A Glimpse from the
Two photographs taken two days ago of His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Nirmal
Acharya Maharaj watching the boat at Sri Govinda Kunda, Nabadwip, being
taken out for maintenance and repairs.
Sri Ekadashi Guidance
Guidelines on how to observe and honour this holy day: Ekadashi takes an
indispensible part in the life of a sincere practitioner. At Sri Chaitanya
Saraswat Math, Ekadashi and paran are observed with affection and without
fail according to the dates given in the Calendar.
New Year
His Divine Grace Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj addressing the devotees
worldwide, expressing his wishes and blessings for the new 2015: "It is
necessary to preach, follow, and practise Krishna consciousness more. Next
year, with a good heart and good health, continue your service to
Download / listen to the audio (0.5 Mb, 2 min),
watch the video.
Fri, 2 January 2015: (Paran by 9:13 am)
Guidance: Issue #01 (ePub, 0.5 Mb)
We are presenting an ePub file for offline reading on mobile phones and
tablets containing the lectures of His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Nirmal
Acharya Maharaj published here as of today and pray this serves as a
source of guidance, nourishment, and life to all the devotees and
well-wishers worldwide.
Sat, 3 January 2015:
দুর্লভ মনুষ্য জন্ম ও তাহার অর্থ
"জীব জাগ, জীব জাগ, গোরাচাঁদ বলে, কত নিদ্রা যাও মায়া-পিশাচীর কোলে । তোমারে
লইতে আমি হইনু অবতার, এনেছি ঔষধি মায়া নাশিবার লাগি' ।"
Download / listen to the audio (20 Mb, 60 min)
Chanted on 28 December 2014 by His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Nirmal
Acharya Maharaj: Sri Guru charana-padma •
Sri Krishna Chaitanya Prabhu daya kara more •
Ohe Vaishnava Thakura dayara sagara •
Nitai-pada-kamala •
Emona durmati samsara bhitare •
Sarvasva tomara charane sapiya.
Download / listen to the audio (11.3 Mb, 33 min)
Sun, 4 January 2015:
Open Your
What are you doing with your life? Who are your true family and
well-wishers? How to get connection with the Lord? There is an
unparalleled gift from the Lord and His associates right in front
Download / listen to the audio (2.6 Mb, 8 min)
Mon, 5 January 2015:
Chaste and
"If you have attachment to service for your own happiness, not for the
happiness of your Guru—if your own happiness means more to you than
the happiness of your Guru—then it is a problem."
Download / listen to the audio (4.2 Mb, 13 min; English and
Tue, 6 January 2015:
সাধন-জীবনের নীতি
His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj speaking in Bengali
to the devotees on the fundamental principles of a practitioner's life.
Download / listen to the audio (13.7 Mb, 40 min)
Chanted on 29 December 2014 by His Divine Grace: Sri Guru charana-padma •
Sri Krishna Chaitanya Prabhu daya kara more •
Ohe Vaishnava Thakura dayara sagara •
Nitai-pada-kamala •
Gaurangera duti pada •
Gaya Gora madhur svare •
Hari haraye Nama Krsna.
Download / listen to the audio (11.3 Mb, 33 min)
Wed, 7 January 2015:
Come What
"So many obstacles will come, but our life is service to the Lord, our
heart is service to the Lord, and we are grateful for anything that
Download / listen to the audio (1.3 Mb, 4 min)
Thu, 8 January 2015:
জীবন: অনিত্য, দুর্ল্লভ ও ভগবানের সুখে অর্থে
"যে ভাবে ব্রজগপীর ভগবানকে সখী করেছিলেন, ভগবানকে খুশি করেছিলেন, অমাদের সেই
ভাবে ভগবানকে খুশি করতে হবে, ভগবানকে সুখে করতে হবে—ভগবানের খুশি আমাদের
ভজন ।
Download / listen to the audio (12 Mb, 34 min)
Chanted on 30 December 2014 by His Divine Grace: Sri Guru charana-padma •
Sri Krishna Chaitanya Prabhu daya kara more •
Ohe Vaishnava Thakura dayara sagara •
Parama karuna •
Gaurangera duti pada •
Hari haraye Nama Krsna.
Download / listen to the audio (9.3 Mb, 28 min)
Two Photographs
Taken on 5 January 2015 in Sri Nabadwip Dham at the veranda of His Divine
Grace during the evening class.
