What Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math gives is the proper treatment—it gives
treatment to the jiva soul. If you give medicine to people, that is
only a temporary protection, but what Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math gives, is a
permanent solution."
Download / listen to the audio (2.5 Mb, 6 min | 31 May 2020)
All Glory to Sri Sri Guru Gauranga
Srila B.R. Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj's
Disappearance Festival
Dear respected Devotees, Friends and Well-Wishers,
We are offering obeisance at your holy lotus feet and in eternal memory of
our beloved Sri Gurupadpadma Om Vishnupad Jagad-Guru Srila Bhakti Nirmal
Acharya Maharaj humbly extend a letter of encouragement to observe the
disappearance day of the most worshippable Founder Acharya of Sri Chaitanya
Saraswat Math, Om Vishnupad Jagad Guru Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar
Dev-Goswami Maharaj, which manifests on 28 July (Thursday) this year
and will be observed in every branch of Sri
Chaitanya Saraswat Math all over the world.
Our beloved Sri Gurupadpadma Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
has many times instructed on how
to hold special programmes and taught it many times by his own example.
Usually such programmes consist of: kirtans, lecture or reading of
scriptures, arati, pushpanjali (offering of flowers to a photograph), and
prasad-seva (cooking a special offering, offering it at the alter or to a
photograph, and distributing it to devotees).
We hope all devotees find an opportunity to observe this holy day for the
satisfaction of Sri Gurupadpadma keeping the divine Guidance on their heads:
"Always sit amidst fire blazing on all four sides. This fire is Hari-katha,
kirtan, service to the Lord, and service to the guru. You must progress in
your practising life keeping the sacrificial fire of your service
Your aspiring servants,
On behalf of
Make the
Festival, with Heart and Soul
"I am telling to everyone who is staying in the temple, to every centre: you
must make a festival for Srila Sridhar Maharaj. If you want to show that you
want to serve Srila Sridhar Maharaj, then make a good festival on this
Download / listen to the audio (2.3 Mb, 7 min)
Some preparations and items that are known to be favourite to His Divine
Grace Srila Sridhar Maharaj include: natural orange juice (with just a little
sugar), cholar dahl (split chickpea dal) or kolai dal (urad dal), alu bhaji
(deep-fried potato chips), sukta, muri, puri/luchi with alu bhaja, aloo dum,
samosa, pineapple chutney (anaraser chutney), puspanna, figs (dumur), chaunsa
Sun, 24 July 2022 (Sri Kamika Ekadasi; tomorrow paran is at 5:07–9:31)
Follow the
Footsteps of Great Souls
"Association with the Guru means listening to what Gurudev says and following
it in your life. We must live in the same way that great personalities lived.
This is how you take sadhu-sanga, holy association."
Download / listen to the full class (52.2 Mb, 2 hr 05 min | 16 January
2021 | Bengali)
—{ "Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address" }—
Service Consciousness
"If somebody wants to take initiation, they must follow Sri Chaitanya
Saraswat Math's line; they must follow the rules and regulation. They must
always take prasadam, always chant the Holy Name, and engage in service. You
are not a servant of Krishna—if you are ready to become a servant of
devotees, then you can take shelter of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math."
Download / listen to the audio (2.7 Mb, 7 min | 31 May 2020)
Sri Ekadasi Guidance Guidelines on how to observe and honour this holy day: Ekadasi takes an
indispensible part in the life of a sincere practitioner. At Sri Chaitanya
Saraswat Math, Ekadasi and paran are observed with affection and without
fail according to the dates given in the Calendar.
•"Sri Ekadasi"
(Sri Sri Prema Vivarta)
"One day, Gaurahari left the Gundicha Temple and sat in the Jagannath
Vallabha garden. It was pure Ekadasi, and the Lord spent the whole day and
night chanting the Name of Krishna..."
Suddha-bhakata |
শুদ্ধ ভকত-চরণ-রেণু "I carefully observe the holy days related to Madhava, they are the mother
of devotion."
Sri hari-vasare |
শ্রীহরি-বাসরে হরি "On the holy day of Sri Hari, Sriman Mahaprabhu, the life and
soul of the universe, began dancing..."
"You do not need to know the meaning of each ekadasi tithi because if
you know it, you will want to get this result, that result, etc."
(Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj)
Mon, 25 July 2022
Leads to Suspension
"Krishna says, 'Give up all religions and surrender to Me. Do not worry, I
will save you from all sins.' It is necessary to believe this. If you
have no faith, then how will you understand it? You will think, 'Oh, Sukadev
was just born, how could he run?'"
Download / listen to the full class (52.2 Mb, 2 hr 05 min | 16 January
2021 | Bengali)
—{ "Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address" }—
Without Sahajiyaism
"You must do service under the guidance of Gurudev, then you will know what
is necessary to do. We are not independent, we are always under the guidance
of Gurudev. We do not want to be sahajiyas. Vraja-basis do
raga-marga seva, but we must follow viddhi-marga."
Download / listen to the audio (6.1 Mb, 15 min | 31 May 2020)
Tue, 26 July 2022
Only One Question
"Sukadev Goswami asked Pariksit Maharaj, 'Tell me, what is your question?'
'Tell me, how can I get benefit?' asked Pariksit Maharaj. 'What you have said
is right! There is only one question, and the answer is also only one.'"
Download / listen to the full class (52.2 Mb, 2 hr 05 min | 16 January
2021 | Bengali)
—{ "Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address" }—
Perfect Vision
"We are told to be slow and steady, but when some service is going on, we
sometimes do it fast because everybody's character is not the same. Being
slow does not mean laziness. If you keep a perfect aim and continue steadily
to your aim, then you will succeed."
Download / listen to the audio (5.4 Mb, 13 min | 31 May 2020)
Wed, 27 July 2022 (Adhivas of Srila B.R. Sridhar Dev-Goswami
Maharaj's Disappearance Day)
We Are
Neither Enjoyers, Nor Renouncers
"We must submit everything for the Lord's service. We must know nothing
except that. Just as it is said in Srimad Bhagavad-gita: devotees do
not know or understand anything except the Lord. This is our highest
Download / listen to the full class (52.2 Mb, 2 hr 05 min | 16 January
2021 | Bengali)
In honour of the approaching holy disappearance day of His Divine Grace Om
Vishnupad Jagad-Guru Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj:
What Is Sri
Chaitanya Saraswat Math and Its Distinctions "To explain to this world what Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math is, what its
purpose, preaching matter or distinctions are, is an extremely difficult
task, but it is even more difficult to make those who are engrossed in and
inspired by the commonplace ideas appreciate it even partially..."
Do Not
Compromise with Maya
"So many problems came in their time, and they did not back off—they spoke
the truth; but we are ready to compromise our principles—we compromise what
Mahaprabhu teaches us with other things. Srila Sridhar Maharaj saw a big
dream that Mahaprabhu's proper conception would be preached all over the
world by Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, and that is happening now. We must not
surrender to maya."
Download / listen to the audio (3.8 Mb, 11 min | 7 June 2019)
Autobiography of Srila
B.R. Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj
Srila Guru Maharaj's extensive recollections of his childhood and youth,
as well as the coming to the lotus feet of his Gurudev and later on
starting Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math.
Photo Album: (35 photographs, 3.4 Mb)
A collection of selected photographs of His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Raksak
Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj is now added to the archive of photographs.
An extensive collection of publications and holy books most mercifully
presented to us by devotees who tirelessly collected, transcribed, and
presented carefully in a book-form the holy transcendental discourses of His
Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj containing
unprecedented and much appreciated and extolled by the entire Vaishnava
universe siddhanta. May this treasure trove of our guru-varga give
nourishment and encouragement to all devotees.
False Ego's Folly
"Some think, 'I am the highest, and everyone are lower than me, so they
should take my prasad.' We must become disciples—there is no
need to become a guru. These are very beautiful words. You must read
Download / listen to the full class (52.2 Mb, 2 hr 05 min | 16 January
2021 | Bengali)
Today in the calendar:
Amavasya. Grand festival in honour of the disappearance of Om Vishnupad
Paramahamsa Parivrajakacharya-varya Ashtottara-shata-sri Srila Bhakti Raksak
Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj, the illustrious worshippable Founder Acharya of
Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math Mission.
In honour of Om Vishnupad Srila
Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj:
~ Pranam-mantra ~
devam divya-tanum suchhanda-vadanam balarka-chelanchitam
sandrananda-puram sad-eka-varanam vairagya-vidyambudhim
sri-siddhanta-nidhim subhakti-lasitam sarasvatanam varam
vande tam subhadam mad-eka-saranam nyasisvaram sridharam
"I worship Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj, the
bestower of all auspiciousness, my only shelter and the master of all
renunciates. He is my Lord who possesses a transcendental form, whose face
expression is very grave, who is clad in the holy clothes the colour of the
newly risen sun. He is an abode of intense joy; the only genuine master whom
one can accept and surrender to; and an ocean of divine knowledge and
renunciation. He is a repository of holy scriptural teachings and pastimes of
the highest devotion and a dear follower of Srila Saraswati Thakur
What Is Sri
Chaitanya Saraswat Math and Its Distinctions "To explain to this world what Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math is, what its
purpose, preaching matter or distinctions are, is an extremely difficult
task, but it is even more difficult to make those who are engrossed in and
inspired by the commonplace ideas appreciate it even partially..."