Fri, 9 January 2015:
At a
Guidance for those who are uncertain about their life situation and those
facing an important choice in their life: to join the temple or remain a
Download / listen to the audio (2.4 Mb, 8 min)
Sat, 10 January 2015:
Ganga Sagar Preaching and Temple Inauguration
It has already become a tradition that Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math takes
part in the large-scale annual preaching at the Ganga Sagar Mela, and this
year we are happy to announce that the construction of our temple has
finished and His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj is
inaugurating the temple installing there the presiding Deities—Sri
Sri Guru Gauranga Gandharva Govindasundar Jiu.
Although on such a short notice, we are
cordially inviting all the devotees to take part in the festival. The
Ganga Sagar Mela is on 14-15 January. The Deity and Temple inauguration is
on 13 January. The Address is Ganga Sagar, Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math,
Ganga Sagar Ashram, Village Chakaphuladubi, South 24 Paragons, W.Bengal,
phone number 9775384623. Shall you require advice on how to reach the Math
from Kolkata, feel free to contact us at . গঙ্গাসাগর: আগামী সপ্তাহে, ১২-১৫ জানুয়ারী বার্ষিক গঙ্গাসাগর মেলা
এবং ১৩ই জানুয়ারী অমাদের গঙ্গাসাগরের শ্রীচৈতন্য সার্বত মঠে ঠাকুরের
(শ্রীশ্রীগুরু-গৈরাঙ্গ গান্ধর্ব্বা গোবিন্দসুন্দরজীউ) শুভ প্রতিষ্ঠা দিন । এই
মহোৎসবে আপনাকে সবিনয়ে সাদর আমন্ত্রণ জানাইতেছি ।
Ganga Sagar Temple
Inauguration: Preparation
As the time approaches the auspicious day, the devotees are busy preparing
for the festival both at the Ganga Sagar Math and at the place of the Mela (a
half-an-hour drive from the temple). Presented here are several pictures
capturing the activities at the temple (taken just a short while ago
Significance of Ganga Sagar(by Sripad B.K. Tyagi Maharaj)
A comprehensive article from Sri Gaudiya Darshan explaining the
ontological and spiritual significance of Ganga Sagar Mela and
appreciation of the Gaudiya Vaishnavs towards this event: "The origin and
glory of the Ganges and the Lord’s Pastimes at Ganga Sagar are described
in Srimad Bhagavatam and other Gaudiya Vaishnava scriptures. Here
they are presented in summary form..."
Sun, 11 January 2015:
Try and Pray
How to help others in their service, when you know they are doing
something wrong, without hurting their feelings and discouraging them? Is
there anything that can secure your life in Krishna consciousness?
Download / listen to the audio (1.6 Mb, 5 min)
Mon, 12 January 2015:
Kirtan Pastimes
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj reading in Bengali from Sri
Chaitanya-charitamrita, Adi-lila, chapter 17, on 31 December 2014.
Download / listen to the audio (10 Mb, 29 min)
Tue, 13 January 2015 (Mahaprabhu leaves Nabadwip; Deity
installation in Ganga Sagar):
"All our Guru-varga gave their life for service to the Lord. Gurupad-padma,
Srila Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj, Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati
Thakur—they all used everybody and everything for service to the
Download / listen to the audio (1 Mb, 3 min)
In a lecture about Sriman Mahaprabhu's sannyas-lila, Srila Govinda
Maharaj commented: "We have seen that Srila Guru Maharaj was always deeply
intoxicated with Mahaprabhu’s sannyas-lila. He established as a rule in
Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math that for the three days the devotees will live
very simply and eat only some rice and dalma, dal with mixed
Wed, 14 January 2015: (Sriman Mahaprabhu is walking to
Katwa; preaching at Ganga Sagar Mela)
আমাদের প্রতিজ্ঞ
"দুর্লভ মানব জন্ম লভিয়া সংসারে কৃষ্ণ না ভজিনু দুঃখ কহিব কাহারে । দিন যায়
মিছা কাজে নিশা নিদ্রাবশে নাহি ভাবি মরণ নিকটে আছে বসে । অতএব মায়া মোহ ছাড়ি
বুদ্ধিমান নিত্যতত্ত্ব কৃষ্ণভক্তি করুন সন্ধান ।"
Download / listen to the audio (9.3 Mb, 27 min)
Thu, 15 January 2015: (Sriman Mahaprabhu takes sannyas;
preaching at Ganga Sagar Mela)
Sri Nimai Sannyas
(English, Bengali, an audio recording)
Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj's poem expressing the
grief-stricken hearts of the residents of Nabadwip: "Vishvambhar, the son
of Jagannath Mishra, who resides in Nabadwip, Sachi's Nimai, has taken
sannyas. A tumult of cries filled the sky—Sachi's Nimai has taken
From Sri Sri Prema Dhama Deva Stotram:
prema-dhama-devam eva naumi gaura-sundaram
"Sri Gaurasundara departed from Nabadwip and went away to become a
sannyasi (monk), leaving behind his family members and friends whose eyes
were filled with tears. He accepted the staff and waterpot as his only
possessions, the emblems of a renunciate. When his long hair was cut off
and his head was shaved, thousands of voices sang the holy names. The
devotee's eyes shed rivers of tears, since they knew he was going into the
world and leaving them behind. From that time, whoever saw him in the red
garments of a sannyasi cried out loud in grief. I sing with joy the
unending glories of my sweet Lord, my golden Gaurasundara, the one and
only divine abode of pure love."