শ্রীচৈতন্য সারস্বত মঠ কি ও তাঁর বৈশিষ্ট্য
শ্রীচৈতন্য সারস্বত মঠ কি ও তাঁর উদ্দেশ্য, প্রচার্য্য-বিষয় বা বৈশিষ্ট্যের কথা
জগতে বোঝাইতে হইলে যেরূপ সুদুরূহ ব্যাপার, প্রচলিত ভাব-ধারায় বিভাবিত ও
অনুপ্রাণিত বিশ্বের তাহা আংশিকভাবে উপলব্ধি করাইবার চেষ্টাও ততোধিক গুরুতর
কার্য্য । কিন্তু এই মঠের প্রতিষ্ঠাতা আচার্য্য ওঁ বিষ্ণুপাদ শ্রীল ভক্তিরক্ষক
শ্রীধর দেব গোস্বামী মহারাজ ও তাঁর স্থলাভিষিক্ত সেবাইত আচার্য্য ওঁ বিষ্ণুপাদ
শ্রীল ভক্তিসুন্দর গোবিন্দ দেব গোস্বামী মহারাজ ও তাঁর মনোনীত বর্তমান সভাপতি
আচার্য্য ওঁ বিষ্ণুপাদ শ্রীল ভক্তি নির্ম্মল আচার্য্য মহারাজ শ্রীল
ভক্তিসিদ্ধান্ত সরস্বতী ঠাকুরের পথ অনুসরণ করে শ্রীকৃষ্ণচৈতন্য মহাপ্রভুর শিক্ষা
শুদ্ধভাবে আচার-প্রচারের মাধ্যমে ভারতসহ সারা পৃথিবীতে বদ্ধ জীবকে উদ্ধারের জন্য
অক্লান্ত পরিশ্রম করে চলেছেন ।
Do Not Compromise
with Maya
"So many problems came in their time, and they did not back off—they spoke
the truth; but we are ready to compromise our principles—we compromise what
Mahaprabhu teaches us with other things. Srila Sridhar Maharaj saw a big
dream that Mahaprabhu's proper conception would be preached all over the
world by Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, and that is happening now. We must not
surrender to maya."
Download / listen to the audio (3.8 Mb, 11 min | 7 June 2019)
Autobiography of Srila
B.R. Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj
Srila Guru Maharaj's extensive recollections of his childhood and youth,
as well as the coming to the lotus feet of his Gurudev and later on
starting Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math.
Photo Album: (35 photographs, 3.4 Mb)
A collection of selected photographs of His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Raksak
Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj is now added to the archive of photographs.
Our Literary Heritage
An extensive collection of publications and holy books most mercifully
presented to us by devotees who tirelessly collected, transcribed, and
presented carefully in a book-form the holy transcendental discourses of His
Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj containing
unprecedented and much appreciated and extolled by the entire Vaishnava
universe siddhanta. We invite everyone to come in touch with the
touchstones of these holy books and embrace the supreme nourishment and
fulfilment that any sincere seeker shall find therein.
Esteemed, and Inimitable
"We have no quality or qualification to glorify Srila Bhakti Raksak
Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj. He is a super personality. Srila Sridhar Maharaj
conquered, possessed the heart of Srila Prabhupad Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati
Thakur through his service and devotion."
Download / listen to the audio (3.1 Mb, 10 min | 26 July 2014)
Festival of
Solemn Service
"Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj's disappearance festival is
coming soon and all over the world devotees are making some ceremony on this
day. No actual disciple wants to see their Gurudev's disappearance day—it is
about the love and affection, about a good connection between the Guru and
the disciple..."
Download / listen to the audio (2.9 Mb, 9 min | 28 July 2011)
Make the
Festival, with Heart and Soul
"I am telling to everyone who is staying in the temple, to every centre: you
must make a festival for Srila Sridhar Maharaj. If you want to show that you
want to serve Srila Sridhar Maharaj, then make a good festival on this
Download / listen to the audio (2.3 Mb, 7 min | 15 July 2012)
The Root of Our
"Srila Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj came in this world to rescue us, and he
created our Guru—by his grace we have got shelter of our bona fide
Guru. So, we must worship his lotus feet."
Download / listen to the audio (7.6 Mb, 22 min | 22 October 2011)
Relation With
Guru: Watch Out
"Srila Gurudev gave much honour and much respect to everybody, both his
godbrothers and his disciples. However, a disciple should also understand—if
Gurudev gives me respect, it does not mean I will now jump and sit on his
Download / listen to the audio (2.4 Mb, 6 min | 19 July 2020)
Spoken on the appearance day of Srila B.R. Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj
in 2020:
Our Great Fortune
"Today is a very auspicious day because tomorrow is the appearance day of our
Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math's Founder Acharya—our Param Gurudev, Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj. I am giving my full humble
obeisance at the lotus feet of my beloved Gurudev, and our Param
Download / listen to the audio (2.7 Mb, 7 min | 8 November)
Srila Sridhar Maharaj:
Appearance and Early Days
"The name of Srila Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj's father is Upendra Chandra
Bhattacharya. His birthpalce is in Hapaniya. His mother's name was Sri Gauri
Devi. By the will of the Lord, when Srila Sridhar Maharaj appeared, he was
the eldest son. How did his parents get this kind of son? There is some
history behind it."
Download / listen to the audio (2.8 Mb, 7 min)
Srila Sridhar Maharaj: Powerful
"When Srila Sridhar Maharaj left his house and joined Gaudiya Mission, Srila
Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur was very pleased. Even before taking
sannyas, Srila Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj was a great preacher. He was
always very enthusiastic to preach."
Download / listen to the audio (4.3 Mb, 11 min)
Suggested kirtans:
Sri Guru Parampara kirtan Arati kirtan Guru-vandana Pancha-tattva-vandana Vaishnava-vandana Srila Prabhupad's kirtan Nityananda-vandana Mahaprabhu-vandana Radha-Krsna-vandana Viraha-giti Closing
This day in 2013 (Bengali):
• Morning Bengali class of His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya
13.8 Mb, 40 min)
• Morning kirtans:
(Download, 15.9 Mb, 47 min)
• Noon class of His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
(includes a ten-minute archive recording of Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda
Dev-Goswami Maharaj's Bengali lecture at the end, which was played during the
class to the assembled audience):
(Download, 11.5 Mb, 34 min)
Some preparations and items that are known to be favourite to His Divine
Grace Srila Sridhar Maharaj include: natural orange juice (with just a little
sugar), cholar dahl (split chickpea dal) or kolai dal (urad dal), alu bhaji
(deep-fried potato chips), sukta, muri, puri/luchi with alu bhaja, aloo dum,
samosa, pineapple chutney (anaraser chutney), puspanna, figs (dumur), chaunsa
Fri, 29 July 2022
Be Sincere and
"If you feel no taste when you chant the Holy Name, this is because you have
various diseases inside you. That is why you must always practise
sravan and kirtan in holy association and try to remove your
Download / listen to the full class (52.2 Mb, 2 hr 05 min | 16 January
2021 | Bengali)
—{ "Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address" }—
Service Code
"We always do service with some little fault, little mistake, and the Lord
does not easily accept such service, but if we ask great Vaishnavs, Gurudev,
for forgiveness, they will always forgive us. That is why, it will be good if
we serve the Lord through Gurudev."
Download / listen to the audio (2.1 Mb, 5 min | 31 May 2020)
Sat, 30 July 2022
Remembering Mahaprabhu's Sannyas
"Today, Mahaprabhu left Katwa after taking sannyas. He left Nabadwip
on the day of Sankranti. On the eve of Sankranti, each of our temples offers
lau-payesh (lau cooked in milk with sugar). Do you know
Download / listen to the full class (52.2 Mb, 2 hr 05 min | 16 January
2021 | Bengali)
—{ "Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address" }—
Love for Guru,
Not Yourself
"We are becoming very selfish—we always think about ourselves, about our own
happiness, but we do not know whether happiness will come or not. The
happiness you get in this material life is very temporary. We must realise
what it means to be a proper disciple and we must try to be proper disciples
of our Guru."
Download / listen to the audio (3 Mb, 7 min | 31 May 2020)
Sun, 31 July 2022
Way Out
"Kama means thinking about your own happiness and enjoyment, but
prema means thinking about the happiness of the Lord, about the
happiness of Gurudev. The problem is that we never think, "What makes Gurudev
happy?"—we only think about our own happiness."
Download / listen to the full class (52.2 Mb, 2 hr 05 min | 16 January
2021 | Bengali)
—{ "Sri Gurupadpadma's Worldwide Address" }—
Eagerness and Attachment
"This pure conception of Krishna consciousness is very sweet. It is necessary
to connect with it and to have faith, proper surrender, humility, tolerance,
and to give honour to others. Be patient. Do not be proud. Always reject
pratistha. We are tiny servitors, but we will try to do small
Download / listen to the audio (2.7 Mb, 7 min | 31 May 2020)
'Without the shelter of Nityananda Prabhu, without the shelter of Baladev
Prabhu, we cannot think about Krishna. We must understand how to serve, how
to give nourishment to Baladev.'