Fri, 16 January 2015: (Sri Ekadashi)
Lila: Breaking the Staff
As Mahaprabhu heads towards Jagannath Puri, more Pastimes unfold. Shortly
before entering the Jagannath temple, Nityananda Prabhu breaks the danda of
Mahaprabhu. Why did He do it and why did Mahaprabhu allow Him to do
Download / listen to the audio (2 Mb, 6 min)
Sri Ekadashi Guidance
Guidelines on how to observe and honour this holy day: Ekadashi takes an
indispensible part in the life of a sincere practitioner. At Sri Chaitanya
Saraswat Math, Ekadashi and paran are observed with affection and without
fail according to the dates given in the Calendar.
Sat, 17 January 2015: (Paran between 6:36 a.m. and 10
"If you have this kind of strong desire, mercy will come. It is necessary
to have such permanent, unflinching desire for service, for chanting or
anything else." What kind of desire is it?
Download / listen to the audio (1 Mb, 3 min)
Sri Nityananda Prabhu's Appearance Day (on 1 February 2015)
We are cordially inviting all devotees, friends, and well-wishers to join
the grand celebration of the holy appearance day of Sri Nityananda Prabhu
at Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, Sri Ekachakra Dham (the birthplace of Sri
Nityananda Prabhu) or the local centres worldwide and participate in the
worship, lectures, kirtans, prasad seva, and other numerous services. If
anyone wishes to come to the temple at Sri Ekachakra Dham and requires
assistance, please contact us at
শ্রীশ্রীনিত্যানন্দপ্রভুর শুভাবির্ভাব তিথি ১ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৫ হইবে আর এই
দিনে শ্রীচৈতন্য-সারস্বত মঠে, শ্রীএকচক্রা ধামে ও আমাদের আন্যান্য দেশি
বিদেশি আশ্রমে, বিশেষ পূজা, পাঠ, পারায়ণ, কীর্ত্তন, ভাষণ ও প্রসাদ বিতরণ
অনুষ্ঠান করা হবে । এই মহামহোৎসবে আপনাকে আন্তরিকভবে আমন্ত্রণ জানাইতেছি ।
শ্রীএকচক্রা ধামের ঠিকানা : শ্রীচৈতন্য-সারস্বত কৃষ্ণানুশীলন সংঘ, গর্ভাবাস
(একচক্রা গ্রাম), বীরবন্দ্রপুর, জেলা-বীরভূম, পশ্চিমবঙ্গ ।
ওঁ বিষ্ণুপাদ শ্রী শ্রীল ভক্তি নির্ম্মল আচার্য্য মহারাজের হরি-কথামৃত ও
কীর্ত্তন ।
His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj's recent Bengali
class and kirtans.
Download / listen to the audio (15 Mb, 44 min)
Wed, 21 January 2015:
The Soul's
"Illusory environment means we are covered by an illusory net and we
forget everything. Overcoming this illusory environment will depend on the
quality of our surrender."
Download / listen to the audio (2.2 Mb, 7 min)
Thu, 22 January 2015:
"Gurudev said, 'If you criticise somebody, that fault will come to you.'
He did not want to hear anybody criticising or anybody being criticised.
Criticism takes one to a hellish position."
Download / listen to the audio (1.4 Mb, 5 min)
Fri, 23 January 2015:
The Garden of Sri
Sri Guru Gauranga
A few glimpses of the flower garden at its blossom at Sri Chaitanya
Saraswat Math, Sri Nabadwip Dham, captured yesterday.
A Glimpse of the
Evening Darshan
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj giving
Hari-katha to the assembled devotees.
Mon, 26 January 2015: (Appearance Day of Sri Advaita
Ganga Sagar: Temple Inauguration and Preaching
Three pages and over 150 photos taken during the grand preaching programme
at Ganga Sagar this year: Part One
(preparation to the temple inauguration; 27 Mb) Part Two
(inauguration, sankirtan, prasad seva, initiations; 29 Mb) Part Three
(Ganga Sagar Mela, worship of Ganga Devi; 14.5 Mb)
Also available for download as a
single PDF (25 Mb).
Tue, 27 January 2015:
Vibhavari Sesa
"O souls! The night has ended and the light has come. Awake and arise!
Chant 'Hari! Hari!' The Supreme Lord Krishna is the bestower of
liberation, the demon Mura's enemy, and Sri Radha's lover. He appears as
Hayagriva, the horse-headed Avatar."
Download / listen to the audio (2.4 Mb, 7 min)
Wed, 28 January 2015:
Srila Prabhupad's Preaching
"...At that time Srila Sridhar Maharaj decided to go to Vrindavan and do
bhajan, but when he got some akash dhvani, "What did I give you sannyas
for? For your own self?" he hurried away from Vrindavan..."
Download / listen to the audio (1.2 Mb, 4 min)
Thu, 29 January 2015: Tomorrow is Ekadashi
Three educational stories from the life of Srila Bhakti Siddhanta
Saraswati Thakur and his disciple Sripad B.D. Madhav Maharaj.
Download / listen to the audio (1.4 Mb, 5 min)
Fri, 30 January 2015: Sri Ekadashi
"It is not easy to take sannyas, but it is very easy to fall down: if you
can avoid kanak, kamini, pratistha and give them to their proprietors,
then you will have no problem and you will not fall down."
Download / listen to the audio (1.1 Mb, 4 min)
Sri Ekadashi Guidance
Guidelines on how to observe and honour this holy day: Ekadashi takes an
indispensible part in the life of a sincere practitioner. At Sri Chaitanya
Saraswat Math, Ekadashi and paran are observed with affection and without
fail according to the dates given in the Calendar.
Sat, 31 January 2015: Varaha Dvadasi, paran between
6:25 and 10:00 a.m.
Sri Ekachakra Dham:
Varaha Dvadasi (Noon arati and prasad seva)
As the day unfolds, a few hundred devotees arrive at the Math, and
are just in time for the noon arati and prasad seva.
Chanted on 30 January 2015 at Sri Ekachakra Dham, led by His Divine
Grace Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj: Vandana •
Sri Guru charana-padma •
Sri Krishna Chaitanya Prabhu daya kara more •
Ohe Vaishnava Thakura dayara sagara •
Nitai-pada-kamala •
Akrodha paramananda Nityananda Raya •
Gaurangera duti pada •
Sarvasva tomara charane sapiya •
Jaya Radha-Madhava.
Download / listen to the audio (12.2 Mb, 36 min)
Sri Ekachakra Dham:
Varaha Dvadasi (Morning)
Pictures of a chilly late winter morning at Sri Ekachakra temple of Sri
Sri Guru Gaura Nityananda on the adhivas day of Sri Nityananda Prabhu's
appearance day and Varaha Dvadasi, the appearance of Lord
Sri Nityananda Prabhu's Appearance Day: Setting the Mood
As the supremely fortunate devotees from all over India and overseas
converge at Sri Ekachakra Dham at the lotus feet of Om Vishnupad Sri Srila
Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj, the preparation for the festival is in full
joyful swing—decorating the temple, collecting the bhog (innumerous sacks
of vegetables) and fuel (a truck-full of logs), preparing the cooking
area, to name just a few. After the evening arati, His Divine Grace gives
an evening lecture preparing the devotees' hearts to celebrate the glorious day.
First part of the lecture (yesterday, 30 January), Bengali and occasional
Download / listen to the audio (5.5 Mb, 16 min)
'Out of ten million workers you will get one wise person; out of ten million
wise people you will get one liberated soul, and out of ten million liberated
souls you will get one devotee of Krishna.'